The power of the god of love is very strange.

As a follower of the evil god, Elager's resilience is also terrifying and abnormal.

Once upon a time, the monster that Eluka turned into also had extremely terrifying resilience, but that was when she merged the vitality of hundreds of people in the village.

But where did Ellag's vitality come from?

It cannot come from God of Love, because if He could invest so much power under the nose of the church, he would not make so many troubles.

Although the God of Love is a dog, he will definitely kill him personally without hesitation if given the chance.

Just like once in the academy, he did not hesitate to use the former saint who was controlled by him to kill himself.

Moreover, the power used by the God of Love at this moment, including the sneak attack just now, is completely different from before.

Those flowers, that weird vitality.

This feeling is more like...

"But now is not the time to think about that."

Mu En pulled out the light spear from his chest bit by bit.

It was obviously the pain that penetrated flesh and blood and was burned by the holy light, but his face remained expressionless and he didn't even blink.

"What I want to think about now is... a single slash. For a monster with inhuman resilience, it is really too slow."

Before he finished speaking, Elager saw the two white daggers flying away quickly and towards Mayfair.

He wants to use those two living alchemical weapons to contain Mayfair?

But he voluntarily gave up his weapon. This is not...

Elager couldn't think for long.

Because the next moment, the answer is revealed.

Mu En suddenly leaned forward, and a hard object as big as a casserole suddenly hit Elager.

That's... a fist.

Clenched... fists!

There was nothing special on the fist. Mu En did not have the habit of wearing rings, let alone any other alchemical weapons.

But when the fist hit Elager, he suddenly heard the majestic thunder!


The already extremely skilled skills burst out between the finger bones, and fierce shock waves, along with the already irrepressible anger... fell together!

If the knife is too slow, then use fists!


Elager's flesh and blood instantly disintegrated, and his entire body felt like it had been smashed into the deep sea of ​​meteorites, with waves of flesh and blood spreading out from the center.


Elager roared with difficulty, and several tentacles of flesh and blood shot out from behind him, carrying sharp bone spurs, and launched a counterattack again, trying to force him back and gain time to recover.

However, in the face of this attack, Mu En did not retreat, let alone defend.

He just moved the vital part slightly, allowing the bone spurs to penetrate the body. Then, he not only retreated, but continued... punching!

One punch.

Another punch.

Countless fists, accompanied by the sound of thunder, fell like a sudden rain intermittently.

The sharp blade had cut the wounds long ago and was easy to recover from, but these fists made the flesh and blood of Ellag's body like dough on the chopping board. The bones were broken, the skin was cracked, the flesh and blood were ulcerated, and the tendons and bones were all destroyed without distinction. After hitting everything, even if it recovers, it can only be repaired into a soft ball in a very short period of time.


After an unknown number of punches, Elager finally became frightened.

What the immortal vitality brings at this moment is not absolute invincibility, but endless pain, torture that goes beyond the pain of a broken soul.

With difficulty, he opened one eye from the flesh and blood on the edge, and looked at the blond man who was covered in blood and injuries, but still had a ferocious face. He couldn't help but feel a ridiculous feeling, and then he said that many people, Questions ever asked.

Is this… the son of a pampered duke?

"No... wait... Moon Campbell... let's talk... we can..."

"Shut up!"

Without mercy, Mu En directly smashed all the eyes and mouthparts of Elager, who had struggled to recover.

beg for mercy?


But not you.

You, Elager, are just a pitiful clown who has been played and controlled from beginning to end, and even your soul has been eroded.


"God of Love! Get out of here!"

Pictures appeared in front of his eyes, and voices of farewell rang in his ears. Those things turned into blazing anger, and then turned into thunder that kept roaring from his fists.

"God of Love! Don't pretend to be dead for me!"

One punch.

One punch.

Another punch.

Mu En frantically worked on every inch of Elager's flesh and blood, until a completely different touch suddenly came, causing him to move.

Elager's entire body had actually been completely penetrated by his fist. Under his fist was sunken earth and stone, and the muddy flesh and blood spattered in a ring. There was no trace of a human being anymore. The flesh sprouts were crawling on top of the flesh. But it was no longer possible to recover.

Mu En's eyes swept over him coldly and suddenly condensed.

"Got you!"

A squirming ball of flesh emerged from the completely dead flesh, trying to escape quickly.

But Mu En, who was well prepared, moved faster and took the meat ball into his palm.

On the meat ball, sharp bone spurs penetrated his palm, but Mu En was still unaware of it, just staring at the meat ball indifferently.

One pupil suddenly opened, cold, aloof, but filled with anger that had been overtaken by ants several times.

Mu En took a deep breath.

