"As for the reason... it's probably my intuition."

"Huh? Intuition, is now the time to rely on such unreliable things? Let me tell you, we should find a place to hide, wait for the death contract document to expire, and then find a way to rescue the other saint candidates. It would be safer to work together to deal with Freya."

Elager felt that Mu En's explanation and behavior were a bit ridiculous.

He was obviously running away, but running to such a conspicuous place was no different than lighting a fire and shouting "I'm here" in a forest surrounded by monsters.

Is this because the enemy's methods are not cruel enough, or because he doesn't die quickly enough?

But Mu En didn't say anything else. She just shook her head and took steps towards the stairs.

Liya followed Mu En without any hesitation.

She trusted Mu En completely and didn't even need to ask for a reason.

Seeing this, Elager's cheeks twitched, he hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth, and stepped onto the stairs with difficulty, carrying a burden weighing over a hundred kilograms on his back.

Half an hour later.


When the noble magician Elager stepped up the last step on his hands and knees, he was as tired as a dead dog. He began to regret that he did not learn the magic of physical strength blessing, and even wished that he was a vulgar warrior at this moment.

"No...it's okay."

Liya asked worriedly: "Do you need me to use the Holy Light Technique to help you regain your strength?"

"No... no need."

Elager waved his hand: "We have climbed up, Miss Liya is better to conserve her strength, I just need to take my time."

Although the magician's physical strength is poor, fortunately, using magic does not require much physical strength.

"Mr. Elager is also working hard." Liya smiled.

"Well, with the enemy in front of me, I can't sleep peacefully like this woman."

With a bitter sigh, Elager suddenly remembered the previous scene, punched the ground hard, and said bitterly:

"It's all the fault of that bastard Freya. She is obviously a candidate for Saintess, but she actually colluded with the evil god to kill her companions. It's really not a good thing! It's a shame that I believed in her so much before!"

"Such a thing... no one would have thought of it."

When it comes to this, Liya is also a little sad.

She had told Mu En before that she actually admired the girl who had saved many people and was known as the girl closest to the status of a saint.

But looking back at this moment, I see that the person I longed for has colluded with the evil god, harmed his companions, concocted a conspiracy, and became a complete villain.

"But... why would Freya do that? She is a candidate for the Saint. What good will it do to her to collude with the evil god? Are you right, Mu En... Mu En?"

Liya wanted to seek answers from Mu En, but found that Mu En was offline and didn't listen at all.

Liya pulled on Moon's sleeve angrily.

"Ah, sorry, I was a little distracted."

Mu En came to her senses and scratched her head apologetically.

Liya blinked and asked curiously: "You seem to be out of sorts since just now. What are you thinking about?"

"Well, I just took a moment to recall the details just now."


“It’s just a review after the war, it’s nothing.


Mu En turned her head and looked not far away, her expression gradually becoming serious: "Now is not the time to think about those things."

After walking up the stairs, the entrance to the giant tower appeared in front of several people.

But when he saw the so-called "entrance", even Mu En, who prided himself on being as steady as an old dog at critical moments, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

...the door again?

And it's still the same as the one in the crypt before. It definitely doesn't look like a majestic door that can be cracked through brute force...

People in this world like this kind of thing so much in the game. Will there be a "this side can't pass" message, and then the players will break the door with itching teeth?

No... this is the type where you work hard to decipher the door and then get killed by the BOSS hidden behind the door.

Maybe another prisoner will appear soon.

I feel like I have PTSD from the other side.

"Liya, I'm sorry." Mu En touched Liya's head.

"It's okay, this is what I should do."

Liya showed a reassuring smile and walked to the door without hesitation.

She could feel that Mu En seemed to have some key information, so... she couldn't hold back.

With a determined look in her eyes, Liya's hands shimmered again, and she placed them skillfully on the door and began to crack it.

But... within a few seconds, Liya was disappointed.

It wasn't that the gate was more complicated than last time, but that no matter how she analyzed it, it was of no use.

The entire door seemed to be welded shut.

