"You are robbing in broad daylight, aren't you afraid of meeting a righteous man passing by and taking action to do justice for heaven?"

"A man of justice? Hahahaha——"

The scarred man and his men looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Are you so naive? Such a little bitch."

"What...what, did I say something wrong?"

"Hmph, of course it's a big mistake."

The scarred man shook the bright sword on his shoulder and said with a wild smile:

"Beauty, haven't you seen it yet? We are professional bandits!

major! Do you know what professionalism is? "

"Plan ahead!" Bandit A shouted.

"Clear the work route!" Bandit B said.

"Determine the target accurately!" Bandit C laughed.

"Make sure nothing goes wrong!" Bandit Ding put his hands on his hips.

"Yes, yes, what is professional? This is called professional!"

Scarface waved his hand and said with a smile:

"We have taken good care of the surrounding area in advance. No one will pass by. Naturally, it is impossible for the so-called righteous man in your mouth to appear."


The girl's cheek twitched.

Isn't it just a robbery? How can it be treated like a high-intelligence crime?

"What if, what if there is someone and you didn't notice it?" the girl said still unwilling to give up.

"What if? Haha, if you say just what if, then I'm afraid it's the only one in this river where we didn't investigate in advance."

Scarface winked and said with an exaggerated expression:

"Do you mean that the righteous men you call will emerge from the river? Hahahaha, don't make me laugh. Could it be that the righteous men are actually mermaids living at the bottom of the river..."


The scarred man's words were suddenly interrupted by the sound of fierce waves.

Under the ripples of the setting sun, the blond man suddenly broke through the river and stretched his upper body out of the river.

His refreshing short blond hair was wiped back by him, revealing an unusually handsome face. Clear water drops dripped down his well-fitted pectoralis major muscles, shining with crystal light.

"Beautiful... mermaid!"

Bandit A shouted in shock.

"Beautiful ass!"

The scarred man slapped Bandit A on the head: "Look clearly, that's a man!"

"oh oh."

"I finally...escaped!"

On the river, the blond man suddenly raised his head and opened his arms, as if to embrace the sky:

"I'm finally free!"

His voice was so unrestrained, like a soul that had been imprisoned for a long time, finally seeing the light of day again. From a distance away, Scarface and the others could feel the joy of the blond man.

"What the hell?"

The blond man suddenly cast his gaze at the people on the shore. His direct gaze made the scarred man, who always boasted that his face remained unchanged even after a mountain collapsed, panic a little.

Suddenly he swam over.

Then as the water became shallower and shallower, and more and more parts were exposed, people on the shore discovered...

He was actually naked!


Bandit B’s tone was trembling:

"We won't encounter any perverts, right?"


Scar's face looked solemn.

If he meets a pervert today, and he is such a handsome pervert, then his plan will change slightly.

He turned to look at the girl.

The girl was seen covering her red face and shaking her head vigorously.

Very good, it seems that he is not a so-called righteous person.



"It's good for you too."

The blond man walked ashore, not caring about his nakedness, and shook hands with everyone enthusiastically.

"The weather is really nice today."

"have you eaten?"

"Brother, you look so handsome in this outfit."

"Do you know where this is?"

"here it is……"

Looking at the mature blond man, Bandit B couldn't help but swallowed:

"The wilderness west of Belland."

"Ximian, it seems that he has slipped far enough away. An shouldn't be able to catch up."

"After all, just to be on the safe side, I floated in the river for a day and a night."

The blond man, who was Mu En, murmured to himself in a low voice.

After relying on the lighting technique to briefly take away An's vision, Mu En jumped directly into the river and escaped all the way through the current.

Unsure of how outrageous An's young master's sensor was, Mu En hid in the river for a day and a night, using the river water to erase all his breath and traces.

Fortunately, after entering the second level, under the protection of Dou Qi, the body will not lose body temperature in the slight cold of early autumn. Just floating on the current does not require too much physical strength.

After making sure An couldn't catch up, Mu En found a place with gentle water and prepared to go ashore.

That's right here.

I just didn't expect to bump into someone as soon as I came up.

Moreover, it looks like he is robbing someone?

After a brief thought, Mu En discovered that the person he was shaking hands with was actually a group of bandits?

What bullshit luck.

——Let’s run away first.

He has no weapons, and it is difficult for him to fight with two fists. It is a very unwise choice to act as a hero.

"Haha, thank you for your advice, I'm leaving now."

Mu En thanked him with a smile, then turned around and walked away skillfully.


Who would have thought that as soon as he took two steps, the scarred man's voice came from behind him.

"Huh? Brother, is something wrong?"

Mu En turned around and forced out a smile.

"Humph, boy, you have already recognized what we are doing, right, and are you just leaving like that?" The scarred man sneered.

Not good.

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched and she said with a sneer: "Don't worry, I will pretend that I didn't see anything."

"I did not mean that."

"Then you are..."

"I mean, we are bandits, and bandits bump into people..."

The scarred man stared at Mu En closely and said slowly, "Of course he is going to be robbed."


Mu En looked strange.

He looked down at his naked self, then at the scarred man: "Are you serious?"

"Hey, who said I was going to steal money?"

The scarred man stuck out his tongue, licked the sharp knife, stared at Mu En with hot eyes and said:

"Labor and capital are robbing sex!"

53. The advantage is mine!


Mu En was stunned, as if struck by lightning:

"Brother, what did you say?"

"I said, labor and capital are robbing sex!"

As if he was afraid that Mu En wouldn't hear, the scarred man raised his voice again, causing the surrounding leaves to fall.

Of course I know you are talking about robbery, but the problem is...

"I am male!"

Mu En patted her chest muscles and said anxiously:

"Brother, please see clearly. Don't be fooled by my outstanding beauty. I am a man!"

"Well, I saw this."

Scarface glanced at Mu En's crotch, and then smiled evilly:

"It's just because you are a man that I am raping you. Otherwise, why don't you ask the little girl behind you, did I have any thoughts about her body just now?"


Mu En turned around with a stiff neck.

The girl who looked fierce just now didn't know what expression to make at this moment. She hesitated for a long time and looked away, unable to bear to look at Mu En's expectant eyes.

Then he nodded silently.

These bandits seemed to have never looked at her lustfully.


Seeing this, Mu En felt a click and something cracked.

Help, there are gay men here!

"Humph, this is probably fate."

The scarred man's rough old face was slightly red, his expression melancholy, and he was deep in memories.

"Ever since I became a bandit, I have dreamed of one day meeting a handsome young man who has the courage to release his true nature and show himself in the wilderness of Jie Dao.

At best, he's a true pervert.

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