"I will always be with you, my...Freya."

168. Karmic Fire (2))

Emile's Cathedral, confessional.

The saint who had just finished praying to the goddess stood up, opened the door, and was about to leave.

But when the candle held by the nun outside the door happened to shine on her flawless and holy cheek, that perfectly outlined smile suddenly froze for a moment.

"What's wrong? Your Highness the Saint." Sister Lin asked.

"There are children... left."

The smile faded, replaced by unconcealable sadness.


Lin was stunned for a moment before she realized that what the saint was talking about was the immature and young candidates.

Sure enough, there are still victims?

The candlelight flickered, holding it in the palm of her hand, Lin bowed down respectfully:

"Your Highness, my condolences, your holy soul will eventually return to the embrace of the goddess."

"Don't worry Lin, I'm not that fragile yet. I've been prepared for this kind of thing."

The saint turned her wrist, and a crystal appeared in her palm. The originally crystal clear crystal was now covered with cracks, as if it would shatter in the next moment.

"Is it...Freya?"

Looking at the crystal, the saint's mind came to mind that child whose manners and smile were very close to "herself" as a saint.

In the eyes of outsiders, her temperament is simply carved out of the same mold as his own. It is precisely because of this that many people, before the ceremony began, were very optimistic about the girl and felt that she would most likely be the next saint. .

Unfortunately, she was the first to leave.

"Freya... I remember, that's the child that Her Majesty the Saint doesn't like a little bit."

Lin still remembered that when Freya came to the Holy City, Her Majesty the Saint refused the offer to pick her up and clearly expressed her displeasure with the girl.

"...It's not that I don't like that kid a little bit."

The saint said:

"I disliked that child the least. Of all the children, I liked her the least."

"Your Highness?"

Lin, who had always been cold-tempered, couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that the saint would say such words when the child returned to the goddess's arms.

So blunt and out of place.

But the saint just looked into Lin's eyes and continued:

"Do you know why I dislike her the most?"

"Sorry, I can't pry into His Highness's mind, so I don't know."


Under the candlelight, the saint saw herself in Lin's eyes.

That holy, elegant, calm, gentle self as a saint.

"A fake person like me who is disguised will certainly feel ashamed when meeting the real person, right?" The Saint smiled to herself.

"...In other words, Your Highness thinks that Miss Freya is the most qualified candidate to become a saint?" Lin asked in astonishment.

"No, on the contrary, in my eyes, she is just as unsuitable as Liya."


Lin felt that she could no longer keep up with His Highness's thinking.


The saint turned her head and looked through the window at the world shrouded in night.

"They are all too gentle..."

She raised her hand, as if chasing the dim and misty starlight:

"But it is difficult for gentle people to look directly at the darkness of this world..."

"Miss Freya..."

After seeing what happened on the other side through the picture in the mirror, suppressed emotions spread between Liya and Mu En.

"Miss Freya actually...did such a thing."

Liya's eyes were slightly red, and anyone who saw that scene couldn't help but feel emotion and sympathy for the girl who was always smiling, always gentle, and always chasing the one she loved.

"So I'm really... only half right?"

Mu En also smiled bitterly with difficulty, as if a big stone was pressing on his chest, which was so heavy that it was difficult to breathe.

Freya's abnormality has long made him have various speculations.

But he didn't expect that the result would actually be... the third scenario that he originally thought was the most impossible.

Freya is a good person.

A good guy through and through.

She has never believed in evil gods and has never really harmed anyone.

She is just a girl pursuing love.

That's not corrupt love, it's not twisted love.

But like the golden orchid she likes, it is elegant, delicate, yet fragrant, strong and true love.

That kind of love will not be controlled by Cupid.

"Perhaps Miss Freya never really made a deal with the God of Love."

In her mind, recalling the scene that just happened, Liya wiped the tears from her eyes and said softly:

"She just wanted to grasp the last straw, but after discovering that the straw was just a false lie, she immediately chose the most poignant and decisive path."

