"The power of law...the one favored by God!"

Mu En's eyes darkened.

This big blow from fate made his blood pressure almost reach the sky.

The darling of the gods, the favored one who enforces the laws.

Just like Celia's power over ice and snow, An in front of her seemed to have been favored by a certain god and gained the power to control metal.

With the power of that unreasonable law, let alone melting metal at room temperature, there is no problem even if it melts into a square, a circle, or a bear like Doraemon!


Why is Anhui the one favored by God?

It was not mentioned at all in the original book, and even the blessing of controlling metals did not appear in the original book.

Moreover, since An was a favored person by God, why did she commit herself to being a maid?

"Of course...it's because of love."

Seeing the doubt in Mu En's eyes, An smiled and condensed the metal into a sharp blade.

"Fame, wealth, power, and money are all like dung to me. All I want is you, young master."

"So, come on, Master, I will let you return to my arms. This time, I will chop off your limbs so that you will never...be able to leave me!"

An pointed out.

The condensed weapons cut through the air, like fallen leaves blown up by the autumn wind, shrouding Mu En.


At the critical moment, Mu En still used the Shadow Step, which had extremely side effects at the moment, and turned into an ethereal shadow, disappearing in an instant.

He appeared again, already several meters away. Although his face was slightly ferocious due to pain and he was a little staggering when standing, he still narrowly escaped the attack of the weapon.


Mu En felt the severe pain in her legs tearing at her brain, and couldn't help but curse.

It's scary enough to be a yandere, but she still possesses such terrifying power, how can anyone survive!

God, if you don't like me, you can just strike me to death with a thunderbolt. Why do you torture me like this?


An frowned her beautiful eyebrows:

"Another move I've never seen before. How much have you hidden from me, Master?"

"Hey, a man's secret, just like a woman's age, cannot be peeked into at will." Mu En tried his best to smile.

"Really, but I will still seriously explore you, not as a man, but as - my belongings."

Ann opened her hands as if embracing the world.

Then Mu En heard a tooth-breaking sharp friction sound coming from deep in the passage behind her.

Under the dim light, the huge thing shimmering with cold light scraped against the wall of the passage, snaking all the way.

It was like it was made of countless steel bars, and then was forcibly twisted together on the body by external forces. You can vaguely see the twisted shadows of Mu En's familiar shackles and iron doors, but at this moment they have become the arms and legs of a ferocious monster, crushing them all the way. Fragile walls and ground advance.

Ah, I almost forgot.

The cage he was in just now was made of metal.

"Do you want to be so cruel!"

Without any hesitation, Mu En turned around and ran away.

People can always burst out their terrible potential in times of crisis, and Mu En is no exception.

Although the severe pain from his feet was still compressing the nerves, at this moment, Mu En ran the fastest speed in her life.

The light source representing the exit in front of him quickly expanded, and finally enveloped his vision, or even his whole world.

After a brief blur of vision, the world covered by the warm skylight returned to his field of vision again. The familiar scenery almost brought tears to Mu En's eyes.

"Sure enough, this is... the back door of the Duke's Palace!"

There is no time to be happy.

There was a loud bang behind him.

The huge monster like a steel centipede instantly broke through the poor exit of the basement and suddenly pounced on Mu En.

Mu En hesitated for a moment.

He gave up the idea of ​​running to the Duke's Palace and ran wildly outside the Duke's Palace.

Outside the back door of the Duke's Palace, there is a river with sparkling waves.

"Master, why are you running away? If I accidentally damage an important part of yours, I will feel bad."

An opened her arms towards Mu En, as if to hug him gently, exuding the reassuring temperament of a big sister.

——If there wasn't a steel monster with countless ferocious spikes extending out from under her.

"So my hands and feet aren't important parts to you?"

Of course it was impossible for Mu En to escape, but instead he became more and more crazily squeezing every potential in his body.

But at this moment, An's intention of casting this huge monster was also revealed. In the open area, its speed far exceeded Mu En!

Mu En felt that the bright skylight passed away, and she was gradually covered by shadows.

The feeling of oppression from behind became stronger and stronger.

Mu En couldn't care about anything else.




The special steps that were originally used for evasion and assassination were now used for long-distance attacks.

Not to mention the strong side effects caused by insufficient realm.

Mu En felt that every time he used it, every cell in his footsteps was wailing in pain.

But he still couldn't stop.

If he stops, he will completely lose his freedom.

"I want to...live.

In this not-so-good world...live a normal life.

If possible... I would rather live happily..."


Let me run!


The severe pain tore at the nerves, making consciousness somewhat blurred.

But in this chaos of pain and obsession, after all the power has dried up, a different kind of burning heat seems to be gradually born.

It arises from the Dantian and flows to the soles of the feet.

"This is……"

There was a hint of ecstasy in Mu En's eyes.


He actually made a breakthrough at this time?

His feet were covered in hot air, and most of the pain dissipated in an instant.

According to the records in the black book, the original Shadow Step LV2 was instantly upgraded to LV5!

No, it’s still improving!



The threat behind him had not yet dissipated, so Mu En urged Shadow Step again.

This time, he directly crossed a distance of more than ten meters.

Moreover, with the blessing of Dou Qi, performing Shadow Step does not bring any side effects.

In other words, as long as he has enough physical strength, he can use it without restriction!


Seeing that Mu En's speed suddenly increased a lot and was about to escape his pursuit, An's pretty face showed an unprecedented ferocity.

Abandoning the huge steel behemoth, An suddenly stepped on the behemoth's head, jumped out, and pounced on Mu En.

"Please don't run away!"

"Sorry, Ann."

Mu En suddenly turned around and smiled.

Behind him, the river reflected the sunset in the distance, as if it was flowing with blood.

Mu En raised his hand and pointed it at the stunned An.

Another kind of power that has never been used before, magic power gathers in the palm of the hand, and then pours out desperately.

"Illumination! Maximum power!"

At this moment, there is an extra sun in the world.

Brighter than the sunset.

52. Just emerged from the tiger’s den and entered the wolf’s den again

The setting sun is reflected on the river, like golden leaves spreading and sparkling.

The early autumn breeze caressed the woods, rustling, bringing the first chill after midsummer.

This touch of chill is a bit depressing.

"Humph, little girl, you should be wise enough to hand over your valuables!"

On the road by the river, several rugged men wearing animal skin skirts were surrounding a weak girl, with fierce expressions, like wild wolves hunting deer.

The leader was a man with a huge scar on his face. He looked at the cute girl in front of him and couldn't help but reveal an evil smile:

"If you behave better, we might not do anything to you, but if you don't behave... Jie Jie, then don't blame us for being rude."

"I'm an adventurer."

The surrounded girl held the wand in her hand tightly, with no look of surrender in her eyes.

"If you want to steal my things, have you thought clearly about the consequences?"

"Haha, of course I can see that you are an adventurer."

The scarred man laughed, seemingly not taking the girl's identity as an adventurer into consideration at all.

"But you are a magician, and judging from the fact that you don't feel a trace of fighting spirit at all, you are a pure magician."


Seeing the girl's silence, the scarred man's smile became even more arrogant:

"If you had a companion, even one who could only hold us back for a moment, we would run as far as we could, but you are only one person.

A lonely magician is always a hit no matter where he is. "

The scarred man's eyes swept over the wand in the girl's hand, revealing his unconcealable greed: "This wand alone will cost a lot of money."


The girl subconsciously hid the wand behind her back, took a few steps back, and said with a fierce expression:

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