"what a pity."

Mu En returned to Liya and looked at her pretty pale face.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?"


Liya rubbed the crystal in her hand and shook her head, "I'm fine."

Just as she was about to say something, she felt a figure approaching, leaning against her gently.

The familiar and nostalgic atmosphere surrounded her.


"Ahem, it's a bit expensive."

Mu En coughed a few times and said with a straight face.

"Let me lean in a little."


Liya looked at Mu En, suddenly winked playfully, and also leaned towards him:

"I seem to have consumed a bit too much."

"... Let's get together?"

"...Well, together."

"Now... can I pass through the gate?"

After a short period of repair, someone suddenly said this.

The quiet crowd became restless again.

It's just that this time, no one was eager to get ahead. Everyone's eyes involuntarily fell on the front. The two groups seemed to be leaning on each other to support each other due to excessive consumption. figure.

After a series of events just now, these two people are now qualified to stand at the forefront of everyone.

"Then let's go."

Mu En and Liya looked at each other in understanding.

Mu En leaned down, picked up the lantern, and checked it briefly. After confirming that it was just an ordinary lantern, he flicked his finger and the lantern turned on again.

He was holding a lantern and walking at the front.

Leah followed closely behind him.

After they entered the golden gate, first several saint candidates and knights, and then others, entered in an orderly manner.

After the battle just now and the effect of the death contract document, no one would choose to cause trouble at this time.

The lantern illuminates the darkness, and after walking through a passage, there is an upward staircase.

Walking on the stairs, Liya stood next to Mu En and suddenly asked softly:

"By the way, Mu En, you don't seem to like Miss Freya, do you?"

"So be it."



Mu En replied: "I feel like there is something about her that makes me uncomfortable."

"That's right." Liya nodded.

"What's wrong?"

Mu En looked at her: "Is there any problem?"

"No...it's just that I think...Miss Freya is an amazing person."


"Isn't that what the newspapers said? She cured the plague and saved many people in the southern country."

Liya looked full of longing: "Such a person should be a good person."

"A good person?"

Mu En smiled and took advantage of the light in the lantern to flicker and the darkness to fall again. He quickly pinched the girl's delicate face and said, "Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?"


Liya puffed her cheeks and said angrily:

"Anyway, Mu En, you are not a good person."

"Yes, yes, I am a bad guy. This is recognized by everyone. Everyone says so."

Mu En was about to make a few jokes, but suddenly stopped because there was light on the stairs in front of him.

The end is here.

The two looked at each other and quickened their pace.

Soon, endless light came. After a short period of adapting to the light, the two of them took in all the scenes in front of them.

Then... fell into silence.

"Is it here? Is it here?"

The people behind him quickly poured out, and after seeing what was in front of them clearly, they also fell into silence.

Dead silence.

a long time.

In the end, Margarita, who was still calm-tempered, came to her senses first, looked at Mu En aside, and asked with a serious expression:

"Mr. Mu En, can you tell me...

"Where is the person we want to save...?"

160. The world behind the wall

Emile's Cathedral, the highest place.

"The spring tea in the Holy City is still as fragrant as ever, making people feel relaxed and happy. I feel as if I am twenty years younger."

Wearing a large and luxurious divine robe, the white-haired old man put down the delicate teacup in his hand and looked at the other old man not far away with a smile.

"You are right, Your Majesty."

"If you like it, you can take this opportunity to take more out."

The Pope, who was sitting cross-legged on the shadow of the empty ruins, finally lowered his head, and the porcelain cup filled with hot tea automatically flew up and fell into his palm.

The teacup rotates slowly with the movement of his palm. The patterns on it are exquisite and beautiful, and clusters of light blue flowers bloom, lifelike.

He took a sip lightly, his expression neither happy nor sad:

"Your Majesty, Archbishop Locaster, bring some precious tea leaves with you, and I won't punish you for corruption and bribery."

"Your Majesty sounds very kind."

Archbishop Locaster poured himself another cup of tea unceremoniously, and when he raised his head, it tasted like a cow chewing a peony, without any sense of refinement and elegance.

"Ha...but...let's forget about this kind of thing. An old man like me might end up in a coffin that day, die on his own, and waste the good tea given by the goddess. That would be an unforgivable thing. of great sin.”

"You still have life."

The Pope looked deeply at the old man:

"At least we can wait for several rounds of spring tea."

"Haha, thank you for your kind words, but it is also a blessing for me to be able to return to the embrace of the goddess earlier."

Archbishop Locaster waved his hand, and the teacup fell accurately into the plate. He also stood up and looked up at the sun, moon and stars moving along the star path on the artificial sky.

"No matter how many times I see this supreme place, I still find it magnificent."

"That's natural."

His Majesty the Pope stands with his hands behind his hands. He is obviously so small under this artificial sky, but the temperament he displays at this moment is as if the whole world is revolving around him.

He stretched out his hand as if to hold all the sun, moon and stars in his palm:

"This is our 'rules', our...'world', it is naturally spectacular."

"Unfortunately, it's false." The archbishop sighed.

"Yeah, unfortunately, it's fake..."

The Pope suddenly paused, as if someone said something in his ear.

So he no longer looked up, but lowered his head to look at the shadow of the ruins at his feet, with a rare solemn look on his face.

Seeing this, Archbishop Locaster's face, which looked much older than the Pope, suddenly became solemn and asked in a deep voice:

"Your Majesty, is the door open?"

"Yes, the door is open."

"Sooner than I thought."

“There are a lot of great people among the kids this time around.”


Archbishop Locaster looked sad: "So I can already imagine the tremendous pressure those old guys will put on us after they know the truth."

"That's the kind of thing you need to worry about?"

The Pope glanced slightly: "Anyway, the pressure will not fall on you, the expatriate archbishop."

"I am sharing your Majesty's worries."

Locaster was incredibly sincere.


The Pope chuckled, "No need, there is no one in this world who can make me feel pressure..."

At this point, the Pope suddenly paused, as if he thought of something bad, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and the wrinkles seemed to have deepened.

"Well, there is still an old thing that can make me feel the pressure."

He reluctantly admitted.

Thinking of a certain white-haired old lolita who was disrespectful of her elders, the Pope turned his head vigorously and waved his sleeves:

"Hmph, but you don't have to worry too much about this. The old guy kicked his disciple into the pit faster and more happily than anyone else."

"Compared to this, have all parties involved...been accomplished?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Archbishop Locaster stopped joking and saluted with a solemn expression, stroking his chest:

"Everything is ready."

"very good."

The Pope stood majestically, overlooking the shadow of the ruins at his feet:

"Then let's begin this... big gamble that is enough to change the fate of the entire human race."


The response came, and it wasn't just Archbishop Locaster's response.

A low and majestic buzz echoed throughout the highest place.

The sun, moon and stars move along the established star paths, as if this is the truth that this world should have.

Finally, above the head of the Pope, a new moon hangs in the center of the sky.

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