The blazing light turned everything into rough black and white lines.

It announced destruction and the end.

It was over...

Fei'er showed her lifeless eyes and couldn't help but shed a crystal tear.

Like mourning.


"Oh, this is the end of blasphemy!"

Looking at the diffuse smoke and dust, Alag sneered and curled the corners of his mouth.

On his cheek, the strange eye that opened was about to slowly close.

He only cared about Muen Campbell. Since he was dead, the rest...

"Ah, that's it."

Suddenly, a voice came from the smoke and dust, so clear.


Alag was stunned and almost thought he had hallucinations.

But he was just playing an illusion, how could he have hallucinations?

The strange eye suddenly opened and stared at a certain place.

"I understand now. You old bastard, Eros, didn't put in much strength this time. Otherwise, with the deep bond we have so far, you wouldn't have used this method to kill me in a roundabout way."

A figure walked out slowly in the smoke and dust, striding leisurely, with arcs jumping around him.

Mu En's clothes were tattered, as if he had just run back and forth from a fire scene, and even his golden hair was burnt a lot.

The blood at the corner of his mouth was still flowing, and his face was very pale, looking extremely embarrassed.

But... he was still alive, still... standing.

" is it possible? That magic...after taking that magic...why are you still alive?"

"Of course I dodged it."

Moon looked at Elag like a jerk: "Who the hell is fine to face magic head-on? I don't have that kind of special hobby."

"Dodge? But gravity magic..."

Elag's voice suddenly stagnated, because he suddenly found that behind Muen, there were very deep footprints...

He was still under the suppression of gravity magic.

"Gravity magic, well, the oppression of gravity about the same as the burden of using sixty times time delay, just like returning home."

Moon's bones creaked, and his skin was covered with a faint blood mist from time to time because of the rupture of capillaries.

But Muen didn't notice it at all, and his back was still straight, and he even stretched lazily.

"You... why?"

Elag's face was horrified, and he stepped back subconsciously:

"You shouldn't be able to use those two things, why... why?"

"Well, I can't use them for the time being, and I even spent some time adjusting just now, otherwise I wouldn't have been passively hit by you."

Mu En nodded seriously:

"But...Elag, and God of Love, did you get something wrong?"

"Red Flame and Alchemy Core have indeed brought me great help."

"But, you don't think that I have relied on only these things to get to where I am now!"

Mu En casually tore off the clothes that were wrapped around his upper body, which could only be called rags.

Revealing the strong body.

The muscles are tight and the curves are beautiful. Every line seems to be carved by the best artists, like gold casting, full of explosive beauty.

Even if he is covered with wounds and bleeding, he can still feel the terrible power hidden in this human body.

"The red flame and the alchemy core are just my weapons, my blades, but the source of my strength that has supported me to this point... is the hard work that I have never slacked off since I came to this world!"


Every day.

Every night.

Every leisure time.

In the black book.

In the depths of consciousness.

In the sea of ​​flowers of the old loli.

In the library of the academy or other places.



Being abused.


He has never slacked off for a moment!

These accumulations bit by bit are the source of his strength.

Will the beast become powerless because its weapons are confiscated?


Because it still has claws and fangs that are born with it!

Mu En grinned, drew his sword, and rushed towards Elag again.

171. Hellfire (V)

In the whistling wind and scattered petals, Mu En's figure instantly accelerated.

Without the blessing of the alchemy core, his speed is no longer erratic, and has become slightly traceable.

But under the cold moonlight, the movement was extremely agile and even more powerful.

"Shadow Step!"

The long-lost step inspired the ground to sink, and Mu En pounced on Elag in an instant, as light as a cheetah hunting, but as heavy as a cannonball!

"So what! So what!"

Elag's eyes were red, and the pupils on his cheeks were also filled with ferocity. Facing the attacking beast, he subconsciously roared madly:

"There are gods... there are gods... you are an ordinary person, what can you do? What can you do!"


In response to him, there was the sound of blood and flesh being separated.