Freya, who had her soul extracted from the very beginning and stored it in a dead thing like a prisoner, couldn't help but anticipate this ending.

But she still had no hesitation.


Mu En patted Liya on the shoulder and comforted: "At least, her and his souls can really be together forever now, instead of being tainted by the evil god, right?"


"Then we don't have to be sad. It's not the time to be sad yet."

Mu En stood up and turned to look at the dark cave.

"Freya has told us where we should go, so we don't need to be confused anymore, let's go."



Liya sniffed Xiaoqiong's nose, nodded vigorously, and grabbed Mu En's extended hand.

Mu En pulled Liya up, but Liya suddenly found that the originally gentle strength suddenly became stronger.

She was pulled towards Mu En uncontrollably and crashed into his arms.

"Huh? Mu En?"

"Hold tight!"

Mu En's voice was heavy, and he suddenly hugged Liya into his arms. In an instant, the world was spinning, and at the same time, a strong wind blew, and everything in front of him turned into jumping light and shadow.

Liya subconsciously hugged Mu En. She felt the heat behind Mu En and... not far away, the violent fluctuations of magic power.

The scorching firelight illuminated the sky, covering up the brilliance of the moonlight, and was wrapped in an icy murderous intent in the high temperature that could turn steel into liquid.

The platform where the two people landed was blown to pieces in an instant. In the dust flying all over the sky, they escaped the sneak attack magic at the critical moment. Therefore, a somewhat gray-faced Mu En clung to the rock wall and looked solemnly not far away.

"Sure enough, Freya already knew that we were watching her, so some of her words were meant for us."

It is different from twisted flesh and blood, but on the hills made of soil and rocks, countless flowers are gradually blooming.

It was not a golden orchid, but a flower with no name, but a wide variety, colorful and extremely beautiful flowers.

It spreads out like a sea of ​​flowers.

"You must be the second hidden believer of the evil god." Mu En said in a deep voice.

On the nearly vertical flower rock wall, a figure stood upright and walked slowly, as if completely ignoring the existence of gravity.

Her whole body was covered with gorgeous flowers, and her movements were strange. Only half of her beautiful face was revealed among the countless blooming flowers.



Mu En suddenly closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and her chest rose and fell forcefully.

When he opened his eyes again, his gaze went directly past Mayfair and landed behind her.

"The real evil believer is you..."

Mu En looked at that figure and said word by word with a cold tone:


169. Karmic Fire (3)

"I didn't expect it to be you...Elag!"

At the top of the hill, surrounded by countless flowers, a man wearing a magician's robe with an illusion school badge hanging on his chest looked down at the two people at his feet, showing an unpredictable and weird smile.

"I didn't expect it either, Moon Campbell..."

Ellag twisted his head and said:

"I would actually try to kill you a third time."

"the third time……"

Mu En murmured softly, and Liya, who was in his arms, could not help showing a somewhat naive expression of surprise at this moment, her lovely cherry lips slightly parted.

The first time was outside of town.

The second time... was it an accident at that time?

Taking out the Eye of Destruction was not some random act of licking a dog, but was it intentional?

No, since it was intentional, how did he deceive the death deed document...

"That's it. To be honest, when Freya said that, the first person I suspected was Fei'er, and I didn't even think of you at all... But thinking about it carefully, you did reveal all kinds of abnormalities along the way. .

"And I ignored the abnormalities."


Mu En thought for a while, then suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly: "Is it because of the illusion?"

"Smart, as expected of the person the great Lord God personally asked me to kill."

Elager bowed politely like a gentleman, but the smile on his face became more and more exaggerated, completely different from the Elager that Mu En knew before.

"Actually, the first time I was testing it, after all, there were people watching at that time, so I didn't dare to do anything bad."

"Then you discovered that my strength is beyond your imagination?"

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