"If that's the case, why doesn't that damn Huang Mao take action?"

Annie raised her brows and said coldly, seeming to be still worried about what Mu En said before about her being a dead steel:

"He is the one who makes people show their true abilities, but now he is just watching the show?"

"Or is it because he knows it will be useless if he takes action?"

Margarita deadpanned.

Now is indeed the straw that needs to break the camel's back as soon as possible.

But if you want to overwhelm it in a short time...

Margarita thought back to Mu En's attack method just now... He seemed to be the same speed skill type as Paul.

Although his sword looks weird, it doesn't seem to have much effect in suppressing the enemy in a short period of time.

Facing a smelly, hard, stone-like alchemy item, no skills will be of much use... This is why Paul was frustrated just now.

"Then what should we do, time is limited, just watch like this?" Annie asked.

"It's better not to say such things."

Margarita turned her head and smiled half-heartedly:

"You don't seem to be serious yet."

"Each other."

Annie crossed her arms and smiled coldly, which meant a lot.

The two looked at each other, as if they suddenly had a tacit understanding, and took a step forward at the same time.

At this moment, the same picture coincidentally appeared in their minds, which was the scene where Liya successfully turned the tide and opened the door under the spotlight.

"We are both candidates for sainthood, so we can't let her get the limelight by herself."

The two of them moved forward again, confidence shining in their eyes...


But suddenly, they heard a frivolous whistle.

A blond figure quickly passed by them and glanced at a certain part of their body.

"Four Aces? So big?"

The blond figure held two knives in his hands and disappeared quickly, leaving only a sentence that left them confused in the wind:

"But I'm sorry, I crushed you."

158. Five Seconds of Real Man

"Four Aces?"

The moment the wind blew by, both Margarita and Anne were stunned for a moment.


What four aces?

They rarely come into contact with vulgar things used for gambling, so they didn't realize the meaning of Mu En's words for a moment.

The two people, who were still filled with pride until just now, glanced at each other subconsciously, then lowered their gazes and saw each other's...

Well, younger than me.

This feeling of relief appeared in their minds at the same time, but soon the smile on their lips froze.

"Five seconds, I feel like I've blown my head a little too far."

The scene of several people struggling to suppress the prisoners was reflected in the deep blue eyes, and Mu En couldn't help but let out a long sigh in her heart.

Just now my forehead felt hot, so I was boasting about this kind of thing.

Obviously showing off in front of others is not something he likes to do. If possible, he still likes to remain as low-key as ever.

Although he is as handsome as he is, it is difficult to remain completely low-key.

"But... keeping one's word is an essential quality of a good knight."

Mu En held both swords in his hands. At this moment, he could clearly feel the lively and excited hum coming from Elizabeth.

Dou Qi and magic power quickly swam through the limbs and bones. At the same time, the alchemy core behind him also instantly heard the scorching hum of full operation.

The first second.


They also knew that time was running out and were trying to suppress the prisoners as quickly as possible. Except for Lei Ta, who was not very smart, their expressions changed slightly involuntarily.

Because in a trance, they seemed to hear the grand and ethereal bell ringing from the distance in the endless void.

Then, a blond figure suddenly broke into their sight before their warning arrived.

Along with it, there was a sound of thunder.

Weird thunder.

It was like the sound of thunder was sealed in a container that could retain sound, and then played back after being slowed down dozens of times. The slow thunder sounds were one after another, constantly superimposed on each other.

At the same time, another normal deep male voice appeared in several people's ears at a very fast speed.

"Attack together and try our best to suppress."

Second second.

The unshaven Paul's eyes lit up, and he was the first to react. He had no choice but to use short attacks to attack long, and use his brute force moves that even Margarita couldn't beat. Suddenly, the sharp sword energy wrapped around the black long sword. On top of the sword.

"The flow of divine will·Wutian."

The sword light cut through the darkness and splashed dazzling sparks on the prisoner's body.

The high-quality alchemy sword did not break through the prisoner's extremely tough body, but under Paul's superb skills, the prisoner's body suddenly swayed.

Slightly off balance.

At the same time, the howling wind almost ripped open people's eardrums, and a long spear swept down hard, pressing down on the prisoner's shoulder.

The thunder gun with short short hair fluttering in the strong wind has an expressionless face, her long sleeves are bulging, and the spear is slightly bent in her seemingly slender palm, bursting out with unimaginable terrifying power.


One of the prisoner's knees suddenly bent as if it could not bear the force.

The third second.


The terrifying hill-like figure roared like a beast, and a large amount of hot steam spurted out from the vents on the mechanical arm of the weirdo named Leita.

The bone knife, taller than a person, was like a child's toy in his hand. When the bone knife fell, everyone felt that the whole ground seemed to shake.


The second knee also bent suddenly, and the prisoner knelt on the ground again.

Almost at the same time, the gravity magic and shadow magic applied to the prisoner seemed to increase their strength instantly.

The lantern shook violently, and the prisoner's body suddenly weighed a thousand pounds. The black shadow swallowed his body like a swamp. The huge suction and gravity bound his body, making it bend and crawl a little bit...

The fourth second.

"Please... forgive me..."

The prisoner's empty eye sockets ignited the angry flames again, and the smelly miasma swept across, turning into a fluttering cloak.

Countless tadpole-like golden runes trembled violently, and quickly swam on the surface of the skinny body.

Dingling dingling.

The lantern was slowly raised again, accompanied by the teeth-grinding sound of joint friction. This prisoner, who was like dry firewood and was about to collapse in the storm, actually supported himself again... and stood up.

It was heart-wrenching.


Paul frowned rarely.

If this goes on, it will just be a replay of what happened just now.

This ghost thing is more resistant than he thought. With the current few people, it can indeed be suppressed in the end, but the problem is that there is not enough time.

Time, time, the most important thing is time... What are the others doing, watching the show? And that Brian, he is obviously a warrior, why has he only used magic since just now? Obviously, in this situation, warriors are more effective than magicians...

Paul's brain was working fast, and then he suddenly remembered.

It was the son of the Duke who asked them to launch an attack together, and then, what was he doing?


The next moment, thunder roared.

The fifth second.

Those thunders that were condensed, squeezed, and extended countless times in these several seconds were suddenly released at this moment.

Although countless magical torrents were still glowing and emitting heat, the surrounding space seemed to have become dim.

At this moment, everyone's slightly dull eyes were lit up.

A flash of knife light.

It seemed that the world was left with only knife light.


The blade rang, and the dazzling knife light, like a galaxy hanging down, instantly slashed on the prisoner's body.

Sixty times time delay.

Twenty folds.

Five seconds of charging.

One knife.


The prisoner's body bent instantly. He was already under the terrible suppression of several people, and Mu En's knife was like the last weight that overturned the camel, making him finally... crawl to the ground completely.

Just in time, five seconds were over.

After one knife, Mu En nailed the two knives into the prisoner's palm and stepped on the prisoner's head.

The wild wind blew his short golden hair, and at this moment, he looked gentle.


He called softly.

Then, the holy light lit up at the same time.

When everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, and everyone was a little bit unbelieving that the scene in front of them would happen so quickly, the holy light had already been ready and rose up without any delay.

She believed him.

Just as he believed her.

So he said five seconds.

Then after five seconds, the purifying light will come.


The holy light fell on the prisoner.

Liya clasped her hands together and prayed to the goddess devoutly.

"Ah... Goddess..."

The prisoner also trembled violently and painfully, and let out a hoarse roar from his throat.

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