Appearance and figure have no effect at this moment. Unless someone can construct hundreds of magic arrays to fill it in just one minute, ten more saint candidates will not be able to prevent the tragedy from happening.

"Miss, let's go quickly. If we do it now, we might be able to do it before the explosion comes..."

"I said, it's not over yet!"

The girl's suddenly raised voice interrupted Narishji's exhortation.

It also caused all the noisy and restless crowd in the venue, and Anne, who was about to curse something, to fall silent at the same time.

Everyone looked at this girl in astonishment, who looked so fragile and thin from the back.

"I learned an important truth from an important person before."

The girl turned back and glanced at Narishji.

Then, little stars gradually brightened from beside her.

"The truth is..."

The bright stars connected into mysterious threads and began to construct a magic array at a jaw-dropping speed.

"When no one believes you..."

The girl pressed her hands on the hot door again, and at this moment, an even louder roar resounded.

"At least, you have to believe in yourself!"

The bright light suddenly bloomed with the buzzing, reflecting the girl's long hair flying.

Holy and proud.

Like a true saint.

151.Open the door


In the silence, someone's murmur sounded.

Those who still had the courage to stay here were staring blankly at the slender figure in front of the door, nervously watching the countless light particles gradually dispersing around her.

It was like watching a miracle happen.

It seems like a long wait.

a long time.

The girl finally took a step back and took her hands away from the door.

Countless magic threads sank into the fingertips, and the holy brilliance completely disappeared.

In the midst of everyone's attention, she first looked at the golden door with the eyes of appreciating the artwork she made, making sure that all the things that must have been a threat were removed.

Then he nodded with all his strength.

"Well, it worked."

The sound echoed.

Everyone was silent again.

Then, cheers!

It actually... really succeeded!

The candidate for the saint who had been unknown until now actually turned the tide with jaw-droppingly powerful means and put everything that should have been destroyed directly back on its original track.

Hundreds of magic arrays were constructed in just a few minutes, and based on this, the cracking progress of several other people was reconnected, and the complex blockade and mechanisms imposed on this gate were finally completely Lift.

It's a miracle.

Before this, almost no one had any expectations for her.

And most of the people who had always had expectations... almost destroyed everything with their own hands.

Everything is so dramatic...and natural.


Narishji's face was ashen, and he clenched his hands tightly, his nails digging deeply into his flesh... but he let go in despair.

He couldn't even say "Maybe it's just luck" that could help him regain his face a little bit, because after watching the scene just now at close range, he understood deeply that this result obviously came from the girl's self-consciousness. I admire the profound knowledge and the solid foundation accumulated through hard work day and night.

Everything comes from the efforts of the girl.

Hard work is irrefutable.

"It's pretty awesome."

Anne crossed her arms, and although she still looked at people with an arrogant side, her eyes were obviously more solemn, as if she was meeting the seemingly weak girl in front of her for the first time.

Although she accidentally caught a glimpse of the bulge on the girl's chest that was unparalleled in her life, her face turned ugly again.

"Amazing." Margarita also had a rare soft expression on her face and nodded with a smile.


Liya responded shyly, and just as she was about to say something, her slender body suddenly shook and she almost fell.

The miracle just now was not something that could be achieved easily. The construction of a large number of magic arrays in a short period of time, coupled with the complicated interpretation work, almost consumed all her mental energy.

It's difficult to even stand now.

Fortunately, at this moment, a pair of familiar, warm hands supported her as expected.

"Is everything okay?"

Mu En's handsome face appeared in Liya's sight, making her eyes that were dim due to excessive mental energy consumption instantly become bright and cheerful again.


She shook her head gently:

"It's just a little bit drained."

"That's good."

Mu En handed Liya a handkerchief.

"Wipe the sweat."


Liya took the handkerchief and was about to wipe her sweat when her little hand suddenly stiffened.

She raised her head, her clear and beautiful eyes constantly scanning Mu En's calm face.

"What's wrong?"

Mu En felt a little uncomfortable when she looked at him.

But Liya just pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes getting brighter and brighter.

He looked so calm and calm, as if he had already guessed this outcome.

But in fact... I didn't even know that my handkerchief was soaked with sweat.


"The gate is more difficult to crack than I thought."

Brian walked back to Freya and handed a small black ball back to her respectfully:

"But fortunately, with the help of the saint candidate, there is no need to use this."

"Thank you for your hard work, Brian."

Freya took back the small black ball, put it in her palm, and observed it carefully.

It was a creature like an eyeball, quite smart, emitting a magical glimmer.

Ancient relic, the Eye of All Knowledge.

However, it was a replica.

Because the real Eye of All Knowledge was in the hands of the Pope at the moment, used to monitor the evil god and the abyss.

But even if it was just a replica, this Eye of All Knowledge was enough to see through the structure of the golden gate.

Although seeing through the structure can only make the success rate a little higher, it was indeed the reason why she dared to pat her chest and guarantee it to Mu En before.

But I didn't expect...

"You are worthy of it, the teacher's most beloved disciple."

Freya's eyes passed over the Eye of All Knowledge, passed over the crowd, and finally fell on the delicate girl.

Her eyes were complicated.

"Do you want me to find a chance to kill her?"

Seeing this, Brian's face flashed cold.

"Do you want me to be killed here too?"

Freya glanced at Brian coldly.

Brian immediately lowered his head with a respectful look: "I dare not."

"My Brian, you are too impatient."

Freya reached out and stroked Brian's face, her expression returning to her usual holiness and gentleness:

"It's not the right time yet, and there is no need to be so anxious. Everything is still under control. All we have to do now is just wait."


Brian rubbed Freya's palm like a kitten, with a fiery enthusiasm in his eyes.

Freya smiled slightly and looked up again.


Her eyes fell on the golden gate this time.

The gentle arc at the corner of her mouth, this time, had a faint sense of inexplicable weirdness.

"Everything is not over yet, everything... has just begun."



"Oh, how long are you two going to stay here?"

Fei'er's voice suddenly interrupted, causing Leah to hurriedly get away from the warmth in shyness, like a frightened deer hiding in the depths of the jungle.

Then she pretended to fix her hair. Nothing happened, but her cheeks were still stained with a heart-warming blush.

It seems that she recovered quickly.

Facing someone's murderous eyes, Fei'er did not continue to tease the girl, but changed the subject:

"Aren't you going to open the door?"

Yes, open the door!

At this time, everyone remembered what the most important thing was at the moment. The excitement turned into eagerness to try, and the scene was in turmoil again.

But no one moved first, because according to the contract just now, the cracker has the right to open the door first.

However, being the first to open the door is not necessarily a good thing, because behind the door, it is still unknown at this moment.

"Who's coming?"

Anne looked around and found that no one answered. After thinking for a while, her eyes fell on a tall and thin figure:

"You go."


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