That number of mechanical dolls... can't they escape the fate of being cut into pieces?

"Calm down, this is indeed not a mechanical doll."

Mu En temporarily distanced himself from the prisoner and looked back. More and more demon dogs were walking out of the darkness.

They shook their heads, walked lightly, and from time to time suddenly blew out a foul smell from their noses.

"Mechanical dolls don't breathe."

"Then this is..." Sever was stunned.

"Maybe... another good thing made by the power of the goddess."

"The power of the goddess... Wait, isn't that even worse?" Sever was shocked.


Mu En smiled bitterly, holding the hilt of the knife tightly with both hands, and there was still a trace of heat on his back.

He didn't say much, but at this moment he felt an inexplicable sense of funny.

He hadn't forgotten what his original and purest purpose was for coming to the Holy City this time.

It was not to send a letter to Teacher Mela, nor was it to close his eyes and jump into this big pit to help Leah become a saint.

Instead... after experiencing the baptism of holy light, the alchemical core on his back was completely integrated with himself, eliminating the rejection reaction that would inevitably occur in the future.

And this miracle that countless people could only dream of and almost overturned the foundation of alchemy happened right in front of him, so casually.

Transformation of life and death.

The statue, which was originally a dead object, turned into a living demon dog under the miracle, cutting off everyone's retreat!

Such luxury made Mu En jealous and couldn't help crying.



"The goddess looks very generous. Can you talk to her and ask her to share some of this power with me?"


Liya thought about it seriously, raised her face, and answered innocently:

"It seems impossible. With my current power of faith, I'm afraid the goddess won't care. When I become a saint, maybe I can try it."

"I think so..."

As more demon dogs appeared under the flickering firelight, Mu En saw that some of them were stained with scarlet blood and broken limbs. I think they were those who chose to leave early before.

On the way of evacuation, they found that the harmless statues around them turned into ferocious demon dogs. There was nowhere to escape. Mu En could already imagine the despair of those people at that time.

"But our current situation is also desperate."

Now the only way out has been cut off by those demon dogs, and they also have nowhere to escape!


Mu En turned back again and faced the skinny prisoner.

Around him, the few people closest to him obviously figured this out. It was obviously not a smart move to fight with an unknown number of activated demon dogs of unknown strength.

They only had one way to go at the moment, and that was the door behind the prisoner!

Fortunately, there was only one passage on the stairs before, and the demon dogs could not rush up for the time being. Before the demon dogs gathered enough numbers to overwhelm them in one fell swoop, it was the opportunity they had to seize!

"I can't escape, now I can only find a way to kill this ghost thing!"

Margarita did not hesitate and put some force on her toes.

Dozens of golden wedges appeared out of thin air, and countless chains turned into a net, tightly entangling the prisoner. At the same time, the lightning sounded, and the lightning that was enough to burn the demon beast into charcoal penetrated the prisoner.

But the next moment Margarita's face changed slightly. Not to mention that the lightning was useless, she felt that she was not restraining a shriveled body, but an active volcano that was about to erupt!

"Why are you all standing there? Waiting to die?" She shouted tenderly.

"I don't need you to give me orders yet!"

It was Anne who refuted her, but before the voice came, a huge black shadow suddenly pressed down!

The huge body of the weirdo Reta fell from the sky, and the hideous bone knife at least two meters long was like an ordinary toy in his hand, tearing through the air and violently slashing the prisoner's shoulder.

At the same time, a black long sword stretched out from the shadows and pointed directly at the prisoner's forehead.


The chain shook.

The prisoner was suppressed by the huge force and gradually bent his knees.

But at this moment, whether it was Anne who commanded Reta or Paul who attacked by surprise, their faces changed.

The weapon splashed sparks on the prisoner's surface, but did not even penetrate the skin.

But how is this possible? Just now, clearly...

"My knife is special."

This time, Mu En did not rush to attack, but observed for the time being and sighed:

"This ghost thing's physical strength is different from that of ordinary people, and it seems that ordinary attacks are ineffective, otherwise I would have chopped off his head just now."

Chopping off the head first, but this is a good habit that Mu En has developed when facing countless ghosts.

Although it is often useless most of the time.



Paul was about to say something, but in the sigh, Mu En heard the shaking sound of the lantern again.


The prisoner kneeling on the ground still held the lantern high, crying sadly, and the dim light flickered in the lantern.

Mu En's heart shrank, and a bad feeling arose from the bottom of his heart again.


The air suddenly trembled, and the torches on the surrounding walls shook wildly, as if they would go out at any time.

