A companion who lives together day and night and has a deep relationship.

"Why... why? Didn't we agree... to go all the way to the end... to use the money we earn here to travel together? Did you... choose Freya?"

"No... I don't know..."

The muscular man with a face full of flesh shed painful tears from the corners of his eyes: "But I can't control myself."

A line of blood appeared from the neck of the muscular man, and his head fell to the ground.

Almost at the same time, a pure white glimmer emerged, wrapped his entire body and head, and disappeared on the spot.

The curse of the death contract was triggered.

The teleportation scroll was also triggered at the same time.

But all this is not over yet.





The sound of more weapons piercing flesh and blood sounded, and everyone looked back in pain and saw a familiar face.

Senior Sister Fanny looked at Senior Sister Vicky behind her in confusion.

Erag looked at Sewell behind her in horror.

Even Fei'er was not as lazy as usual. She slowly lowered her head and stared blankly at the long spear piercing her body.

"Ahem... Little Lei Lei?"

Fei'er frowned, her face painful:

"If you think the salary I give is too low, just tell me, I can increase the salary, why use such extreme means?"

"No... I'm not."

The indifference in the eyes of the adventurer named Lei Qiang faded, and a child-like helplessness emerged:

"I can't control myself, I can't control..."

Her forehead was throbbing with blue veins, and the muscles in her arms were constantly spasming, as if she was constantly fighting against something.

However, the ending was already doomed at this moment.

Red silk appeared on her neck, and the pure white light also lit up, wrapping her.

At this moment, Mu En suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Because at the moment when Lei Qiang disappeared, Mu En saw a bouquet of flowers tucked between her hair, which was completely inconsistent with her always cold temperament.

The light yellow flowers were now stained with a little blood, which made them look even more strange. They were pinned on the hair, but they seemed to be rooted in the soil, swaying with the breeze.


Mu En's mind suddenly became clear.

[Mr. Mu En, do you want my flowers? ]

Mu En turned his head suddenly, looked at everyone and asked, "You, didn't you all take Freya's flowers?"


Most people showed confused expressions.

But it was all within Mu En's expectations, because most of the people here were those who were seriously injured by their companions just now, but still remained here, less than half of the people just now.

And the other small part...

Mu En's eyes fell on the ugly man who had just attacked him. The bouquet of flowers on his chest was tender and green.

163. Two methods

The light yellow flowers were still fragrant.

But at this moment, the delicate petals were stained with blood spots, which looked extremely strange.

Golden orchid.

After encountering Freya's inexplicable flower-sending behavior, Mu En had looked up this flower.

This is a flower that grows in the south, in a country with four seasons like spring, and only blooms briefly during the warmest days.

The flower itself is not magical, but it has a fragrant smell and elegant color, which is very lovable.

But such a delicate and harmless flower suddenly became a terrifying nightmare in the eyes of everyone.

"I didn't expect it to be planted in such a place."

Margarita smiled bitterly. In a sense, her death deed was also an accomplice to the evil at this time.

But compared to that...

Margarita raised her eyebrows and glanced at him:

"Paul, you didn't accept the flowers she sent you!"

"Haha, how is that possible? Princess, you know me!"

Paul put his hands on his hips and laughed twice, then put his sword on Margarita's neck, and said bitterly:

"How can an elegant gentleman like me refuse something sent by a lady? So sorry, Princess, please forgive me."

In his pocket, a pale yellow flower with blood spots poked its head mischievously.


This dissolute guy will lose the chain at the critical moment!

Margarita gritted her teeth, "You idiot, don't you know to be alert? Even if she didn't have any abnormalities before, Freya and I are competitors!"

"Of course I checked."

Paul's expression was serious, and he said seriously: "I have carefully confirmed that those golden orchids are just ordinary flowers!"

Margarita was stunned.

"Of course, these flowers are just ordinary flowers."

Freya twisted a bunch of elegant golden orchids and sniffed gently:

"You are all excellent people, how could I reveal such a flaw?"

