
Although the injuries were fatal enough to kill an ordinary person ten times, Elager still smiled, but because his throat was penetrated, it was a little difficult to speak:

"...He is worthy of being a dangerous person that even the gods will be wary of. He is really powerful... If I were in front of you, I would definitely be killed instantly."

"Cut the nonsense."

Mu En had no intention of saying any more nonsense to Elago.

However, he expected that he would not die even if his vitals were penetrated. He had seen this kind of thing so many times that he was numb.


"Since you won't come out, I'll burn you from the inside out."

Red star flames gradually lit up in Mu En's pupils. He stared at Elager, so in Elager's pupils, the red fire gradually became brighter.

That is the flame from the evil god King of Blight, which is burning the soul.


Even though his soul was burned, Elager was still smiling, a weird smile.

He looked at Mu En, coughed up blood, and said:

"Moon Campbell, let me tell you one more good thing."


Mu En ignored it.

"Ahem... The good thing is... I just... gave you another hint."


Mu En frowned subconsciously.

"What do you mean?"

"Ahem...Suggestions are extremely easy to guard against and difficult to work at critical moments. However, it is very easy to make something that is already reasonable become more reasonable."

"For example... let Leia Angel, who is a candidate for the Saint, leave your side temporarily so that you can use the power of the King of Blight to your fullest... This makes sense."

"But actually...I also need Lea Angel...to leave your side."


Mu En's pupils shrank.

Suddenly, he felt a strange vitality extending upwards along his arms.

Subconsciously lowering his head, he discovered that the strange vitality came from the blood that had splashed on his hands at some point, and strangely enough, it successfully passed through the alchemy field he had already opened and successfully penetrated into his body.

"This is……"

That vitality was too harmless to even make Mu En's body instinctively alert.



At this moment, he seemed to hear a clear sound coming from his body, like glass breaking.

It's like a pebble stuck in a precisely rotating gear.

Immediately afterwards, the heat brought by the alchemy core running behind his back suddenly turned into pain.

Heartbreaking pain.

It's like all the organs and flesh and blood in the body are squeezing each other, and as a kind of instinctive immunity, they jointly reject something.

It does not hesitate to destroy everything.

"Is this...rejection reaction?"

Mu En quickly realized the source of this pain, because he had experienced this feeling in advance under the trick of an old loli.

He was destined to experience this feeling, as if his body was about to fall apart.

No, it's not as if if they continue to strongly repel each other like this, his body will really split open!

Therefore, the red flames that burned the soul suddenly rolled back, instinctively protecting the important organs in Mu En's body.

"Look, Moon Campbell, this is your weakness!"

Elager shouted excitedly: "The thing embedded in your body is already being rejected by your body, and as long as there is no Holy Light to help you suppress it, you have to use the flame of the King of Blight to maintain it for a short time. balance."


An eye suddenly opened on Elager's cheek, staring coldly but sarcastically at the man who was coughing up blood and was beginning to weaken:

"Now that you have lost all your support, what should you do?"

170. Karma Fire (4)


The painful cough sounded like he was trying to squeeze out all the air in his lungs, and together with the fishy-sweet blood, it overflowed from the corners of his mouth in an awkward manner.

Mu En staggered back a few steps, his face turned pale.

On his back, every magical line extending from the alchemy core was cutting his flesh and blood like a knife at this moment, and his body had already regarded things that did not belong to him as enemies. , desperate to eliminate and eliminate.

This is a self-protection mechanism that everyone has, but at this moment, under the influence of some external force, the conflict between the two that should not have broken out at this time suddenly broke out in a more intense way.

The entire body has become the most direct battlefield, so Mu En has to retract the red flame to maintain the balance between the two. Otherwise, under this intensified reaction, his life will soon be directly threatened. .

The situation in front of me is just as Elager said.

The alchemy core is in an unstable state.

The red flame must be used to maintain itself.

Facing the enemy, Mu En's two strongest trump cards were directly banned in this short moment.

"You really think highly of me."

As Elager laughed maniacally, Mu En raised his head and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth:

"The evil god actually used this despicable method on me personally, and even dared to appear in front of me after confirming that this method was effective. Should I be proud? Or..."

