"Hiss--it hurts, it hurts..."

Elager, who was still injured, sat up with gritted teeth and glared:

"Can't you be gentler?"

"I should say this, can't you be gentler?"

Mu En rubbed her wrist and said, "It's so heavy."

"Huh? Is it heavy?"

Liya suddenly tilted her head, her big watery eyes staring at Mu En unblinkingly.

"Am I heavy?"

"No, Liya is not heavy at all. I am talking about this ungrateful guy."

Mu En said sincerely.

"The weight of a beautiful girl is infinitely close to zero. No matter how long I hold her, she won't get tired."

"That's it."

Liya patted her turbulent chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, I thought I had gained weight again."

"How is that possible? Liya's body shape is just right." Mu En smiled.


Dog men and women.

Elager smacked his tongue sourly, and stood up from the ground with difficulty. Perhaps due to his injury, he staggered and almost lost his balance, and then coughed up black blood.

"Are you OK."

Mu En frowned and wiped the blood that was accidentally spattered on her body with a handkerchief.

It would be a big loss if the tool man that he finally brought out was thrown into the street before he could shine:

"Do you need Liya to help you treat it?"

"No, no need."

Elager quickly waved his hand and refused: "I also know how to heal. After emergency treatment just now, the coughing up of congestion is much better now. There is no need to waste Miss Liya's energy. Under the current situation, her role is much greater than mine. "


Mu En quickly agreed with Elager's statement. Indeed, no matter what, Liya was much more important than him. Well, he was talking about the role, not other things.

"So you should be a little more polite." Looking at Mu En's look of refusing to give anything, Elager's cheeks twitched.

Seeing how energetic he was, Mu En knew that nothing serious was wrong with him.

"I didn't expect you to be able to survive until now. It's quite impressive."

"Haha, illusion is not good at all except for misleading others, but it is very powerful."

"Have you never been given flowers by Freya before?"

"Of course, but..."

Elager covered her chest with an intoxicated look on her face: "I already have a goddess in my heart. She can naturally withstand the test of temptation. Not to mention it is just a mere flower. Even if Freya throws herself into her arms, I will definitely He didn’t even raise his eyelids.”


Okay, another licking dog.

After confirming that there was no big problem with Elager, Mu En returned her attention to the surrounding environment.

In the dense and disgusting deformed jungle, the blood mist was thicker than before, and the visibility was not high, but perhaps it was because of the bright moonlight cast by the bright moon in the sky. When he raised his head, Mu En could still clearly see the distance not far away. The tall, simple black tower.

"Is this...that tower?"

Elager said in surprise:

"Aren't you afraid that Freya will catch up to you when you come to such a conspicuous place?"

"It's okay. If she catches up, we can just run away. I'm not afraid of anyone in this regard. And compared to that, what I care about more is..."

Just as he was speaking, Mu En suddenly became calm and looked aside:

"Who? Come out?"


Ellag and Liya suddenly became nervous, and as Mu En shouted fiercely, the flesh and blood jungle not far away suddenly began to rub fiercely. In the bloody mist, a figure... was approaching.

"Don't be afraid, it's me."

The figure slowly emerged, it was... a snake!

The huge white snake poked its head the size of a water tank out of the forest, hissing and spitting out snake messages. The glazed faces of several people were reflected in the cold snake eyes.

"Warcraft! It can also talk!"

Elager hid behind Mu En in an instant: "I can't deal with this kind of ghost, I'll leave it to you."

Liya also stayed close to Mu En, not because of anything else, but because beautiful girls are afraid of snakes.

"There are actually serious monsters in this kind of place?"

Mu En frowned, then clenched the two knives:

"Okay, it seems dinner is in order."

"Wait, wait, you said it was me, don't you have any impression of her lovely and melodious voice?"

The white snake suddenly opened its mouth, and a trail of mucus covered its body, its clothes were wet and clinging to the skin, and an extremely sexy figure slipped out of the snake's mouth.

The white snake turned into smoke and disappeared, and its figure twisted enchantingly on the ground a few times. Then it raised its hand with difficulty, brushing away its hair, revealing a rather beautiful face.

"Miss Fei'er, did you actually escape?"