"So, compared to the flowers themselves, what is more important is the act of 'accepting the flowers you gave me'?" Mu En suddenly asked.

Freya looked at Mu En with a smile and did not answer.

"So what are you going to do?"

Marigeta sneered: "Like everyone else, manipulate this idiot to stab me with a sword first?"

"No, if I stabbed, I stabbed it just now. The candidates for the saints are different from others. I am very useful, so I will naturally treat you like a guest."

"Since I am a guest..."

Fei'er, who was stabbed through the entire body, raised one hand with difficulty and said with a sad face:

"Why do I have to be stabbed? It hurts so much..."

"Because Miss Fei'er's magic attainments are really frightening, especially your gravity magic, which can still pose a great threat to me in this situation."

"Fortunately, the weapon in Miss Lei Qiang's hand has a temporary magic ban effect, so I took the opportunity to make you a little quieter."


Fei'er opened her cherry lips blankly, with tears flashing in her eyes.

Sure enough, excellent people are always targeted?

"You are all great people, but you are not invulnerable."

Freya gently pulled the chains on her body. Since the caster Margarita was now controlled by her knight, she didn't spend much effort to break free from the chains.

"Margarita's knight is a hypocrite who seems to be dissolute, but in fact has never held a girl's hand a few times. After a careful inspection, he will naturally accept my flowers."

Paul's expression froze, revealing an awkward atmosphere like a diary of a middle school student being poked out by someone. His eyes turned stiffly, and as expected, he received a look of contempt from his own princess.

"Miss Fei'er's knight is an excellent adventurer, but his brain is not very good. He just made a few random remarks and no one suspected him."

"Tsk, I should have known that when recruiting people, I shouldn't only focus on strength. Intelligence is also a very important thing!" Fei'er regretted it.

"As for Miss Annie..."

Everyone's eyes fell on Annie, who had been extremely quiet and arrogant since just now.

"Your knight is a war machine created by the Stone Cauldron Association. He only obeys orders and naturally cannot accept my flowers."

Freya covered her mouth and chuckled:

"But... Miss Anne, who seems difficult to approach, only needs a few more compliments and she will happily accept the flowers."


In the brief and strange silence, a pale yellow flower gradually stretched, bloomed, and swayed on the head of the proud loli.

As the flower bloomed, Anne bit her lips, and her face, which was tightly tightened, turned red little by little.


"But, among all the saint candidates and knights, only Mr. Muen and Miss Liya make me feel helpless."

Freya finally retracted her gaze and looked at Muen, who still pressed the blade tightly against her neck.

"Mr. Muen has always been inexplicably wary of me. Can I ask why?"


"Is that so? It's really unreasonable."

Freya sighed: "Mr. Muen is so unreasonable, and Miss Liya..."

She paused, "In the few days before entering the ruins, Miss Liya was either hiding in the room alone or going out shopping with you. I couldn't find any opportunity to meet her alone.

You two have a really good relationship."


"Oh, average?"

Freya looked meaningful, and then She tilted her head, as if she was a little uncomfortable with the cold blade that had been pressed against her skin:

"So, Mr. Mu En wants to wait until the effect of the death contract ends and then cut me directly?"

"Who knows?"

Mu En had a blank expression: "Maybe we don't need to wait that long. As long as you show any flaws, I will kill you directly."

"I am full of flaws now."

Freya smiled:

"Of course, Mr. Mu En is the same."


Mu En's pupils shrank, and an inexplicable sense of crisis emerged in his heart, but he couldn't find the source.

But at this moment, he heard a cry:

"Holy Light Protection!"

The holy light fell, but it didn't fall on Mu En.

But... on Brian, who had been half-kneeling at Freya's feet, and seemed to have completely eliminated his sense of existence from just now.

The light of holy light protection enveloped him, as if isolating something.

"Did you notice? As expected, Miss Liya's insight is still as sharp as ever."

Looking at the girl not far away with a solemn but determined look, Freya did not make any counterattacks, but just waved her hand casually:

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