Staring at the sarcastic eye on Elager's cheek, Mu En also grinned:

"Lord God of Love, isn't your behavior a bit disgraceful to the title of Evil God?"


The eye on Elager's cheek was still cold. As a dignified evil god, it was naturally impossible for him to react just because of these two words.

However, Elager's head suddenly turned abnormally, and the pupil came to the front, staring at Mu En, as if he was looking down at the ants.

Elager's lips wriggled, but what he uttered was not a strange language that humans can utter. It was ethereal, grand, and made people want to kneel down unconsciously:

[Moon Campbell. 】


Mu En raised her eyebrows: "It's really flattering to know my name so clearly."

【I ask you. 】

The god of love said coldly:

[How did you obtain the favor of the King of Blight? What did you exchange for it? Your body and your soul are both intact. Why did he give you his power? 】

Hearing this, Mu En narrowed her eyes.

It seems that the God of Love has also begun to doubt his identity as a "follower of the King of Blight". What's wrong with him?

"about this……"

Mu En suddenly smiled mysteriously and said:

"To tell you the truth, the King of Blight is actually my half-brother. He should treat me better, right?"


"Okay, okay, I'm just joking, don't stare at me with your big disgusting eyes."

"But, you want to know about this..."

Mu En leaned forward, looked into that eye without fear, and said with great sincerity:

"Kneel down and call me daddy, and I'll tell you."

The cracked eyes suddenly became ferocious, and Elager also roared:

"Shut up! How dare you overstep the gods!"


Feier once again stretched out a finger in a strange move and pointed lightly towards Mu En.

Dozens of times the force of gravity pressed down again in an instant.

Only this time, Mu En didn't have time to escape.

So under the huge pressure, Mu En's body suddenly bent, and her bones creaked under the load. She could only resist with difficulty in a half-crouched position.


Elager laughed: "Look at you, look at what you look like now, Moon Campbell! Without those plug-ins, you are just an ordinary person after all!"

"I have always been just an ordinary person. Don't compare me with a perverted creature like you, both physically and mentally." Mu En spat out a mouthful of blood and said coldly.


Erager showed a fierce look on his face, and then sneered: "Fangs and sharp mouth! But you only have a tough mouth!"

"Repent for your sin of blasphemy by kneeling at the feet of the great god!"

Gorgeous flowers grew rapidly on Elager's arms, and soon covered the entire arm.

Under the intertwining roots of those flowers, Elager's hand suddenly swelled, and the twisted limb seemed to turn into a huge tentacle, hitting Mu En's abdomen hard.

Mu En was thrown into the air by the terrifying force, like a thrown sandbag, but before he could fly far, he suddenly fell in the air in a way that completely violated common sense.

The terrifying gravity that was enough to crush a powerful monster into flesh was exerted on him again, and Mu En, who was in the air, had no point of resistance, so he could only be pressed head-on to the ground like a poor fly.

"kill him."

Elager gave the order coldly.

Feier, who was like a puppet on strings, moved stiffly. From her trembling body, it could be faintly seen that she was still resisting. However, surrounded by those flowers, her dry lips were only half exposed. ...still squirmed slowly.

A long chant flowed out beautifully from between her lips and teeth.

Huge magic is brewing.

The ferocious light in Elager's eyes turned into pleasure.

Phil Siegel, in the Tower of Origin, which is full of factions, is also a well-deserved genius among geniuses. Even after her status as a saint candidate was exposed, many old guys in the Tower of Origin objected to her choosing that path. .

In the eyes of those old people, the saint's position would hinder her progress in magic.

Therefore, how many kinds of magic does such a talented girl know so far?

As a magician from the Tower of Origin, Elager has only heard that she is good at gravity magic and summoning magic.

And that question, at this moment, finally got the answer.

Even without the need for an auxiliary wand, the huge magic quickly gathered above his head, like a cloud of colored clouds weighing down the top.

Once upon a time, the two famous sisters who defected in the Tower of Origin were both famous for their skillful multi-singing and were feared by others.

But Fei'er's multiple chants are even easier than theirs.

Several terrifying magics were sung simultaneously in a parallel manner, intertwined and mixed with each other. If Mayfair's own realm had not been insufficient, it would have been a scene as terrifying as the end of the world.

At this moment, the doomsday has definitely come to the man who seems to have no resistance.


The magic falls.

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