"That's right, so I changed my mind and chose to lie dormant and look for opportunities."

Elager said:

"And in order to be able to hibernate better, I used the most basic and complex application of illusion...suggestion."


"Yes, at that time, I deliberately agreed to your humiliating conditions and surrendered to you, just to give you a hint... that I am weak, limited by you, and absolutely harmless to you."


The previous memories came to mind, and Ellag's eyes were fierce: "I put on the image of women's clothing to deepen the hint!"

"...Haha, no wonder after that, whether you used illusions on me in the passage or almost killed everyone, I didn't have the slightest doubt about you... Because when people are looking for threats, they will subconsciously exclude those who are weaker than themselves. people.”

Mu En sneered and said sarcastically: "But you are still really sacrificial. Your appearance at that time was very attractive. If you publish it, it will definitely attract many people's attention."

"For the Lord God, all sacrifices are worth it."

Elager restrained his fierce glare and smiled again: "So after that, I even gave a hint to myself... So at that time, I really only had my favorite goddess in my heart, and Elager who promoted the school of illusion. ”

"I see, is this the way to bypass the death contract document? It's really amazing."

Mu En couldn't help but sigh.

That thing has made people like me miserable. It is simply a model-level prop that only fools gentlemen and not villains.

"That's natural. Didn't I say it before? When it comes to disguising yourself, illusion, a magic that can interfere with thinking, is the strongest."


Elager's ferocious smile stopped abruptly, and he tore his hair with both hands, with unconcealable anger in his red eyes:

"I could have hidden next to you and given you a fatal blow at the critical moment, but... Freya's bitch betrayed... betrayed!

Because of her betrayal, the plan was disrupted, otherwise...otherwise..."

"That's not betrayal!"

Mu En retorted in a deep voice: "Freya has never deviated from what she believes in!"

"Things of faith? Are you talking about the love she believes in? No, that is not love! That kind of thing that is false, gains nothing, and only leaves pain, is not love!"

"Real love...is this!"

Elager was crazy, laughing, dancing...reaching out his hand, tearing open his chest.

"Of course you should keep the things you cherish deepest in your heart with utmost importance!"

The flesh and blood were torn open, revealing bright red fascia and pale bones.

But what existed in that chest was not a beating heart.

But a head.

A bloody, long-haired, girlish head.

The head was embedded inside Elager's chest, replacing the heart, and his face was covered in blood.

As if they had experienced darkness for too long, those confused, dull, and numb eyes slowly opened, and tears mixed with blood flowed out.

The innocent girl opened her dry lips and whispered softly:

"I love you."

Like the face of a loved one, full of happiness.

I love you.


The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Certain memories emerged from the depths of my mind, tearing at my nerves.

"what is that?"

The girl in her arms turned pale and exclaimed, frightened by the horrific scene in front of her.

But then, she let out a cry of pain, because she suddenly realized that the body of the man hugging her was as hard as steel.

"Mu En..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I hurt you."

Mu En lowered his head apologetically, and because of some kind of emotional fluctuation, his subconsciously tense body relaxed a little.

But when the girl looked at him, she could still see something burning with rage from his expressionless face and from the depths of his lake-like blue eyes.

"Sorry, Liya, can you please take the first step?" Mu En said suddenly.

"Huh? Take the first step? At this time?"

"Well, Elager is obviously trying to delay time by exposing himself at this time, so it's best for you to take the first step."


The enemy looks very scary. I'll leave first now, no...

Liya, who wanted to say this, swallowed the words.

She stared at Mu En, and looked at Mu En's face, as if she felt something, and suddenly stopped trying to dissuade her, instead she put her hands around Mu En's neck and hugged her tightly.

"That's up to you."

"Well, leave it to me."

"this is for you."

"This is?"

Mu En looked at the dark iron piece in his hand and felt that it looked vaguely familiar.

"This is something I made using the materials you sold me. It can break magic. Of course, it is also effective against illusions."

Liya said proudly: "It's pretty awesome."

"Well, that's great. It helps a lot."

