The liver and intestines were severed.

Asking for it but not getting it.

What is gained is lost again.

Like a blooming crystal flower, it blooms in the light, and then breaks into pieces at its most beautiful moment.

This is—twisted love, corrupted love!

"Lord Cupid, you seem to be very happy."

At some point, that slender and delicate figure came to the edge of the pool of blood again and looked down at the reflection.

【Um? 】

The distorted reflection was instantly restored, and that holy and enchanting face faced another pretty face that was exactly the same.

【Why? 】

The afterimage of the god stared at that face, asking incomprehensible questions for the first time.

[Why are you still laughing? 】

Before the pool of blood, Freya sat cross-legged casually, no longer as elegant as before, and her back looked a little rickety.

However, on that face and at the corner of the mouth, there was still a holy, gentle smile that seemed to have never changed from beginning to end.

But it was obvious that just now, she had experienced the most cruel pain in the world.

"Of course I'm going to laugh."

Freya said softly:

"There is already so much pain in this world, why should I add to it?"


As if he noticed something, the reflection in the pool of blood suddenly turned hideous:

【Do you still want to resist? impossible! At this point, I can easily pollute your soul! 】

A pool of blood surged, and countless blood threads spread along Freya's body, eroding into her flesh and blood.

But soon, those bloodshot eyes all turned back, turning into incompetent and furious reflections.

【How can it be? Soul...where is your soul? 】

"My soul is here."

Freya smiled slightly and took out a dark golden cone.

"An ancient relic, the Demon-Sealing Cone, I have hidden my soul in it. This body is also just an empty shell."

That's why he is so weak.

"After all, you are the famous God of Love. How can I not make more preparations for my deal with you?"

【impossible! How can humans bear the pain of stripping away souls and hiding dead things? How can it be! 】

Reflection roared.

When the soul is placed in a dead thing, even the prisoner who has gone through countless years of hardships can't help but cry out in pain and plead for redemption.

Not to mention, there is also the pain of actively stripping the soul.

"It hurts a lot."

Freya covered her chest and said:

"But it's nothing compared to when we lost him."

Freya held the Demon-Sealing Cone and looked dazed for a moment.

She remembered the question that Mu En asked her not long ago.

"A believer in the God of Love? No, Mr. Moon."

Freya said to herself.

"What I believe love."

Without hesitation, she stabbed the cold vertebrae into her heart.

"I would like to use all of my body to obtain the power of the ban from you."

Freya recited the spell.

At the same time, Brian suddenly spoke:

"And me, take everything I have."

Freya looked at him with fascination and did not refuse.


Blood flowed, and the tail of the vertebral body suddenly spread out, like a blooming black lotus.

In the center of the lotus, the scarlet pupils turned, locking onto the reflection in the pool of blood.

【No! No! Just ants! You can't! cannot! 】

The reflection screamed and struggled wildly, turning into a twisted bloody ball, trying to escape.

But it was no use.

What's here is just a weak afterimage.

So when the lotus flowers closed again, both the pool of blood and the reflection had completely disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, the moonlight was bright and there was silence.


Freya, who still had a vertebra inserted into her chest, looked to the side and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry to show you a farce."


The few people who had regained their freedom looked at each other, and suddenly they didn't know how to speak. For a long time, they lowered their heads together to express respect.

"I didn't do anything respectable. On the contrary, I almost hurt you."

Freya smiled helplessly, and then spoke faster:

"We don't have much time, so I'll keep it short."

"The matter is not over yet, you are going to that high tower."


Margarita frowned and looked at the hazy giant tower in the blood mist.

"Go to the bottom of the tower?"

"No, Mr. Moon and Miss Liya have already gone to the tower. You have to stay outside the tower and protect the tower."

"Protection? Who is the enemy?"

"You will know soon."

Freya raised her head and looked at the bright moon.

There was already a faint, disgusting smell in the air.

"The mutation is about to begin, you go quickly."


Several people no longer hesitated and quickly rushed towards the giant tower.

Freya lowered her head again and looked somewhere:

"One more thing, I may not be the only evil believer who comes here. I have met a person who was killed before a teleportation scroll was triggered. It should be that person's handiwork.

" careful."

After everyone left, there was only silence again.

Freya, who had nothing to appreciate, could only look up again and stare at the bright moonlight.

"It's so beautiful, just like when I first met you."

"Well, at that time, there was also so much blood around."

"You seem to be injured, do you need me to treat you?"

"No? Well, he's obviously about to die... What a cold guy."

"Wow, you can actually cook? That's great. I'll leave this great task to you from now on."

"It's really weird. I can obviously make good medicine, but I can't even make porridge. Is this proof that the goddess is too fair? She has no talent for cooking? I won't admit this kind of thing."

"I'm going to the south. I heard that a plague broke out there. Will you go?"

"Oh, oh, oh, you know you can't go, but you still protect me secretly. What a arrogant man you are."

"Rest? I have a good two hours of rest a day."

"I will have a good rest after I finish researching this medicine, but now, many people are waiting."

"Great, the plague has been cured. Do you want to go to the beach together? I heard that the beach here is beautiful."

"The seaside is so beautiful, but what are you doing hiding in the shadows at this time?"

"You asked me what my dream is? Well... of course it is to become a saint. I will tell you secretly that I am a candidate for a saint. Don't tell others about this."

"You said you want to help me? Okay, I'll leave the job of protecting me to you from now on. I'm not very good at fighting. Recently, I feel like someone is trying to harm me. Well, my personal safety depends entirely on you."

"You really...protected me very well."

"Mine, Brian."

The moonlight gradually blurred, and the body became colder.

What was promised just now is being taken away bit by bit.

"It's so dark, Brian, are you still there?"

A warm hand caressed his cheek.

"I am here."

"It's so warm. In my memory, you seem to have never been so gentle."

The girl rubbed the broad hand with nostalgia and asked softly:

"Sorry, I have saved so many people, but I still can't save you."

"Even so, will you always stay with me like this, my Brian?"


The voice said so firmly:

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