"No, Brian is indeed still in front of us, but this does not mean that he is still alive now."

The astonishing words were like a thunderbolt, shocking everyone's auditory nerves.

Paul was the first to react. He recalled some strange things before: "Could it be that..."

"Yes, it's what you think."

From beginning to end, the most abnormal person was not Freya, but her divine knight, Brian.

For example, Shadow Ghost, who is famous for his cruelty, only hides behind and secretly casts magic.

For example, his face was too pale to look alive, and he had been hiding in Freya's shadow, unable to even come into contact with bright light.

For another example, although he looked weak, he bled solidly for several hours. Even the strongest warrior could do this.

And those spores floating out of his blood... what is the most suitable breeding ground for spore reproduction?

The answer is - corpses.

"...When did you see through it?"

"Not long ago, I smelled corpse stench on him."

"But I obviously covered it up with so much floral fragrance..."

"Smell can only be masked, but cannot be offset. As it happens, perfume appreciation has been a required course for my princess since she was a child."

"That's it..."

Freya rubbed her temples. He pulled his eyebrows together and sighed melancholy:

"But even if you know this, what can you do? This secret will not have any impact on the ending."

"I don't understand why you did this, turning to the evil god to save him? You can obviously rely on the teaching..."

"it's useless."


"The church can't save Brian."

Freya said softly: "I know better than you, Margarita, where the limits of the church are. They can cure most diseases in the world, replace organs for people who are dying, and even make people whose heads fall off the ground." , rescued in a short time.

But... even the church...

Nor can they save a soul that is on the verge of being broken. "

"So you place your hopes on the evil god?"

"Yes, I think so." Freya nodded.

"I still can't understand it!"

Margarita sternly said: "Abandon the status of a saint so close at hand, give up everything, and even commit the crime of betraying humanity, just for... for...

Is it worth it? "

"Of course, it's worth it."

Freya looked into her eyes and said.


At this moment, Margarita understood that no matter how much she tried to persuade her, it was useless.

This woman's eyes told herself this fact.

"how about you?"

Margarita turned to Brian: "Freya gave up everything for you, are you really willing to bear this sin?"


Brian let out a low roar from his throat, his whole body was shaking, and his lips were moving, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, it was still a meaningless sound, and Brian said nothing.

He just showed an extremely complicated expression.

The pain, confusion, regret... were so complicated that Margarita couldn't understand them, at least now... she couldn't understand them.

"It's okay Brian, it has nothing to do with you. This is just my personal choice, so you don't have to suffer."

Freya gently stroked Brian's face, "It's okay, it will be over soon."

She stood up and walked forward.

He walked to the small pool of blood in the center of the altar.

Lower your head.

Her shadow was reflected in the blood.

The hands are folded on the lower abdomen, the waist and back are straight, dignified, elegant and holy.

And that reflection suddenly changed.

The corners of the mouth that were originally slightly outlined became even more exaggeratedly curved, becoming extremely enchanting.

And those gentle eyes were pitch black.

At this moment, the misty hymn was playing, and from the sky, from the earth, from the pool of blood, a grand, majestic, strange language that did not sound like a human being, but could be understood by everyone, suddenly sounded.

[Freya, are you done? 】

"Yes, there is only one last step left, Lord Cupid."

The expressions of the other three people were stagnant at the same time, and their faces were pale.

Evil God·Corrupted God of Love!

Actually appeared in front of them.

Fortunately, this seems to be just a weak afterimage.

[You did well, Freya. 】

The reflection smiled exaggeratedly and ferociously, and that ice-cold laughter was terrifying.

[Then let’s begin, the last step. 】


Freya answered respectfully, then leaned down, stretched out her hand, and slowly reached out to the pool of blood.

At this moment, all the breathing sounds disappeared, because everyone understood that when that little white hand touched the pool of blood, something terrible would definitely happen.

Even the reflection in the pool of blood couldn't help but look forward to it.


When it was less than one centimeter away from the pool of blood, the hand suddenly stopped moving.

Freya lowered her eyes and stared at the god presumptuously:

"Lord God of Love, according to our agreement, before I complete the last step, should you... fulfill your promise?"

【Are you teaching me how to do things? 】The reflection’s eyes are cold.

"I don't dare. I just think that humans can keep their promises. As the supreme god, the God of Love should also fulfill his promise."

【certainly. 】

The reflection suddenly smiled.

[Of course I will fulfill my promise. 】

In the pool of blood, a bloody glimmer suddenly popped up and submerged into Brian's body.

Brian's body convulsed, and then blood appeared visibly on his face.

Freya happily held Brian's hand and touched his cheek. She could feel the warmth belonging to a living person appearing on this originally cold body bit by bit.


"Lady Freya..."

Brian looked at Freya, his lips trembling fiercely, as if he was fighting against something, his eyes were extremely painful.


Although he could live again, why did his eyes look even more painful?

[Ah, by the way, Freya. 】

The reflection in the pool of blood suddenly said:

[For the sake of your diligence, I will tell you a secret. 】


Freya turned back stiffly.

[Yes, secret. 】

The reflection suddenly approached the surface of the pool of blood, as if lying next to Freya's ear, and whispered:

[I did temporarily repair his soul, but in fact... his soul has already completely belonged to me. 】


Freya's eyes widened little by little, and her pupils narrowed little by little. She lowered her head and looked at the reflection:

"What did you say?"

[That man proposed an exchange to me a long time ago, and I satisfied him, so his soul now belongs to me. 】

[Otherwise, wouldn’t you think that just by stuffing your own magic power and origin into that body, you would be able to successfully move that body that is about to rot? 】

[It’s me who makes him persist until now. 】

One word after another, like a knife, is engraved on the heart.

Freya turned her head again. She had never turned her head so slowly, as if every sound of joint friction could be heard clearly in her ears.

"Brian, what...did you wish for?"


Brian looked sad: "I want to help you, Lady Freya...become a saint."

Freya opened her mouth and said blankly: "So, that was the expression you had at that time?"

Brian nodded: "Sorry, Lady Freya, I wanted to say it at that time, but I... couldn't say it."

Of course he couldn't tell, because this was exactly... the evil god's evil taste.

"That's it..."

Freya's delicate body trembled, and her originally straight waist gradually bent, as if her whole body was being crushed.

She leaned on Brian's chest and whispered:

"But my wish is to save you."

Brian burst into tears.

【That's it...that's it! 】

In the pool of blood, the reflection twisted and squirmed crazily, as if dancing a weird and exciting dance.

【How... wonderful! 】








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