Spreading light, extremely holy.

"For...the goddess."

The Pope put one hand on his chest and murmured piously.


"Mr. Mu En, where is the person you said we should save...?"

In the deathly silence, Margarita came to her senses first and turned to look at Mu En.

But Mu En still couldn't answer anything.

Because he didn't know that in his previous conversation with Freya, those who might be another condition for becoming a saint were behind this wall, resisting the invasion of evil gods, and where were the indigenous people waiting for salvation.

Above the head is the red sky.

Different from the outer area, the blue sky during the day and the bright starry sky at night, the sky at this moment seems to be covered by a thick layer of sunset fire clouds, stained with a blood color that is so rich that it cannot be dissipated.

But the bottom of everyone's feet is not the ground.

Instead, it is a layer of creation that looks like accumulation of flesh and blood. Thick meridians and blood vessels, with pink flesh membranes, extend in all directions from the surface of flesh and blood, and seem to be faintly beating from time to time.

"Plants" of different shapes grow on these creations, but each one looks like a deformed sarcoma, and its appearance is difficult to describe.

But under the canopy that looked like countless baby palms piled up, there were fruits that looked like peeled cows and sheep, hanging densely, twitching from time to time, as if they were still alive.

Apart from this, there is nothing normal to be seen to the end of the line of sight, let alone any "aboriginal people". Only at the end of the horizon, there seems to be a tall tower, standing behind the hazy blood-colored mist.

"Ugh...so disgusting."

Some people retched immediately. This scene almost immediately reminded them of the stinking rotten land in the night not long ago.

"This place has also been eroded by the evil god? So quickly? Doesn't it mean that the wall can resist erosion?"

Mu En glanced over and frowned slightly.

The previous diary mentioned that the second wall exists to resist the erosion of the so-called "outer gods", but the scene at this moment makes people wonder whether the only purpose of that wall is to trap them. Innocent outsiders.

"Mu En."

Liya seemed to be frightened by this unexpected picture, and gently pulled Mu En's sleeve.


Mu En comforted her:

"At least it doesn't stink here."

Well, it doesn’t stink?

Speaking of this, Mu En's mind flashed with inspiration, and she seemed to have grasped something.

His eyes once again swept across this disgusting area that made people have no desire to look at it for a second time, and he couldn't help but murmur to himself:

"I always feel... something is wrong."

161. Mutation

"Anyway, now is not the time to jump to conclusions. It's better to investigate carefully first."

Margarita's cold voice interrupted Mu En's thinking.

Mu En nodded silently, ignoring the unkindness in her words, and temporarily put away those messy thoughts that were of little use at the moment.

We have just entered this area now, so any assumptions are based on the incomplete clues at this moment. Blind guesses will lead to misunderstandings.

In this strange and unfamiliar area, misunderstandings can be fatal.

"Damn it, forget it outside, why is it still like this here? Where are the ancient relics? Where are the historical documents? Where are the treasures that can be sold at a good price? There is nothing except some disgusting meat. Could it be that we have been deceived by the church? , maybe in the eyes of the church, we are just tools to open doors.”

Sewell came to Mu En cursing. In this world full of lies and filth, only the handsome guy around her could bring her a touch of warmth.

Behind her was Ellag who followed silently.

Due to his brilliant operation that made people's eyes darken before, he is now collectively disliked by the magician group. I'm afraid he won't be able to introduce a girl to that group of otakus who, apart from studying magic every day, have never even held a girl's hand. Will be forgiven.

Humph, they are a group of singles, unlike me. Whenever I think of my beloved goddess, my chest feels warm, as if infinite power bursts out. It is not difficult to shine like this and revitalize the entire illusion school.

Elager secretly slandered in his heart.

Mu En glanced at Elager and said nothing more.

Although he was left with the excuse before, he was able to hide his identity and play an unexpected role if there was any battle with other people in the future.

But now that things have developed, after the battle just now, and the death contract document that is still in effect at this time, these guys who had no intention of dealing with each other at this time have no intention of fighting at this moment.

This may be the most peaceful and uniting rite of worship.

Those former saints who came to power by stepping on other people's corpses would probably burst into tears with jealousy when they saw the current scene.

