
At this moment, the prisoner's screams became more and more tragic, but in his empty eyes, there seemed to be flickering flames rising at this moment.

That's a raging fire!

Brian's body trembled, and he felt a huge shock that made him almost unable to stand.

But he clenched his teeth, dragging the angry prisoner to the bottom.

"Shadow magic?"

Fei'er showed an interested look: "There's something."

"Now is not the time for sarcastic remarks."

Veins popped in Brian's forehead.

"I can't hold it anymore!"

"Come on, come on, impatient men are not lovable."

Mayfair stretched, and the loose magician's robe could not cover up the beautiful figure that made Anne's expression ugly.

She took out a large wand that was taller than a human, and without chanting, she just pointed it towards the prisoner.

Huge magic surged, and in an instant, the prisoner's body made the sound of countless bones rubbing against each other, and his entire body sank by less than half in an instant.

Gravity magic!

Everyone was surprised. Just now, Feier summoned the giant snake. They thought she was a magician from the summoning school, but they didn't expect that she could use such a powerful magic easily.

"A hundred times the gravity magic should be able to stop him from moving for a while. Little Leilei, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Don't call me little Lei Lei!"

The adventurer known as the Thunder Spear had his eyebrows raised, and his figure had already jumped out like a tiger. The black spear penetrated like thunder, and with an unparalleled posture, it suddenly hit the prisoner's shoulder.


The prisoner's body shook violently, and the tadpole-like golden runes on his body shone brightly. Huge power spurted out from this skinny body in a completely unreasonable manner, almost tearing apart the darkness at the soles of his feet.

The thunder gun on his shoulder and the sheen of magic around him seemed to be crumbling under this power.



But just as he was about to break free from the shackles of these powerful forces, two other figures, one large and one small, had already bullied him without giving him any chance to breathe.


"The stream of divine will, Duan Xue!"

The offensive that seemed to tear open the space came as promised, and before the terrifying power on the prisoner had time to explode, he was forced back.

The prisoner staggered for a while, and with the joint efforts of several people, his figure was gradually lowered and he knelt on the ground again.

"Less than ten seconds."

Mu En took out his pocket watch, glanced at it casually, and sighed:

"As expected of the high-quality elites of mankind, they are really amazing."

156. You are not allowed to lick a dog...

At this moment, in this spacious underground space, the flames used for lighting on the surrounding walls have all been extinguished in the turbulent current.

But darkness did not fall completely. On the contrary, under the countless surging magic tides, the entire space seemed to be in an exquisite glass container, dyed with a glass-like color.

It's beautiful, but it also seems to have a desolate murderous intent.

"Quick, make up your position, don't let these ghosts rush in!"

"On the left, the defense line on the left has been broken. Where are the warriors? Where are the warriors? Can you fools give me some help?"

"Damn it, you weaklings who only dare to hide behind and use magic, don't scream, labor and management don't have four hands, it's too busy!"

Amid the chaos and noise, blood splattered.

After several rounds of magic bombing, the large number of demon dogs finally launched an overwhelming physical offensive.

The densely packed demon dogs charge towards me, reminding me of those creepy and terrifying insect swarms in some fantasy novels.

Even those who are qualified to gather here are all talented elites who are considered beloved by all forces. With such a terrifying number, they can only barely organize a defense line and struggle to support it.

"This can't go on like this!"

Sewell chopped off the head of a demon dog with a sword, his face turned pale.

Not only can these demon dogs use magic, but the most terrifying thing is that even if they are transformed into living creatures under the power of the gods, their bodies still retain the characteristics of metal.

My hands are numb.

The magic sword was also cracked with undetectable cracks.

If this continues, let alone three minutes, I won't be able to hold on for even one more minute.

"Why do you feel like these demon dogs are specially made for warriors?"

Xavier gritted his teeth.

The hard metal bodies of those demon dogs are like bones that can break teeth for warriors who are good at hand-to-hand combat. No matter how strong their bodies are, they will always appear a little softer when fencing with a pile of metal.

