"This...was given to you by your goddess?"

At this moment, Sewell understood that this goddess was not that goddess, turned his neck stiffly, and asked.


Elager nodded vigorously and said movedly:

"This is what I gave to my goddess after I confessed my love to my goddess for the 174th time in order to get rid of being single. She must have been moved by me. This represents our love!"

"I thought before that as long as I shine in this trial, I will go back and marry the goddess!"

"But there is no other way. At this time, even if it represents our love, I have to use it. Forgive me, my goddess!"

As he spoke, Elager threw the thing over his head.

Sewell watched the thing fly out of Elager's hand with a numb face, and couldn't help but... cursed.

"Are you... really sure that this is your goddess's love for you?"

Of course she recognized the thing.

Heart of destruction.

The famous alchemy items circulating on the black market are extremely powerful and easy to use, so they are extremely precious. Generally, few people can afford them, let alone give them away.

However, it is also one of the top items on the contraband list of various countries.

As for the reason... you can tell by its name. Once this thing is activated, it will bring complete destruction to the surroundings.

No distinction is made between friend and foe.

Therefore, it is also a famous user killer. Its most well-known use is to pull the enemy to death together when there is no other way out.

And the goddess in his mouth actually gave him this kind of thing. The meaning... is self-evident.

Damn it, you can’t be a licker.

Sewell closed his eyes, and then, a violent explosion swept over him.

A few seconds later, Serwell, who barely escaped being sent away by a wave of smoke, struggled to crawl out of the smoke. Looking at the blond figure not far away, he couldn't help but burst into tears before he could vent his pride.

"Mr. Mu En, it's up to you."

"Okay, that's enough."

Feeling the strong wind caused by the explosion behind him, Mu En looked at the scene of several people jointly suppressing the prisoners not far away, casually closed his pocket watch and smiled.

"It's time for me to take action."

157. Crushed to death

"Ah...goddess...please forgive...forgive the sinner..."

After the loud noise, the entire space suddenly became quiet.

So the sad cry was particularly clear.

It's like crying at the end of the soul, like the cry of countless pain, like... the desperate, dead, hoarse song in a long time.

In this hoarse singing voice, the tadpole-like golden lines on this skinny body lit up like never before.

As if unwilling to be oppressed, he... resisted!


The prisoner, who was suppressed by gravity magic and shadow magic, made harsh friction sounds from his bones and joints. Under the solemn gazes of everyone, he stood upright again little by little.

The lantern swayed, the lights flickered, and in the eyes blinded by the boiling mercury, dark blood and tears were still flowing.

The fetid miasma wind blew his tattered robes, and terrifying power like a volcano erupted!


The prisoner's skinny body shook, and Paul's hands trembled. He felt a powerful counter-shock force coming from his palms, and he could hardly hold the sword hilt tightly.

"Isn't it really that easy to successfully suppress this ghost thing?"

Paul rarely put away his frivolous expression and his face darkened.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye and realized that not only him, but also the adventurer Thunder Gun and the weirdo Thunder Tower who launched the attack with him, all retreated slightly under the strong counterattack of the prisoners.

It doesn't seem like a big deal to retreat slightly, but they are not simple people who just launched an attack together.

A mysterious woman who is well-known in the Adventurers Association, but whose real name is unknown and is only known as Thunder Spear.

The war monster thunder tower carefully crafted by the Stone Cauldron Association.

The magician Faile is highly regarded in the Tower of Origin. Even if she fails to compete for the position of Saint, she can still go back and continue to study advanced magic.

The extremely famous saint candidate, Freya, and the knight beside her who cannot be ignored, are reported to be a powerful warrior, but can actually use the extremely rare shadow magic.

And, as the successor of the Sword King, myself.

Under the powerful offensive of five people, the skinny prisoner in front of him, who looked like a stick and would easily fall if blown by the wind, was only suppressed for a short time.

But this kind of suppression is far from enough.

If you want to be able to safely purify the ghost in front of you, you must make him completely unable to resist or move.

But to make a person completely unable to resist and move is, in a sense, more difficult than killing him directly.

Maybe that's why he was turned into an alchemical item.

"This can't go on like this."

Seeing that her knight was slightly deflated and that the prisoner still had room to resist, Margarita's eyes flickered slightly.

"You mean they can't suppress it?"

Anne also looked gloomy. She did not take action directly because Leita needed her direct control to a certain extent in order to exert its maximum combat power in a short period of time.

"No, I can suppress it, but that's not the problem."

Margarita said.

Although several people were temporarily forced to retreat, they were only forced to retreat.

The prisoner was turned into an alchemical item, possessing the terrifying toughness of being invulnerable to invulnerability and magic, but precisely because of this, he had no means of attack.

So from now on, he has only been resisting unilaterally.

This kind of resistance must be in vain. Margarita has great confidence in her knights and several other opponents who cannot be underestimated.

But the only problem is...

"Time...seems like there isn't enough time."

Margarita sighed.

The movements of these people were very fast. It only took ten seconds from taking action to initially suppressing them.

But the prisoner's level of resistance was beyond her expectations.

If this continues, it will probably take at least another minute or so to completely suppress the prisoner again.

One minute……

Margarita glanced out of the corner of her eye, her mouth twitching.

There should have been enough time, but some great cleverness actually threw out something like the Heart of Destruction that could not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

While sending a large number of demon dogs into the sky, they also blasted a gap in their own defense line.

A large number of demon dogs can be replenished in time, but where can we find people to replenish the defense line?

So I'm afraid that in less than half a minute, those demon dogs will rush in front of me and others.

It's really troublesome.

"It seems it's my turn to take action."

Looking at the scenes in the field, Mu En took back his pocket watch, and a happy picture appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Things don't look good.

However, it just seems that with the abilities of those people, they are far from being desperate.

After all, none of the saint candidates have really taken action yet.


"After all, I'm the one who said that everyone should show their true abilities. You can't just watch."

Then rush up and chop twice casually, pretending to touch the fish.

There is no need to spend more time in a place like this...


At this moment, Mu En turned around, looked at Liya, and said doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"


Liya, who stretched out her hand again and pulled the corner of Mu En's clothes, bit her pink lips, with a cute and hesitant expression on her face, and said hesitantly:

"Mu En just gave me a chance to show off on purpose."

"Didn't you take the initiative to stand up?" Mu En smiled.

"No, if it weren't for Mu En..."

Liya shook her head vigorously and then said:

"So...so, I also want to see Mu En's dazzling appearance."


Mu En was stunned, "Why?"

"Because... what they said about Mu En before, although I didn't say anything, in fact... I was very unhappy." Liya said seriously.

Mu En quickly realized that Liya was talking about the things that others called him a soft persimmon pretty boy.

It turns out that Liya was angry because of such a trivial matter.

For some reason, Mu En suddenly felt happy.

"are you sure?"

Mu En looked into Liya's eyes and asked seriously.


Liya looked at each other without any timidity, and at the same time, she straightened her back.

"Before, I might not like it very much, or even be a little scared, but now... I'm very powerful, so..."

I want everyone to know that my knight is the most powerful.

"That's it."

Mu En didn't ask Liya what she didn't like or what she was afraid of before, but just looked at her quietly.

He suddenly wanted to hug this girl who was weak on the outside but strong on the inside and the most adorable girl in the world.

But he didn't hold her in his arms.

He just took her cute little hand and kissed the back of her hand gently.

"As you wish, my lord."

He said:

"In five seconds, I will bring you victory."

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