But from another perspective, competition in some aspects may become more intense.

"Mysteries, one after another, are mind-boggling."

Mu En looked around. After the initial shock, everyone's emotions basically calmed down.

The two seniors, Fanny and Vicky, didn't seem to be injured, but they had clearly consumed too much before, and they were still relying on magic crystals to restore their magic power.

"By the way, speaking of death deed documents..."

Mu En looked at Margarita:

"How long will the death deed document last?"

"I didn't know how long it would take to open the door, so just to be on the safe side, I set it for five hours." Margarita answered.

"Five hours..."

Mu En took out his pocket watch and took a look: "Four hours left?"


There is plenty of time.

"In that case..."

Mu En clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention:

"During this period, to be on the safe side, let's explore together for the time being."

The death contract document is still in effect, so you don’t have to worry about anyone causing trouble. Faced with this weird scene in front of you, exploring it together for the time being is the best choice.

After all, in previous horror movies, separate actions were often the beginning of the group's destruction.


Everyone looked at each other and pondered over Mu En's suggestion.

Explore together?

Are you kidding me? Among these bastards around me, there are still some Dogecoins that sneaked up on me before. If we join forces...

But, if you think about it carefully, it seems that joining forces is not unacceptable.

After all, they have already joined forces once before.

Facts have proved that after experiencing the first time, scoring twice will be much smoother.

At least this time, there was basically no objection. After a brief exchange of opinions, the course of action for the next four hours was determined.


Margarita nodded, "This is indeed the best choice at the moment."


Annie snorted coldly, raising her proud head high, but didn't say much.

Feier, who had not spoken for a long time, yawned lazily, hugged her plump breasts, which were second only to Liya, and gave Mu En a wink:

"Then you must protect me from now on, Mr. Mu En~"


I always feel that this woman always has strange expectations for me.

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched, feeling the slight chill rising around her, and decided not to answer.

Instead, he looked to the side:

"And you?"

"Gee, Mr. Mu En seems to be a leader now, so of course he will listen to you."

Freya covered her mouth and chuckled, with a rare hint of girlish playfulness.

But Mu En remained expressionless.

"Miss Freya, it's better to stop talking about this kind of nonsense."

Mu En glanced at Freya from the corner of her eye.

Not much time has passed since the prisoner was successfully eliminated.

But around Freya, a group of people had already gathered faintly.

They even included the ugly hunk who was at the bottom of the pit before and was so jealous that he attacked Mu En in anger just because she was surrounded by girls.

He didn't know where he got a white close-fitting dress. There was a bouquet of light yellow flowers on the chest of the dress. He looked like a flower protector and looked extremely coquettish.

"As expected of Freya..."

With her deeds of curing the plague and saving tens of millions of people in the southern country, as well as her temperament that is closest to the current saint, this is the saint candidate with the greatest reputation and the most expectations.

She doesn't even need to take the initiative to speak, and a large number of fans will automatically surround her.

"But there's something about her that still irritates me."

Mu En pinched her eyebrows and ignored Freya.

In any case, with the existence of the Death Contract document, these four hours are rare and a great opportunity to completely focus on this strange country.

There is no need to worry about competition from other people, and the irreconcilable conflicts between the saint candidates should be postponed until the truth of the world is found out.

"Let's go."

Mu En said to Liya beside him:

"Currently, it seems that what needs to be explored most is the tall tower in the distance. Unfortunately, there is a strange blood mist floating there, making it difficult to see clearly..."

Mu En took Liya and took the lead in taking the forward step.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard Freya's voice:

"The moon...is out."



Mu En was stunned and looked back at Freya, only to find that she was still staying where she was, instead looking up at the sky.

Mu En also subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky.

Then his pupils suddenly shrank.

So at this moment, above the thick blood-colored sky, there was really... a bright moon hanging.

"This is……"

The moon outside at night before?

But why did it suddenly appear here? According to the time, it is not night now.

Could it be...

In an instant, a line seemed to appear, connecting all the conjectures in Mu En's mind.

But before that thread connected everything, he heard Freya sigh with regret:

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