After seeing that face clearly, Liya said in shock.

"Haha, although I was targeted first, as the most outstanding being of the younger generation in the Tower of Origin, a saint candidate and a magic genius, how could I fall into the hands of that little bitch Freya like this? "


Feier looked at Mu En and said with gratitude:

"I have to thank Mr. Mu En for the lighting technique just now. He is truly a disciple of that gentleman. Mr. Mu En can actually use a mere lighting technique to such a level that it makes the gods and ghosts cry. It is really admirable! "

Mu En: "..."

Although her praise was justified, why did she always feel guilty?

"That kind of trivial thing is not worth mentioning. Are you okay?"

Mu En reached out to Feier. He was very happy to have Feier, a powerful mage, join him.

"Okay, okay, I...poof..."


Mu En silently retracted her hand and wiped the blood on her body.

Are you prone to bleeding when you get injured?

"Miss Mayfair!"

Liya exclaimed, quickly went to Mayfair's side, and cast the Holy Light Technique to purify the dirt on her body and heal her injuries.

The penetrating wound on the abdomen was healed visibly, and a little color returned to Mayfair's face, but then she stopped Liya:

"The rest doesn't need to be treated. It's not an injury. It's the backlash of my forcibly using magic power. It can't be cured."

"Huh? What should we do?"

Although the trauma was cured, Liya could still clearly feel that Feier's body was in chaos at this moment, and her magic power and energy and blood were extremely chaotic.


Fei'er waved her hand indifferently, "It's a small problem, I'll just take a rest and it'll be fine."

"That's it."

Seeing Fei'er's relaxed expression, several people also breathed a sigh of relief.


Feier suddenly changed her tone: "The process of my rest may be a bit..."



Fei'er shyly turned to look at Mu En and said in a coy voice:

"As a disciple of that Lord, Mr. Mu En must be an upright and noble person. He will definitely not abandon me, a weak woman who doesn't even have a knight, right?"


Mu En was stunned, and before she could react, she saw Fei'er who said those words... tilted her head and fainted.

Liya: "..."

Elager: "..."

Mu En: "..."

So you worked so hard to escape just to be a burden to me?

The veins on Mu En's forehead twitched faintly. If Fei'er's injury hadn't been extremely serious, he would have thought that this guy was an undercover agent specially sent by Freya.


I can't really abandon her, right?

Mu En sighed and reached out to pull the guy up.

But halfway out his hand, his movements suddenly stopped.

"Elag, you carry her."

"Huh? I'll do it?"

Ellago pointed at himself, "Am I the one injured, or the magician, carrying her?"


Mu En nodded seriously: "As the most reliable combat force here, I need to be on guard at all times. Naturally, I have to leave such trivial matters to you."

"...a woman's mouth."

Mu En watched with satisfaction as Ellag, who only had his own goddess in his heart, reluctantly held Fei'er behind his back.

Well, I was just making the best use of the tool. Isn't it because just when I was about to carry it, I suddenly felt a cold gaze.

After making some repairs, the group continued to move forward and soon reached the bottom of the giant tower.

When they passed through the blood mist and truly saw the entire giant tower, they realized that this tower was even more spectacular than they imagined.

Not to mention that the tower is almost as tall as a cloud, the base under the tower is a tall hill of at least 100 meters. There is only a narrow staircase that can only allow two or three people to pass side by side, leading to the entrance of the tower.

In front of this pitch-black tower, a few people were as insignificant as ants.

166. Assists (two-in-one)

"I...do we really want to go up?"

At the bottom of the hill, Elager, who felt as small as an ant, looked at the endless stairs and suddenly flinched:

"I feel like we are taking a bit of a risk by doing this. If Freya blocks us up there, we won't have anywhere to escape, right?"

The giant tower is located on a tall hill, and the only way to the top of the hill is this narrow staircase.

If Freya had been stabbed in the butt by Freya who came up from the hill, I am afraid that even if Mu En had two more pairs of wings on her back, she would not be able to successfully escape with the few people here.

"No, I think Freya might not come after us." Mu En said.

"Huh? Why? Doesn't she care about you and Miss Liya very much?"

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