Looking from a high place, the bloody jungle under his feet was fully imprinted in his eyes, but at this moment it was extremely peaceful, only the bright moon in the sky was still bright.

"Huh? Didn't you say that you had a hunch that they wouldn't come after you?"

"At this time, how can you only rely on something as unreliable as intuition? Are you stupid?"


Elag's eyes twitched, bastard, do you want to recall what you just said?

After thinking about it, Elag decided to forget it, after all, he couldn't beat them.

"Anyway, if Freya chased me at this time, I would have gotten into the cave immediately, but she didn't come."

"Mu En means..."

"Don't you think... our escape was too smooth?"


Liya said blankly: "But didn't we escape successfully by relying on Mu En's trick?"

"My trick is indeed powerful, but you have to have a chance to use it. I just reviewed it carefully and found..."

Mu En said seriously: "If I were Freya, I only needed to let half of the people I controlled attack Mu En Campbell at the first time, instead of backstabbing and clearing the field. Then, no matter how powerful Mu En Campbell is, there is no possibility of a comeback, let alone escaping in front of her."


Liya thought carefully: "Maybe Freya didn't expect Mu En to have that kind of trick, so she was careless? You see, she really looked like she was sure of victory before."


Mu En's mind appeared the face that seemed to be smiling gently at all times.

The corners of his mouth twitched, but he couldn't laugh.

"So what Mu En meant was that Miss Freya deliberately let us go and lured us here?"

"Yes, judging from her words and actions, there is this possibility. Of course, there is another possibility."

Mu En looked into the distance: "She was really just careless as Liya said, and the reason why she didn't chase me... is that what she is doing now is more important than catching up with me."

What exactly does Freya... or the God of Love want to do in this lost country? This is something that Mu En can't ignore no matter what.

After all, the old shaman like the God of Love would take such a big risk to sneak into the eyes of the church. He must not come here for sightseeing and experiencing the customs and customs of a foreign country.


Mu En turned his head and looked at the cave again.

Now, it's a choice.

In the end, he chose to take a gamble, bet on the third smallest possibility, and enter the cave.

Or, as Elag said, wait until the death contract expires, find a way to rescue the other candidates for the saint, and then join forces to stop the god of love.


Mu En massaged his temples with a headache. The root of everything was still too little information.

If only...

"Oh, this young man, you seem to have encountered some troubles. If you pray to the great God of Magic now, the God of Magic may respond to you~"

Suddenly, an unfathomable voice sounded, disrupting Mu En's thinking.

Mu En was silent for a while, stretched out his hand and patted the woman lying on the ground on her hips, and said coldly:

"Speak human language."

"I have a way to monitor Freya."

Fei'er, who woke up at some point, said skillfully from the heart under a particularly cold gaze.



Freya threw a small mirror to Mu En. As the clear mirror surface rippled, Mu En looked and found that his figure disappeared in it, and suddenly turned into several other familiar figures.

Freya and others.

"This is..." Mu En's breathing became short.


Fei'er, lying on the ground, sneered with her hands on her hips:

"You want to run away after offending me, a candidate for the saint and a magic genius? It's not that easy. Even if Freya drags others to fight, I can see her clearly!"

"Too powerful, Fei'er, you are really..."

Mu En wanted to pat Fei'er's shoulder excitedly, and then... Fei'er sprayed blood all over his face again.

"Anyway, the mirror is my last ripple, and the rest is up to you, Mr. Mu En."

Fei'er threw a glare at Mu En, and before that cold gaze came over, she fainted again.


Mu En was silent for a while, and called Erag: "Take Fei'er with you and find a safe place to stay first."

I don't know if there are any traps in this cave. The combined combat power of the two people is basically equal to zero, so it's better to stay away from it first.

"A safe place?"

Elag looked around. He might fall off the cliff if he turned over in this broken place, so he had to look up, his face full of the bitterness of a tool man: "Do you think I can climb up with this burden?"

Mu En thought about it and felt that he was a little too oppressive to the tool man, and was about to take the two up himself first...


