Almost, he really thought he was dead!

God bless, the worst outcome did not happen.

"Those who survived a great disaster will have good fortune in the future, and the future is stable!"

Mu En thought happily, and then prepared to push open the cabinet door and leave this ghost place.

"Huh, strange."

Mu En's smile suddenly froze.

"Why can't I push the cabinet door open?"

Could it be...

Mu En raised his head with a stiff neck, and saw...

There was a beautiful eye in the place where he just used to peek, looking at him through the gap.

Sensing Mu En's sight, his eyes suddenly curved into crescents.

"Master~ What are you doing in such a place~"

50. The result of exercise

"Master~ What are you doing here~"

The crescent is curved.

The eyes are beautiful.

But at this moment, Mu En was like a little white rabbit being stared at by a predator, his blood coagulated all over his body, and his heart couldn't stop chilling.

", how did you find me?"

"Hehe, I can smell the young master's scent from ten meters away~"

So the yandere is so powerful, or else world peace depends on you?

Without thinking too much, Mu En's muscles suddenly tensed up.

Of course, he couldn't be so naive as to pin all his hopes on the option of "sneaking away", so he had already prepared for the anticipation of meeting An face to face again.

The training day and night in the black book was not in vain!


Mu En punched the cabinet door fiercely.

The cabinet door, which was already a little old, suddenly made a whine of being overwhelmed, broke away from the cabinet, and pressed against An who was against the cabinet door.

An didn't seem to expect Mu En to suddenly attack, and the strength was beyond her expectations. Caught off guard, she was actually pressed back step by step.

Mu En seized the opportunity, jumped out of the cabinet, and then kicked the cabinet door hard.

The metal door dented instantly, and An behind the door was as light as a bird with broken wings, and was carried by the door and hit against the wall.


Mu En apologized in a low voice, then turned and ran away.

But An didn't seem to let him escape so easily.

With a bang, the poor door was hit by a huge force again after being ravaged several times, and quickly hit Mu En who was fleeing. Mu En had no choice but to stop running and dodge sideways.

At the moment when the door crossed with him, he suddenly noticed that there was a ghost-like figure behind the door.


An approached quickly under the cover of the door, holding the sharp blade flashing with cold light in his hand, and stabbed Mu En's abdomen mercilessly.

"Don't worry, young master, I had anticipated this scene a long time ago, so I specially studied the human body structure, and I won't stab the vital parts." An said expressionlessly.

"It's even more terrible!"

Mu En panicked for a moment, but calmed down immediately.

Without even thinking too much, just like instinct, the hatchet in his hand was naturally raised to meet the attacking blade.




The blades collided, sparks flew, and countless airtight afterimages were swung in the air.

An's offensive was like a rainstorm, step by step, and the blade in her hand was like an extension of her arm. Every swing was close to perfection.


Even so, An suddenly realized that she couldn't do anything to Mu En.

The hatchet in Mu En's hand was like she had played with it since she was a child. It flew smoothly, not only perfectly resisting her suffocating attack, but also faintly There is still a trace of room for counterattack?

But the young master has never held a kitchen knife since he was a child under his surveillance (crossed out) protection. How can he play the hatchet so well?


An couldn't understand it.

Just like An couldn't figure out how Mu En escaped from the cage now.

"Master, when did you become so powerful? Are you practicing martial arts secretly?" An narrowed his eyes. The master has really changed a lot in the past few days.

"But why didn't I notice it?"

"Hehe, who knows, maybe I was practicing in my dream." Mu En smiled evilly.

Dagger fighting technique LV5!

The countless times of wielding daggers in the black book space and the countless deaths he experienced finally turned into real results at this moment.

Although the hatchet is not a dagger, the similar blade shape does not affect Mu En's performance.

He actually resisted An's attack, no, not just resisting.

The hatchet in Mu En's hand suddenly changed, and he actually left the defensive posture just now and began to open and close.

At the same time, Mu En did not retreat but advanced, but pressed towards An.


An's eyes rarely showed a trace of panic.

Under Mu En's rusty hatchet, she actually felt overwhelmed.

But, how is it possible?

Although she had very little time to practice her martial arts due to her status as a personal maid, she had persisted for a few years.

But you, Master Mu En, are being watched by me every day, so where do you find the time to practice?

Did you really practice it in a dream?

"It's over!"

At the moment when An was distracted, Mu En suddenly seized the opportunity, bounced the blade in An's hand, and then rushed forward, slashing at An's abdomen with the hatchet in his hand!

At the moment when the hatchet was about to hit, seeing that An seemed really unable to dodge, Mu En frowned and changed the direction of the hatchet.

The back of the knife was facing people.

But even with the back of the knife, Mu En's full-strength blunt attack immediately made An curl up, and on her dignified and beautiful face, there was an unconcealable pain.

"It's over."

Mu En suppressed the heartache in his heart and forced a straight face to say:

"An, your plan failed."

"Hehe, Master is so gentle, you actually used the back of the knife?"

"After all, you didn't do anything to really hurt me, and you are still my personal maid."

Mu En sighed:

"In short, it's impossible for you to imprison me. Give up, An, I will give you a lighter punishment."

"Master, you... are you still in love with me?"

As if she didn't hear Mu En's persuasion, An raised her head, her pretty face showing an abnormal blush:

"I love you too, Master. If that's the case, why don't you come to my side and stay with me forever?"

"Sorry, I can only say that I am not interested in this kind of deformed love." Mu En shook his head.

"Is that so? There is no other way. I can only use my more passionate love to impress you, young master." Although there was still pain on her body, An's mouth was outlined with a crazy smile.

I want it so much.

I want it so much.

It seems that I can have you forever, my dear young master.


Looking at An's increasingly crazy expression, Mu En suddenly had a bad premonition.

What's going on?

Does An have other means?

But from the previous battle, Mu En had already felt that An's realm was not very strong, otherwise he would not have used poisoning and sneak attacks before.

Think about it, this is common sense. After all, An is his personal maid, responsible for taking care of his daily life, where does she have so much time to practice.

At most, she may be a little stronger.

But at this moment, Mu En's heart was full of warning signs, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Damn it, strike first!"

Without any hesitation, Mu En chopped at An again with the hatchet in his hand.

It was still the back of the knife.

But this time, the target is her swan-like neck.

I want to knock her out.

That's what Mu En thought.



Mu En suddenly exclaimed.

Because the hatchet in his hand suddenly stopped moving halfway through chopping.

51. The last struggle!

"No... it's not moving?"

The hatchet was suspended in mid-air, as if it was clamped tightly by an iron clamp and could not move.

Not only that, in Mu En's horrified sight, the rusty blade of the hatchet seemed to be stuffed into a furnace and reforged, and began to melt gradually.

The melted metal liquid even twisted mischievously, like the slime in the story.

But this is room temperature, my friend, it's still a million miles away from your melting point.

Let's talk about some science, okay!

"Could it be..."

Mu En suddenly raised his head and found that it was not only the hatchet in his hand that melted, but also the cabinet door that had been ravaged just now, and even the cabinet where he had been hiding just now.

All metals melted into liquid.

The metal liquid twisted, floated in the air, and then gathered towards a certain place.

That place was... the palm of An's hand.

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