Mu En couldn't help but hug the girl tighter.


"I will."

The two felt each other's warmth and were extremely attached to each other, but this was destined to be very short-lived.

While Elago was still there, shouting "This is love" and going crazy, the two of them started moving around.

The platform just now was blown up by magic, and the cave was more clearly revealed, not far below the two of them.

Mu En grabbed Liya's hand and flicked it gently, and Liya jumped into the cave nimbly.

"By the way, Liya."

When Liya was about to leave, Mu En suddenly called her:

"So far, although there are some guesses, we are not sure what is underneath, and there may be some dangers, so..."

Mu En looked into Liya's eyes and said seriously:

"If you encounter any problems that cannot be solved, you must wait for me, I... your knight will soon... soon rush to your side."


Liya nodded vigorously after hearing this, revealing a smile more beautiful than the sea of ​​flowers:

"I will, my knight!"



The breeze that came out of nowhere disturbed the blood mist and brushed across the sea of ​​flowers, bringing a faint smell of blood and a faint stench.

Mu En jumped onto a protruding stone on the rock wall and turned slowly.

Elag also stopped praising true love, and carefully and cherishedly closed his chest again, turning back into the ordinary genius who wanted to promote the school of illusion.

"Is the farewell over? You actually sent away an important fighting force on your side. You are really conceited." Elag shook his head and said.

"But you, you didn't stop Liya?" Mu En narrowed his eyes.

"Hehe, it's okay. I'll get rid of you and then get rid of her. It's also in time."

"You are not bad in conceit."

Mu En pulled out Elizabeth, and the pure white blade hummed, as if it felt the owner's current emotions.


Mu En suddenly looked aside: "How is Fei'er?"

On the rock wall covered with flowers, the girl ignored gravity and stood tall, with bright flowers growing on her body in clusters, like a colorful long skirt.

Only the half-hearted face that twitched from time to time revealed her pain and struggle at the moment.

Her movements were strange, like a puppet.

"Who knows?"

Elag smiled and said, "It should be her honor to be chosen by the power of the Lord God, isn't it? But I have to thank you too. If it weren't for your trust in me, I wouldn't have let Miss Fei'er feel the grace of the Lord God so easily."


"Oh, don't be angry, don't be angry..."

Looking at Mu En, whose face immediately turned cold, Elag comforted her intimately:

"Don't worry, the Lord God values ​​these saint candidates very much, so even if he has just encountered betrayal before, he will definitely... treat her well.

Of course...

This also includes your saint candidate."



Mu En raised his eyes and looked at Elag, but he didn't look at him, but seemed to pass through him and look at something behind him.

Everything is accumulated here.

The long suppressed rage finally erupted like a volcano, turning into a sincere greeting to an old acquaintance:

"Fuck you, God of Love!"

The killing intent... burst out!

The breeze whistled and turned into a sharp whirlwind, turning countless delicate flowers into withered petals.

Fei'er, like a puppet, suddenly raised her finger stiffly and pointed lightly at Mu En's position.

The magic power surged, and there was no need to chant. The ground cracked instantly, and dozens of times the gravity was applied there in an instant!

But...there was no figure there.

Fei'er's fingers moved quickly again, creating huge depressions on the steep rock wall, but still couldn't even catch the corner of the ghostly shadow's clothes.

The world under the moonlight suddenly bloomed with a brilliance far beyond the moonlight.

The knife light was like a thread.

Elag didn't even have time to react more, and the figure like an evil ghost had already appeared in front of him.

Not even a breath.

The holy light barrier that Fei'er had cast in front of him was torn apart by the pure white holy weapon in an instant. Mu En turned around and approached him. When Elag showed a look of astonishment, two blades had already stabbed into his neck and forehead.

Blood splattered, and Mu En pushed his knees and pressed Elag under him.

Because of this close-fitting posture, Fei'er could no longer use any magic, and stopped moving as if on standby.

"Is this what you call the grace of the gods?"

Mu En pressed down the blade and said coldly:

"Let the God of Love get out! He must have a projection clone on you!"

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