But in such chaos, darkness did not come as promised, and Mu En felt that the surroundings were brighter.

Like stars... illuminating the night!

Mu En turned his head indifferently.

Bright spots of light lit up on the demon dogs that were lingering on the edge of darkness and were not in a hurry to attack.

Bright light spots, accompanied by a chilling aura, wandered on the surface of the demon dogs, and finally... gradually gathered.

The ferocious mouths opened one after another, and the rich light was like rising suns.

"This is……"

Everyone's eyes almost popped out.

Your mother''s...magic!

Those magic dogs can actually do magic!

Moreover, it is a group magic that is extremely powerful but extremely difficult to cooperate with...

Those demon dogs didn't even try to charge in the first round, but they started casting magic directly?

At this moment, everyone's vision went dark, and they suddenly felt as if they had been beeped by a dog.

It's so outrageous...why the hell don't you just put a bunch of Gundams here? !

154. Dead things

No hesitation, no communication, no unnecessary words.

At this moment, facing those rising little suns, everyone mobilized their magic power and fighting spirit in unison, launching their strongest attacks against the charged devil dogs.

If they stay dumbfounded and let those demon dogs really release this terrifying combined magic, even if they can barely resist it, after resisting, they may not be able to face the impact of other demon dogs again.

The number of demon dogs is too huge, and only some of them are releasing magic now. In the darkness behind, more demon dogs are being added continuously.

When faced with an enemy that far outnumbers oneself, once one chooses to retreat, it is equivalent to actively becoming a piece of fish on the chopping board and letting it be slaughtered.

Therefore, an active attack is definitely a better choice than a passive defense.

Only in this way can we have a chance of victory!

In an instant, endless magic and fighting spirit surged up, and the gorgeous magic and martial arts rose up, overwhelming the light of those little suns and evolving into a scorching torrent of destruction.

The earth's fire spewed out, the thunder exploded, the wind howled, and the ice fell like rain.

Amidst the roar, countless brilliant streams of light tore through the darkness and completely enveloped those demonic dogs.

Mu En, who turned his head, only felt a stinging pain in his eyes. He could only vaguely see a large number of demon dogs being torn apart in the torrent of destruction, but there were still fish that slipped through the net and successfully cast their magic. The light flow collided with the light flow, and the entire space was destroyed. It was like experiencing a happy visit between a little boy and a fat man.

Mu En, who was not good at magic and powerful moves, did not rush forward and chop with a knife, but he also casually threw out a lot of the powerful magic props he had purchased before.

At this time, no one can hide anything, and to him, those props are not a big deal.

"It's a pity that the previous storage ring was lost."

Mu En couldn't help but sigh softly.

Otherwise, with the new military magic cannons and alchemy bombs I put inside, as long as they are aimed at the only stairway entrance with a saturation strike, if this space is strong enough, no matter what, they can force those magic dogs for at least ten minutes. There was no way to rush in.

"That should hold off for a while."

Mayfair kicked away the flying remains of the demon dog, her eyes flickering as she calculated the damage to the demon dog.

"Approximately how long can it be delayed? Be precise."

Anne looked gloomy.

In the chaos just now, several people were also hit by the light stream emitted by the demon dog, which triggered the teleportation scroll to be eliminated. The next wave of attacks may be even harder to resist.

"Three minutes." Mayfair spit out a number.

"Even shorter."

Margarita added:

"Although those demon dogs are alive, they are not real living creatures after all. Let's not say whether they feel pain, but after my observation, they definitely have no such thing as fear."

The expressions of the others changed.

They didn't notice this problem just now, but it was obvious that this was extremely bad for the situation at this moment.

"In other words, we have to find a way to solve this ghost thing in three minutes, or even less?"

Mu En looked at the prisoner who was swaying and standing up from the ground, and sighed softly:

"It sounds a bit overwhelming."

Although the two rounds of attacks just now did test out some of the characteristics of this ghost, they actually made people feel extremely difficult.

The attack is useless, it is extremely hard and difficult to penetrate with swords and guns. Even if it successfully hits the vital point, it seems to have no effect on him at all.

Doesn't look like a person, more like...

"Alchemy tools."

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded like a spring breeze. Freya, with a holy expression, and Brian, who had not merged into the shadow anymore, came to Mu En at some point and said softly:

"This person has indeed been turned into an alchemy tool."

"I thought you were going to be watching for a while."

Mu En glanced at Freya expressionlessly.

"Mr. Moon always has such a big prejudice against me. It's really sad."

Freya looked pitiful, "I'm not lazy."


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