"This door...can't be opened?"

Liya was a little anxious. If she couldn't even open the door, then...


At this time, Liya, who was hurriedly looking for a solution, suddenly paused, then slowly turned her head and looked at Mu En and others.

"What's wrong?"


Liya listened intently, as if listening to something:

"Did you...hear any strange sounds?"


Mu En was stunned, listened carefully, and then shook his head:

"I didn't hear anything except the voice of Mr. Fei'er, who calls himself an elite, drooling and talking in his sleep."

"Could it be another trap?"

Elager looked around with a vigilant expression, fearing that some demon dogs would suddenly pop up this time.

"No, there is definitely some sound. I may have heard it wrong. That sound is...is..."

Liya held her breath and concentrated, eliminating all the messy sounds of wind, breathing, and heartbeats around her. Then, the vague and somewhat familiar voice finally became clear:

"help me……"

"Save us..."

"It hurts...save us..."

This is……

Liya's lips parted slightly.

The screams of the incomplete souls inside those monsters before?

No, that's not right...

This voice seems to be... a dream.

Yes, it was the noisy calls for help that seemed to come from many people in my dream on the first night I came to this lost country!

But now, this is not a dream, it is reality!

Liya quickly told Mu En these things.

Mu En couldn't help but frown when he heard this: "The cry for help that only Liya can hear... is wrong."

Mu En glanced to the side, where Fei'er was talking vaguely in her sleep, "Why are you making such a fuss? Don't bother me when I'm sleeping."

This is not only heard by Liya, but only by the saint candidates!

"Did that sound come from the door?" Mu En suddenly asked.

Liya quickly pressed her ears against the door, but soon she stood up again, her little head turning slightly. Although her ears did not move, they were reminiscent of a vigilant little broad-eared fox.

"The sound didn't come from the door, but... from this direction."

Liya pointed in a certain direction.

Mu En's eyes lit up, he looked at Liya and said without hesitation:

"Come on, take us to follow the sound!"

Several people abandoned the gate and, under Liya's guidance, followed the sound, bypassed the giant tower, and came to the edge of the hill.

At the bottom of the foot, there is a cliff that is higher than expected. There are only a few rocks protruding from it, which looks extremely dangerous.

Elager glanced down carefully, his face turned pale: "I... we shouldn't go down from here."


Liya nodded, "The sound comes from below."

Mu En thought for a while and squatted down: "Liya, come here."


Liya was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what Mu En was thinking. Her cheeks were slightly red, but she still crawled behind Mu En obediently.

As those slender and tender jade hands wrapped around her neck, Mu En's body stiffened slightly.

The touch on the back is really amazing.

It's a pity that I can only feel the touch from the top, but there is no time to feel the buttocks below.

Just like before, Mu En picked up Erager with one hand and Fei'er with the other, and jumped deftly on the cliff with Liya on his back.

Soon, Mu En came to a small earth and stone platform. After putting down a few people, Mu En quickly scanned the surrounding environment.

"Is this...a hole?"

Not far away, under the shadow cast by the protruding rocks, a cave half as tall as a man was vaguely revealed.

Several people approached, Liya listened carefully for a while, and said with certainty: "The sound came from inside."

Mu En's eyes narrowed and he began to look at the cave.

The hole is not big, barely enough for people to pass through. It looks extremely deep, with no end visible at a glance, and it is pitch black.

The most important thing is...

Mu En touched the edge of the cave with his fingers and said, "This cave... seems to have been opened manually."

"Man-made development?"

The breathing of several people suddenly became heavy.

After entering the inner area of ​​this lost country, the biggest question is where the indigenous people of this country have gone.

And now, it seems that we have finally caught the clue?

"Want to go in?"

Elager poked his head around, saw the dark interior of the cave, and swallowed subconsciously:

"I think it's better to be cautious. What if it's a trap?"


The steps that Mu En had just taken suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Did you find anything else?" Liya asked nervously.

Mu En did not answer, but took a few steps back and looked around at the edge of the platform.

"Freya... really didn't come after her."

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