The voice fell.

The two turned back silently and saw that Liya also silently retracted her little hand that cast the floating magic.


After a short silence, Elag muttered a bitch in a low voice, and took Fei'er to fly up with the floating magic.

Mu En looked at Liya's little ears dyed with crimson, and didn't say anything, just smiled a little relaxed, and sat down beside her.

Then he lowered his head, looked at the mirror in his hand, and got to the point.

"Let me see, Freya, what do you want to do?"

167, Hellfire (I)

On the other side, a bloody plain covered with dark blue fascia.

Freya retracted her gaze from somewhere, smiled as usual, and looked at everyone: "Okay, the rest time is enough, let's move on."

She stood up and continued to walk forward.

And behind her, Anne, with a small flower swaying on her head, sneaked up to Margarita again:

"Hey, did you find that Freya was a little bit wrong?"

"She's so nagging."

Margarita glanced at her and resisted the urge to pull the flower off.

"She looks so weak. It's been less than two hours, and she's rested three times. Magicians are not so weak."

Anne crossed her arms and frowned:

"The time-delaying strategy I thought of was completely useless, because the one who was the most time-delaying among us was Freya herself!"


Margarita looked at the slender back.

This most famous candidate for the saint... No, the former candidate for the saint, is showing an unreasonable fragility at this moment. She has to stop and rest every time she walks for a while, and her physical strength is worse than that of ordinary people.

She doesn't seem to be as urgent as imagined. Compared with doing something shocking to the world, she is more like an ordinary tour.

Although there is no scenery to see in this tourist place.

It's even disgusting.

"Speaking of which, we have never seen Freya take action personally." Margarita touched her chin and thought:

"When facing the prisoners before, she would rather give up the precious props than take action personally."

"You mean..."

Anne's eyes lit up and rubbed her hands.

"Freya is actually a weakling for some reason. Do we have a chance?"

"... Even if she is a weakling, you have no chance before breaking the control."

Margarita ruthlessly pierced the fantasy of the arrogant loli, and at the same time, her eyes couldn't help but stay on the swaying flower on Anne's head.

The source of the control is the flower. What will happen if the flower is pulled out directly?

Can it get rid of the control directly?

No, Freya is not that stupid.

But the strange thing is... many of her behaviors are indeed somewhat unreasonable.

For example...

"Get out of the way."

A cold voice sounded, Margarita turned around and saw a very pale face.

It seems that Freya is not the only one who is weird.

Margarita sighed lightly and glanced at the abdomen of the former divine knight in front of her.

The wound that Freya had stabbed him just now has not healed yet, and he has not even received treatment. At this moment, blood is still flowing, as if it will never stop.

And Brian himself seems to have become extremely weak because of this. As a magic and martial arts practitioner, he moves slower than Freya and often falls behind the team.

Of course, it may be intentional to monitor them.

"Get out of the way." Brian said again, his tone was extremely cold.

Margarita said nothing and silently made way.

However, perhaps because of too much blood, Brian stumbled and almost fell when he passed by Margarita.

Margarita subconsciously reached out to support him, but as soon as she touched Brian's arm, he shook her away:

"Don't touch me, stinky woman!"


Margarita's forehead was throbbing with blue veins.

Stinky? She was a princess of a country, and she would smell fragrant even if she killed a hundred monsters. How could she smell?

But Brian didn't pay any attention to her after he finished speaking, and limped to catch up with Freya's pace. Freya turned around and said something to him, and from time to time, she could hear crisp laughter.


The stupid loli on the side laughed without hesitation.

Margarita glared at her coldly, thought about it, and suddenly put the hand that had just supported Brian to her nose and sniffed it.

In an instant, her eyebrows were furrowed, and Margarita looked at her hand with a slightly dull look.

"This is..."

As if she was afraid of misjudgment, Margarita endured the physical discomfort, put her hand on the tip of her nose again, and breathed hard...

"What a joke..."

After confirming what the smell was, Margarita looked at the dark back, her expression became extremely complicated.


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