In comparison, long-range magicians are much more calm and useful.

Thinking of this, Sevier couldn't help but tremble with anger. How come such a broken place is specifically targeted at warriors? What happened to warriors? Can't warriors stand up?

Reckless warriors also have basic human rights!


A blond figure flashed in Sevier's mind...

He is also a warrior, and he is so handsome. Although he is an enemy, and although he has to submit to him, he is so handsome, so a warrior is actually...


While Sewell was thinking about it, a cry of pain suddenly came from beside her, pulling her back from her brief distraction.

Turning around, she saw next to her a man whose face was paler than her well-maintained face. He seemed to have been affected by the attack not far away, and he sat down on the ground.


Sewell frowned and angrily said:

"If you don't go to help, what are you doing?"

He temporarily retreated to recuperate due to the repercussions of the attack, but there was no such thing as a magician's repercussions, and although the attack by the demon dog just now was scary, it would not exhaust his magic power so quickly.

Appearing in this location, want to escape?

"I...I can't, I can't help it."

The man sat on the ground and waved his hands with a bitter look on his face:

"My magic has no effect on those ghosts."

"no effect?"

Xavier was stunned for a moment before he noticed the badge on the man's chest.

"Illusion school?"


That man... Elager nodded with a wry smile:

"It would be fine if those things were ordinary magical beasts, but they don't even have the most basic intelligence. They completely operate according to a certain program. My illusions are useless at all."

"I see."

Sewell suddenly realized it, and then curled his lips in disdain.

"Even if the magic doesn't work, I don't believe you don't have anything special, do you? As a magician of the Tower of Origin, you don't even have a backup plan?"

"I...of course I do, but..."

Elager looked bitter and lowered his head dejectedly:

"But... no... it won't work. We are finished. This is a trap in itself. We will only be trapped and die here. Instead of suffering, we might as well just tear up the scroll and teleport it out.

Right...just teleport it out. "


Sewell's eyes widened: "Waste! You give up without trying? Are you still the genius of the Tower of Origin?"

"Haha... What kind of genius am I? I am defeated in the field that I am best at. I am useless in this situation. I can only watch others being teleported away. What kind of genius am I?"

Thinking of his companion who was attacked by a demon dog just to protect himself, Elager's eyes were already slightly red.

His originally strong self-confidence had been shattered by a series of events.

"You guy..."

Sewell spat disdainfully and said:

"What does it mean to be defeated by others? What does it mean if your companions are eliminated? Do you think you are the only one who has experienced this kind of thing?"

See if it's the same for you. All your companions have been eliminated and you are the only one left.

Not only that, but he must humiliate himself by following the enemies of the college and the country!

If that man hadn't been so handsome... Oh no, if he hadn't been unwilling, how could he have endured this humiliation?

But he never gave up. One day, he would defeat that big-breasted woman and get the frequency of the sound transmission stone... Oh no, it was to regain face for the college and the country!

Thinking of this, Sewell's heart suddenly surged with pride, and he couldn't help but yelled at the man in front of him:

"Are you really willing? After so much experience, so much pain, and finally getting here, are you really willing to give up like this?"


Elager was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his expression became complicated.

"Yes, am I willing?"

"I am the hope of reviving the illusion school, and I am the teacher's most proud and proud student."

“And, most importantly, I’ve worked so hard to get here.”

"I am... but..."

He seemed to remember something, closed his eyes tightly, and his body began to tremble.

In order to move forward, I was forced to do even that kind of thing.

So, how can you give up?

Elager opened his eyes, with burning brilliance blooming in his eyes:

"Yes, you can't give up!"

"Have you figured it out?"

Sewell's eyes lit up.

"That's right, I figured it out, I can't give up, I still have a trick!"


"Yes, a great trick to keep the bottom of the box!"

Elager stood up suddenly and took out something from his arms.

"My goddess gave me a trick!"


Which goddess is he also a believer of?

Sewell's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but cast an expectant look at the thing in Elager's hand.

Then, his face suddenly stiffened.

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