Narishji was stunned and pointed at himself: "Me?"

"Who are you? You are also a cracker and have this qualification!"

"but I……"

Narisji was about to say something, but Annie's cold gaze immediately shut him up.

If you are guilty, you will make meritorious service, if you are guilty, you will be meritorious...

Narishji shook his head bitterly and walked to the door silently.

In fact, it's fine. Isn't it just to open this door that everyone has spent so much effort?

Let me go first, maybe I can get some advantage!

Comforting himself in this way, Narishji gradually used his hands to push open the golden door.

152. Prisoner


The harsh sound was like the wail of decaying metal.

Driven by Narishji, the huge golden door slowly opened.

The turbid air surged out from the hoarsely opened door, bringing with it the stench and rot that had accumulated over the years. It was then purified by the margarita that had been prepared long ago, and turned into the morning breeze. , blowing slowly.

Behind the door was darkness, bottomless.

But other than that, it seems... nothing unusual?

"Is it open?"

"have what?"

"Is it safe?"

Suddenly, people were asking questions, and they all crowded in front of the door impatiently, gearing up, and looking into the door.

If they weren't bound by the contract, they might have rushed in long ago.

"Shall we go in first?"

Liya asked softly in Mu En's ear.

With the contributions she had just made, she had the right to be the first to enter the gate.

"Wait, I think something is wrong."

However, Mu En felt something was wrong inexplicably. She stood on the edge of the door and did not choose to enter.

He looked left and right, frowned and said:

"Didn't you find anything wrong?"

In the noise, some people were thoughtful, some looked solemn, but most of them showed a little disdain, feeling that Mu En was too cautious.

Mu En ignored these people, but glanced quickly, first at the golden gate, and then at the thick darkness, eager to find the source of the abnormality in his heart.

Finally, his eyes fell on Narishji.

Think of something.

"You are a magician, right?"

"Of course I'm a magician."

Narishji frowned slightly, then looked like he was looking at a fool.

Dressed in the Tower of Origin, what else could he be besides a magician?

A noble place like the Tower of Origin does not produce reckless men who only rely on strength!

"Aren't you a magician and a martial artist?" Mu En continued to ask strange questions.

"No." Narishji felt displeased, but still answered patiently for the sake of him being the candidate knight of the saint.

"Didn't you use protective magic on yourself just now?"

"Defensive magic is useful, just in case."

"What about magic that increases strength?"

"Of course not. I don't hit people with my fists. Why would I use such a move?"

"That's it, no..."

Mu En finally stopped asking questions, but raised his head, taking the majestic gate completely into his eyes, and then... showed a bitter smile:

"Since you are not a warrior, and you have not used magic to increase your strength, then as a magician with a fragile constitution, how do you... push such a large metal door?"


Silence comes.

Everyone who was about to make a move was stunned at this moment. Anne and Margarita looked at each other, with strange colors flashing in their eyes.

Narisji was stunned, his face gradually turning pale.

Yes, how did he push it?


At this moment, as if to answer his question, a low groan sounded from behind the door, in the thick darkness that was as solid as a substance.

Hoarse, like a rotten branch.

But so clear.

Immediately afterwards, the door roared suddenly. The door that was originally pushed open for only two people to enter side by side moved with a bang and opened completely, turning into a passage for everyone to move forward freely.

Complete darkness, exposed to everyone.

But no one moved forward.


Because there were footsteps in the darkness.

A dim light came on from an old lantern.

The figure wrapped in rags walked toward the crowd step by step, staggering.

It was a skinny figure, his limbs were penetrated by iron nails as long as forearms, and cold chains were wrapped around the iron nails, extending from the depths of darkness.

The chains dragged, sparks flying.


A hoarse voice flowed from the figure's throat, but through the dim lantern, everyone could clearly see that his throat was also penetrated by iron nails.

Not only his wounds but also his eyes were flowing with black blood. The hot mercury had completely corroded his eyes, and lava-like steel was poured into his ears.

Therefore, he could only cry in pain and... whine in pain. The voice was extremely sad, as if the end was coming.

"Goddess... please forgive me... forgive my sins..."

The dark wind roared, and the putrid smell filled the air from the door again, but this time it was no longer turbid air, but a highly toxic miasma.

"Back off! Back off!"

Everyone hurriedly dispersed to avoid the miasma. In the panic, they could only let the figure walk out of the darkness and outside the door.

"What on earth is this...?"

Even though they had guessed that there might be a new trap behind the gate, no one thought that what existed in the darkness was not a trap in the simple sense, but... a person, or... a prisoner.

"Goddess? He said goddess? Did he do something to blaspheme the goddess, so he was imprisoned here to guard the gate?"

"Damn it, don't say this kind of nonsense that can be seen at a glance. The question is what to do now? This kind of ghost thing is not easy to deal with at a glance!"

"No matter how much, just blast him first!"

Some grumpy magicians have begun to gather magic power and blast out this tentative attack.

Endless flames burst out here. Although it was a hasty attack, the power reached an extremely terrifying level when several people joined forces.

The tall and thin figure finally stopped, and endless pain flowed in his empty eyes, as if he was about to be swallowed by the fierce flames.

But everyone gradually discovered with horror that no matter how the flames burned, they could not even hurt the tattered robe on the prisoner.

Although it was already known that it was impossible to solve it so easily, this result was still frightening.

"Goddess... please forgive my sins... I will atone for my sins."

In the humble plea, the prisoner did not attack, but raised the lantern in his hand.

In the lantern, the flames like ghosts swayed, as if calling for something to return.

"Can't let him continue!"

A cold and sharp shout sounded, and Margarita, who intuitively sensed that something was wrong, had already launched an attack. At her side, the long sword of Paul, the descendant of the Sword King, swept away like lightning.

But someone was faster than them. In a trance, the blonde figure had teleported in front of the prisoner, and the pure white blade illuminated the gloomy face. The cold edge wrapped in the holy glow pierced the prisoner's body sharply.

One knife stabbed into the neck, and the other knife stabbed into the heart.

All are vital points.

But Mu En's face soon changed.

It's useless.

He had clearly pierced the vital points and was clearly trying his best to infuse the holy light that burned away all the filth, but the prisoner at this moment was still motionless.

He still stood with his skinny body, slightly shaking the lantern in his hand.



At this moment, everyone couldn't help but look back in fear.

Because in another darkness behind them, a heavy snort suddenly sounded.

Not just one.

But countless.

153. Demon Dog

The emotion of fear grew in everyone's heart.

Because they heard the snort, the heavy snort.

That was definitely not the sound that human breathing could make. In the few short moments when everyone held their breath involuntarily, it seemed that there were countless dilapidated bellows, roaring with all their might in the darkness.


A deeper roar came, and the sharp claws rubbed against the steel, splashing sparks, finally illuminating the true appearance of those monsters in the darkness.

That was... dogs, huge demon dogs, with sharp claws and red eyes, and a huge number of them. Each one seemed as tall as a hill, without a single hair on the body, and the strong body like a giant python was covered with scales that shone with metallic luster, making it even more ferocious.

"Is this... those statues from before?"

Someone exclaimed, remembering what these demon dogs should have looked like before.

Mu En also remembered quickly.

It was those statues!

It was the dog-shaped statues that stood quietly in the form of a square in that wide space before!


"Didn't you say that those were not mechanical puppets?"

Seville suddenly turned around and looked at Mu En, questioning with an uncontrollable tremor in his voice.

She remembered very clearly how many statues she saw in the dark at that time were...

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