Time was running out, and Mu En didn't have time to tell her anything else, so he asked straight to the point:

"What do you mean by the alchemy tools you just mentioned?"

"That's literally what it means."

Freya took out the eyeball-shaped ball, a replica of the Eye of All Knowledge, pointed it at the prisoner, and shook it gently.

In an instant, countless golden runes appeared on the prisoner's body, moving back and forth like densely packed tadpoles.

And with the appearance of those golden tadpoles, Annie's expression suddenly changed. It was the first time for this proud Loli to lose her composure:

"It's really alchemy?"


Mu En asked with a frown.

"Of course it's incredible!"

Annie's eyes flickered, as if all three views were impacted:

"This is alchemy! It is essentially the mutual transformation of matter! But the transformation of life and death is not among them! This involves the fundamentals of alchemy..."

"Don't forget, those devil dogs."

Mu En suddenly said leisurely.


Annie was stunned, opened her mouth, but could no longer say the next words.

Everything in front of me is indeed extremely incredible.

But the power of the gods is so unreasonable.

Easily changing some of the rules people believe in is nothing more than overturning them.

"The prisoner in front of me has completely turned into an alchemy tool. From what happened just now, it seems that he is one with those demon dogs. To put it simply, he is the switch that controls those demon dogs."

Freya played with the fake Eye of All Knowledge in her hand and said:

"In short, we can't get around this thing no matter what, we can only deal with it head-on."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, I just want to know if there is a way?"

The demon dogs have launched another attack. Although everyone tried their best to stop them, the difference in numbers is not even a slight difference. Some demon dogs have already crossed the defensive line and rushed towards the few people in front of the door.

Mayfair waved her hand, and a huge black snake appeared out of thin air and swallowed the devil dog in one gulp.

"There is no time for delay."

Everyone was silent, all lost in thought.

Freya said nothing more.

Knowing the nature of the ghost in front of him did not make the current situation any better, and even made it more troublesome.

If the enemy can be killed directly, how can it be solved with a simple prop?


Suddenly, Liya, who had not spoken since the beginning, suddenly pulled the corner of La Muen's clothes. She seemed to have discovered something:

"Those monsters."


"Don't you think Mu En? This person...is very similar to those twisted monsters we met before."


Mu En was stunned.

Although the prisoner in front of him looked extremely miserable, he felt that this kind of thing could not be equated with the previous monsters at all.

Obviously two things.

"No, it's the same. The feeling of the soul is the same."

Liya stared directly at the prisoner and said to herself:

"It's very painful, very painful. His soul is crying in pain like the monsters we met before. Don't you hear it? He is asking for help. Just like the previous souls, he is also asking for help."

"Liya, what exactly do you want to say?"


Liya raised her voice:

"The way we dealt with those monsters before was to purify and purify the soul!"

"Purify the soul..."

Mu En frowned:

"But... when we faced those monsters before, didn't we have to kill them before they can be purified?"

The problem now is that the ghost thing in front of me is useless even in attacking, which is really a headache...

"Why kill?"

Liya looked into Mu En's eyes and suddenly said:

"Isn't he... already dead?"

155. Join forces to suppress

Why kill?

Isn't he already dead?

Facing Liya's rhetorical question, Mu En was instinctively stunned.

At first glance, what Liya said seemed like nonsense.

But out of trust for the girl, Mu En thought quickly in this direction and reacted quickly.

Yes, why are you still thinking about killing the prisoner in front of you?

The transition between life and death, the transition between life and death.

Under the authority of the goddess, the dead statue became a living demon dog.

The prisoner in front of him was exactly the opposite, transformed from a living creature into a lifeless alchemical item!

He was already dead, so there was no need to kill him again!

"In other words, can it be purified directly?"

Mu En suddenly turned around and stared at Liya, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Well, in theory it is possible. After all, his soul is now forcibly imprisoned in this alchemy item. Souls that are not compatible with each other can be directly purified."

Liya nodded vigorously, and then said hesitantly:



"But... during the purification process, at least someone needs to be able to suppress him."

Freya on the side took over the conversation with a smile, as if because of what Liya just said, she also figured out the connection.

"Is it right?"

Mu En ignored Freya and just looked at Liya quietly.

"She's right."

Liya secretly glanced at Mu En with her big watery eyes, and said a little embarrassedly:

"After all, purification is a fragile technique. Even if it is a dead object, if he resists, he cannot perform it."


The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched slightly, and his heart seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and most of his joy was directly dissipated.

It is not that simple.

He silently rushed to look at the prisoner.

Under the insight of the replica of the Eye of All Knowledge, the prisoner's true nature was fully revealed to everyone, but this behavior seemed to have also angered him. While shedding sad tears, the prisoner who had been suppressed for a short time just now had slowly stood up again.

The lantern swayed, the miasma swept, accompanied by hoarse crying, and the tattered clothes wrapped around the prisoner's body were like a soul flag to summon the soul.

The terrible aura spread over him, silently announcing to everyone that he was not just an emotionless demon dog operating a switch.

"From the aura, he was at least a fifth-level warrior before he was transformed into an alchemical item."

Five-level, plus the characteristics of alchemical items, it is not easy to suppress, and suppress completely immobile.

The difficulty is probably equivalent to riding a giant dragon and doing whatever you want... It is more likely that you will be ridden and do whatever you want.


Liya rubbed the hem of her skirt with some self-blame.

If her purification technique was a little more powerful and would not be disturbed, it would not be...

"It has nothing to do with you."

Mu En couldn't help but touch her cute little head:

"You are already very powerful, much more powerful than the other guys who can only slack off so far."

"Who do you say is the guy who can only slack off!"

Annie hugged her open little chest, and her thin eyebrows were raised high.

This guy, what he said is really annoying!

Although the other candidates for saints and knights did not say anything, they also silently cast meaningful glances.

Mu En, however, seemed to have not seen it. He just held Elizabeth tightly again and chuckled:

"Everyone, you have heard what Liya said just now. Now is not the time to hide your secrets. Hurry up and take out all the things you have in your bottom box."

Mu En does not believe that the candidates for the saints who were selected by the church and stood here, as well as the geniuses who were carefully selected for that position, only have the ability they just had.

In other words, the desperate situation in front of us is itself a part of the church's test.

And as long as it is a test, it is impossible to really make people completely despair.

"Mr. Mu En is right. Since we already know the solution, we must do our best."

Freya took the lead and stood up. The smile on her face was still holy and gentle, which made many people who panicked in the siege of the demon dogs feel much more at ease, as if they had found their backbone.

"My reaction was a little slow just now, which seemed to make Mr. Mu En angry. This time, let me show it first."

Freya's eyes showed an elusive look, and suddenly stretched out her delicate hand and pointed at the prisoner.

In an instant, the Eye of All-Knowledge, which reflected the prisoner's true self, moved to the top of the prisoner's head and then spun rapidly.

Fine lines quickly emerged on this eyeball-shaped object, and dazzling golden light penetrated from the lines. Then, infinite light and heat burst out from the inside of the Eye of All-Knowledge at the same time!

Under the scorching pressure, the prisoner who had just stood up showed signs of bending his knees again.


Freya actually chose to explode this precious ancient relic without any regrets!

"It's just a replica."

Freya's mouth curled slightly, and she called softly:



An eager response came from the shadow.

The pale man emerged from the shadow, his hands facing the ground, and pressed hard. The darkness under his feet suddenly spread and turned into a quagmire, swallowing the prisoner's feet.

The prisoner's body swayed, as if he was being swallowed by the black swamp, and the lantern also shook more violently than ever before.

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