"It seems that there is no time to play this exploration game anymore."

there is no time?

What don’t have time for?

Moreover, judging from her tone, she already knew that the moon would appear at this time?

In the dark, some kind of bad premonition gradually filled Mu En's heart.

So he suddenly lowered his head and looked at the source of the premonition, the saint candidate who suddenly behaved strangely.


Freya and Mu En's eyes met, and they just smiled slightly.

That smile was still holy and gentle, with no flaws visible, just like the gentle spring breeze blowing on her face.

She called softly:



A pale man appeared from the shadows.

"come over."


Brian approached Freya.

The next moment, under everyone's shocked and puzzled gazes, Freya slowly took out a dagger and lightly drew it with her fingertips, as if testing its sharpness.

Then, right after, she stabbed the extremely sharp dagger into the body of her knight.


Blood splattered.

At this moment, everyone watching this scene, whether it was Mu En, Liya, other saint candidates, or even Freya's supporters, couldn't help but have a big question mark on their foreheads.

What...are you doing?

162. Flowers (Happy New Year)

There was a pop.

The dagger pierced the body.

Bright red blood splashed out, reflecting dozens of equally confused faces.

Whether it was the saint candidates and their knights, the talented elites participating in the trial, or the supporters surrounding Freya, they were all stunned when they saw this scene.

There was great confusion in his charming little eyes.

Some people even immediately suspected that they were under an illusion and suddenly looked at Elager who was following Mu En not far away.

But Elager waved his hand vigorously with an innocent look.

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense.

"What are you doing?"

Not to mention other people, even Mu En, who had always been wary of Freya, Naoren subconsciously shut down for a few seconds at this moment.

Because he never imagined that the first thing Freya did when she suddenly became angry... was to put a knife into the body of her own knight?

What are you doing?

Sacrifice your teammates first?

"Brian, my Brian, does it hurt?"

Freya ignored Mu En's question for the time being, but suddenly pulled out the dagger that had penetrated Brian's body. More blood flowed out like no money. She was obviously doing something extremely terrible, but her face at the moment Her smile is still so gentle.

"Don't worry, you won't have any pain soon."


Brian covered the wound and knelt weakly in front of Freya.

He raised his head, and an extremely complicated expression appeared on his extremely pale face.

Shocked, horrified, confused...and then relieved, but in that relief, there was also some unspeakable pain.

"Lady Freya...have you still chosen this path?" Brian's voice trembled.

"There's no way, Brian, this is the only way."

"It shouldn't be like this... shouldn't be like this...I..."

Brian seemed to want to say something, but his bloodless lips suddenly pursed tightly, and there was helplessness in his eyes.

Finally, with a soft sigh, he let go of his hand, still dripping with blood.

Freya brushed Brian's cheek with her palms lovingly, raised her head and scanned everyone, and finally her gentle gaze fell on Mu En.

"Can't you see what I'm doing?"

She said softly:

"In words you can understand, that is... I jumped backwards."


The next moment, thunder roared.

The sudden strong wind stirred up the thin blood mist around him.

While everyone was still stuck in this incomprehensible scene, scratching their heads, a sharp blade of light had already crossed the not too far distance and came to... Freya's neck.

Freya's supporters hadn't even reacted yet, so with just one sweep of the sword, the candidate who was said to be closest to the saint would immediately fall to the ground and die.

However, the sword light finally stopped in front of the slender neck, leaving only a shallow blood mark on the fair skin without making any further progress.

The same blood stain appeared on Mu En's neck, and his face looked ugly:

"Death contract document!"

"Yes, death deed document."

Freya raised her head slightly, making the arc of the swan's neck more graceful.

"If Mr. Mu En kills me, his head will fall to the ground immediately. Of course, with the speed of teleportation magic and the technology of the church, he might be able to put his head back in a few seconds."

"However, if you are eliminated, you can't do anything, including protecting your beloved little saint."

She didn't make any resistance, just looked at Mu En with a smile, but that flawless smile was so disgusting in Mu En's eyes.

Mu En suddenly turned around and looked at Margarita.

It was she who took out the death deed document...

But Margarita just shook her head with a weird look on her face, "It has nothing to do with me."

Mu En did not move the blade away from Freya's neck and continued to ask:

"But you also signed the death contract document, why are you okay!"

The death contract was originally something that Margarita didn't believe Freya, the candidate for the saint with the most supporters, brought out, so Freya's signing must have been confirmed after emphasis, and it was impossible for her to play any tricks on it.

And Mu En's action just now also confirmed the effect of the death contract.

But just now, Freya clearly stabbed the knife into her own knight's body, but nothing happened at this moment.

"Of course it's okay, because I won't hurt anyone."

Freya lowered her head: "Right, my Brian."

"Of course."

Brian, who was getting weaker and couldn't even stand up, showed a fanatical and affectionate smile:

"Lady Freya, how could you hurt me? This is love for me."



This is also possible?

What kind of dog-licking superpower?

Mu En's eyes twitched, and he looked at Margarita again.

Margarita smiled bitterly:

"This is to prevent accidental injuries."


Mu En was stunned, and then reacted.

If the curse of the death contract only takes effect if it hurts others, then Erag, who just did that kind of idiotic operation and accidentally hurt many people, would have been sent away directly.

However, Brian's dog-licking soul is obviously just an exception. After Freya showed abnormality, other people, no matter how stupid, would be wary of her.

Including her supporters, they just think that Freya has a high probability of becoming the next saint, so they bet in advance, not really dog-licking.

Glancing at the corner of his eye, those supporters are obviously in a wait-and-see state in the face of the abnormal situation in front of them. Even the ugly and muscular man just now, when Mu En put the knife on Freya's neck, his eyes flickered, but he didn't react.


It is precisely because of this that the uneasiness in Mu En's heart became stronger and stronger.

Knowing that there is no effective means of attack, Freya still launched an attack, although the first victim was her own divine knight.

But it is this obvious abnormality...

"What do you want to do? What is your purpose? And you said you would defect? ​​Who do you represent? Or..."


The golden chain suddenly extended from Freya's feet and bound her tightly.

Others took action. Although they could not hurt her directly, they at least controlled her actions so that she would not have such inexplicable actions again.

However, although her delicate body was already extremely breathless due to the cold chains, Freya's smile did not fade at all.

"Oh, Mr. Mu En, and everyone, don't look at me with such terrible eyes."

"I said, I won't hurt anyone."

"It's just that I need your cooperation..."

In an instant, Mu En's heart shrank.

Because the familiar premonition of death suddenly exploded in his mind, and almost before the brain's thinking reacted, the body had already moved instinctively.

The blade aimed at the vital point passed by Mu En. He turned around suddenly and saw... a showy and ugly man in a white tight dress.


Are you also a bootlicker?

Mu En subconsciously wanted to question, but before he could ask, he saw that the showy and ugly man also looked unbelievable.

"I... No... I didn't... I didn't want to... But... I couldn't control it."

He looked at his hands holding the weapon and shaking, with great horror in his eyes.

But the next moment, the horror in his eyes turned into fear.

With a puff, he lowered his head in confusion.

The blood-stained knife tip protruded from his chest.

"Cough cough..."

The showy and ugly man coughed up blood clots and turned his head with difficulty.

He saw a familiar, but equally confused face.

That was his companion.

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