"Goddess... forgive me..."

"Forgive the sinner..."


He kept repeating his murmurs and wanted to resist, but there seemed to be a misty shadow in his thin body that was constantly struggling.

As Liya said, the soul imprisoned in it is longing for redemption.




Under the holy light, the shadow finally walked out of the dead body, came to Liya, and slowly knelt down.


There seemed to be crystal tears flowing on that face that could not be seen clearly.

Like relief.

"Thank you...and..."

Before the shadow disappeared, he murmured in a voice as vague as sleep:

"Be careful...nv"

Another ray of light was added to Liya's crystal.

159. Where?

After the souls among the prisoners were purified, the light in the lantern in his hand quickly dimmed.

All the demon dogs suddenly lost their movement, as if they had turned into statues again.

"it's over?"

Someone was so frightened that he took the magic wand in his hand and carefully stabbed the devil dog.

No response.

I didn’t feel the flow of magic either.

Really stopped moving.

It's really...over.

"Survived... survived!"

Many people seemed to have lost their strength and sat slumped on the ground, showing the joy of surviving a disaster.

After experiencing a fierce battle on the verge of death and a desperate predicament, the cruel scene of the companions being torn off large pieces of flesh and even limbs by the ferocious devil dogs before being teleported out.

And...the damn pig teammates.

Those who can still be here at this moment are all ecstatic, and even almost shed tears of excitement.


A dark figure suddenly stood up like a carp and cheered happily.

"It's over, no need to be eliminated, my sacrifice is effective! Long live the goddess!"

"It's so effective!"

Next to him, Sewell, whose eyebrows were almost burned off by the explosion just now, was holding his sword tremblingly, wishing he could just stab his pig teammate to death. The people next to him also looked a little unkind:

"Asshole, you almost killed everyone, you know that?"


Elager, who survived the disaster, scratched his cheek, his eyes flashed, and then he smiled shyly:

"The result is not good."

Sewell rolled his eyes and ignored this waste. Instead, he quickly turned his gaze to the blond figure at the center of the stage.

Fall into obsession.

Sure enough, he is really handsome.

If only I could...

Thinking of this, Sewell suddenly bit his lip.

He was handsome, but the cute and cute girl with big breasts next to him looked like an eyesore.

But it also matches well with that handsome and handsome man.

However, since Liya wants to be a saint, she should still have a chance.

"Tsk, tsk, you are indeed not simple, son of a duke."

As soon as Mu En got off the prisoner, the unshaven swordsman Paul came over with a familiar look and put his arm around Mu En's shoulders with a smile:

"From the first time I met you, I knew you were definitely not simple. You look thin and tender, but you feel like a resting lion. My intuition is not wrong. What, you killed me last night? How many monsters were killed?

Don't tell me three or five, I don't believe it. "


Mu En glanced at him and said.


"There are actually eleven, and I only have nine."

Paul's eyes lit up, "Let's talk later if you're interested..."



Before Paul could finish speaking, he was interrupted by two angry voices.

He turned his head in confusion and found that it was his saint candidate Margarita and Anne beside him. They looked furious and gave orders directly to their knights:

"Kill him for me!"


Paul was stunned.

He is still rational, so it is naturally impossible for him to take action.

But Reta, who was completely obedient to Anne, had already roared, bang-dong-dong, left footprints on the ground, and rushed over.

Ignoring Leita for the time being, Paul looked at Mu En with a strange expression:

"Did you just do something?"

"No, I was praising them just now."



Mu En said seriously:

"I said they are big."

"What did you say?" Paul asked curiously.

"Four Aces."

Mu En said calmly:

"You look like you play cards too, isn't that big enough?"

Paul: "..."

It's quite big.

But this usage...

Paul patted Mu En's shoulder with admiration and gave a thumbs up:

"Awesome, after this trial is over, we may be able to become friends."

After hearing these words, Anne's face instantly twisted, and Margarita's deep and noble face also darkened in a terrifying way.

Paul returned to Margarita dejectedly, trying to rub her shoulders with an apologetic smile, but was slapped away with great disgust.

As for Leita, when he was still a few steps away from Mu En, he stopped at Anne's command.

The death contract document is still in effect at this moment. If Leita really attacks Mu En at this time, he will also die under the power of the terrible curse.

So at this moment, although he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone, he had no other choice.

"I will avenge this sooner or later!"

The arrogant loli gnashed her teeth, her chest almost bulged with anger. She had never been insulted like this in her life.




After getting rid of Anne and Margarita's death glare, Mu En heard a crisp applause.

Freya clapped her hands gently, her smile was still gentle and holy, without any flaws:

"After this, I'm afraid no one will say that you are a little white face of the princess's family, and a soft persimmon that can be squeezed by anyone. After this, the name of Mu En Campbell may spread all over the continent."

"Then I have to thank you very much."

Mu En shrugged.


Freya blinked: "Why don't I understand what Mr. Muen said?"

"Let's not talk about the two saint candidates who are about to take action. If it weren't for Miss Freya's mercy, I'm afraid I wouldn't have this opportunity to show my skills."

Muen smiled.

"Of course I have to thank you."

"Are you mocking me for holding back?"

Freya was slightly annoyed: "I'm different from you. I'm not the kind of person who is good at fighting. Moreover, I even gave up precious props. Brian also helped. How can Mr. Muen say that?"

"Not good at fighting?"

Muen's eyes flickered, and suddenly looked at the pale man in black behind her.

Muen did not collect much information about Freya's battle, but whether it was newspapers or legends from all sides, this god-servant knight nicknamed Shadow Ghost was a man known for his cruelty and dared to fight against Warcraft head-on at a young age.

But until now, he has only been hiding behind and using magic, like a middle-parted hairdo wearing suspenders.


Brian seemed to notice Mu En's gaze, snorted coldly, but didn't say anything, and quickly merged into Freya's shadow.

That cold, dog-licking gaze was still very piercing.

"That's right."

Freya gently lifted her long hair to block Mu En's sight, turned her wrist, and got out a bouquet of flowers from nowhere.

The light yellow flowers had a fragrant aroma, no different from before.

"This is a rare opportunity. Let me ask again, does Mr. Mu En want my flowers now?"


Mu En answered expressionlessly.

"Is that so."

Freya stroked the delicate petals and sighed:

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