Two perfect arc moons rose at the same time, one above, reflecting the sky, and the other below, cold and silent.

The two pure white sharp blades did not give Elag any chance to react at all. The knife light crossed his neck and waist at the same time, and the flesh was easily cut open, and the blood splashed, which was more beautiful than the flowers under his feet.

"... You."

Elager's eyes were blank for a moment. As a pure magician, it was impossible for him to react to Mu En's attack from this distance.

But soon, the confusion turned into ferocity again.

Elager's face was ferocious, he opened his blood-stained mouth, and a hoarse growl came from his throat:

"Ant! Ant! You can't kill me!"

The divided flesh and blood squirmed rapidly, and dense blood threads quickly extended from the inside of Elager's body, regluing his body that had been broken into three parts back together.

But perhaps because the recovery time was too short, the wounds were not completely aligned, so the appearance after recovery looked extremely weird, like a weird worm.

But Elager didn't realize it and laughed loudly: "Look, look, you can't fathom the power of the Lord God... Hmm!"

"Shut up!"

The cold blade inserted into Elager's mouth, stirring it, and smashing the noisy vocal organ to pieces.

"I know better than you what kind of a piece of shit your god is! If he really had power that I can't grasp, he would have come to kill me long ago. How come it's your turn for a loser to yell here?"

Mu En's eyes were cold, and he swung the knife without any surprise, and then chopped again! Cut again! Cut again!

Countless sword lights appeared on Elager's body, and countless blood splashed like heavy rain.

The twisted blood clot was constantly being cut open, then healed, cut open again, and healed again. Elager became less and less like a "human".

But the madness in his eyes was even worse. The mouth on his head was smashed, but a ferocious mouthpart grew out of his chest, making a harsh roar!

"Moon Campbell, die!"

Mu En was in a trance for a while, and the scene in front of her eyes was still Elager struggling and roaring, without any resistance.

But in fact, hundreds of twisted pieces of flesh spread out on Elager's body, like a predatory flesh anemone. The thick tentacle-shaped flesh temporarily covered Mu En's sword light with its quantity, and then a few sharp ones The bone spur stabbed into his chest fiercely.

Death is approaching.

But at that moment, the small piece of iron that Mu En had been sticking to his palm suddenly felt cold. Mu En suddenly woke up, his eyes condensed, and his body turned sideways.

What Liya left behind played a huge role.

But the bone spur failed to hit the vital point, but still left a huge wound on his side.

At the same time, Mu En staggered.

He slowly lowered his head and saw a golden spear of light piercing through his chest, bleeding and rich holy light escaping from there.

It's Mayfair.

Under Elager's control, she took action again.

In the case of two people fighting hand to hand, it is natural that they cannot use large-scale magic.

But the weapons condensed by the Holy Light are still effective, and very effective.

When the holy light came into contact with the red flames in his body, it was like water poured into boiling oil, instantly causing him to react violently.

It almost broke the balance that Mu En had worked so hard to maintain.

But even if the balance is not broken, with Chi Yan temporarily unable to use it, his injuries at this moment are already fatal.


Erager, who had been cut into deformed shapes by countless daggers, squirmed again, with an eye on the upper left side of his head and an eye on his shoulder casting pleasant glances.

The mouthparts under the crotch twisted and sneered:

"After all...just human."

So what if the power and speed are suppressed for a short time? Creatures like humans are so fragile and pitiful. It only takes a little injury to put their lives in danger. In comparison, the one who has received the grace of God has already surpassed the human ability. Category, being with the one you love forever, this is...

"too slow."

Mu En, who lowered his head to look at the injury on his chest, suddenly sighed something in a low voice.

Elager's eyes showed confusion, and then he saw that he let go of his hand, and the pure white swords still in his hands fell.


Elager was stunned for a moment, and then let out a harsh laugh:

"Moon Campbell, you finally realize your own insignificance and want to..."

"I's too slow."

Mu En raised her head, looked at Elager coldly, and interrupted him.

"This method is too slow."

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