"I know that this is just a projection clone of yours, or even just a ray of insignificant consciousness. Even if it is destroyed now, it will not cause any big loss to you."

"I also know that this is an extremely unwise move for me who has always wanted to wait for death and live a good life."

"But... right now, I still want to say something very sincere to you, God of Love."

Mu En looked down at the pupils in her palm, grinned the corners of her blood-stained mouth, and said seriously, word by word:

"Don't let me seize the opportunity again, or I will not hesitate to peel off your skin, tear off your flesh, tear off your bones, crush your disgusting authority, crush it and throw it into the cesspit."

"And then one day..."

"Kill your existence...completely!"

After that, as the God of Love was controlled, some red flames that were finally able to be mobilized emerged from Mu En's palm, instantly engulfing the flesh ball.

Angry, harsh, the sound alone makes people's spirits throb, and the dizzy roar resounds, but it still makes people feel... so beautiful, so wonderful.

If those who were tortured by the god of love but still died for love heard this voice, they would definitely feel the same way.

172. Karma Fire (6)

"I always feel like when my head gets hot, I say something outrageous."

The afterimage of the God of Love died, and the flowers were withered and dilapidated. Looking at the mess around him, Mu En couldn't help but sigh bitterly:

"I don't know if I want to go back and be a salty fish holding senior sister and Celcia's thighs now, but it's not too late."

After carefully checking the surroundings and confirming that both Elager and the projection clone of the God of Love were completely dead, with no possibility of resurrection, Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

However, with a glance from the corner of the eye, the heart that had just been put down immediately rose again. Mu En made a move with both hands, and Elizabeth immediately flew back to the palm of her hand. After soothing the living creatures in the two blades, Mu En quickly turned around and came to...

The girl was lying on the ground helplessly.

The girl named Fei'er was lying calmly on the ground, with a pale face and light eyelids, as if she was sleeping peacefully. All the flowers on the ground had withered long ago, but the flowers on her body were still blooming brightly.

"Feel sorry."

Mu En slowly squatted down, stared at the innocent girl, and said softly:

"Due to my negligence, I indirectly harmed you."

Although he was also given a hint by Elager, and that situation was not strictly negligent, Mu En still felt a little guilty.

After all, she trusts herself so much, but...

"Rest in peace, I will avenge you."

Mu En stretched out her hand, trying to pull out the flowers that seemed to be rooted in the girl's flesh and blood.

It might not be feasible to bury it on the spot, but at least, when the saint candidate is allowed to leave...


Feier suddenly opened her big, watery eyes: "I think I can save him a little more!"

"The God of Love hasn't burped yet?"

Seeing this, Mu En was shocked and turned pale. He immediately clenched the pure white blade and was about to slash at the evil god puppet in front of him.

The God of Love is indeed cunning. He has a rabbit with three burrows. Unexpectedly, even Mayfair has completely become her...

It seems that to be on the safe side, I should chop it into fine pieces first, and then burn it until not even the dregs are left...

"No, no, no, the projection clone of the God of Love is completely dead. I am Mayfair! I really am Mayfair!"

Fei'er stood up straight and waved hurriedly towards Mu En. Looking at the cold blade in Mu En's hand, she was so frightened that she had to kneel down to him.


Mu En looked suspicious: "You were contaminated by the evil god and you didn't die?"

"The soul has not been polluted, so there is still a breath left."

Seeing Mu En put away the knife, Fei'er took a long breath and felt a little awkward when speaking.

"I am a candidate for sainthood trained by the church since I was a child. I naturally have a certain degree of resistance in this regard. Even the God of Love cannot contaminate me in such a short period of time."

"That's it..."

Mu En nodded: "To be on the safe side, can you let me check it?"

"Check? I understand, I understand."

Fei'er covered her chest with her hands, made a shy expression, and cast a few flirtatious glances at Mu En:

"I didn't expect Mr. Mu En to be so impatient to be in a place like this...ah, then I realized that Mr. Mu En was not even wearing any clothes. He is so handsome. Remember to be gentle. This is the first time for me to be with a man..."


Well, it seems that there is a 80% chance that it is indeed Mayfair.

But even so, Mu En still carefully checked Fei'er. Of course, she would definitely not do anything she shouldn't do.

After confirming that there was indeed no remnant of the evil god's power on Fei'er in front of him, Mu En asked:

"What are you going to do next?"

"Go straight out."

Feier fiddled with the flowers on her body in disgust and said, "These damn flowers have grown into my flesh and blood. Only the church may be able to cure them."

"Aren't you going to fight for the position of saint?"

"No more fighting, no fighting. Whoever wants to take this bird's seat will take it. I'm going back to be the second generation devil. The old men are so doting on me, how can I let me suffer so much."

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