"...Okay, let's do an in-depth inspection by the way. I have to guard against the old Yinbi of the God of Love..."

Mu En's eyes also fell on those flowers: "By the way, about these flowers... huh?"

Mu En wanted to ask something, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

He suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance along with Fei'er, whose expression changed slightly.

"This is……"

After the large number of flowers dispersed, Mu En finally smelled the extremely clear smell floating in the air.

Putrid smell.

At the end of the field of vision, the plain of flesh and blood was dyed black at a speed visible to the naked eye. The already disgusting deformed flesh and blood gradually rotted and became even more disgusting.

"Is this the mutation that Freya said? The evil god's invasion has begun to spread?"

Mu En murmured in a low voice. He had made all the guesses when the moon appeared before, but he didn't expect... so soon?

Is it because... the door is open?

"Wait, it's not over yet!"

Mayfair suddenly exclaimed.

On the plain of flesh and blood, the twisted ground suddenly began to squirm, and ferocious monsters crawled out of the ground like babies emerging from the placenta, raising their heads and screaming at the moon.

The monsters quickly divided into two parts. One part pounced on the rotting flesh and began to devour it hungrily.

The other part... is heading towards the tower.

"Those monsters...are not from the pollution of the 'outer gods', but from the world itself?"

Mu En frowned subconsciously.

Mingming said in the diary that those twisted monsters were due to the pollution of the evil god...

"It seems there is no time for small talk."

Fei'er turned to look at Mu En: "I'm leaving, where are you?"

"I'm going to find Liya, she's still waiting for me."

"It looks like there are a lot of monsters coming towards the tower. Is that okay?"

"It's okay, someone is coming."

In the distance, several figures were coming quickly, and their faces could already be vaguely seen.

He looked anxious, but not afraid.


Feier looked at it from a distance and sighed: "It seems that a lot of things happened while I was sleeping."

"A lot of things did happen. All I can tell you now is that Freya is actually a good person."

"Good people..."

Fei'er opened her lips slightly and stared blankly at Mu En for a long time. After confirming that he was not joking, she suddenly stamped her feet angrily:

"Damn it, if she is a good person, who will pay for my loss? Isn't this the loss of my pants?"


Is this what you care about?

"However, this is actually what I expected." Feier said suddenly.

"Expected, why?"

"Because...she is also a candidate for the saint, and she is also a disciple personally selected by the saint teacher. No matter how you think about it, the possibility of betrayal is very small."

The sad words rippled with the breeze.

Mu En suddenly thought of the saint candidates who had been summoned that night.

Just as I felt at that time, each of these people is really powerful.

"Tsk, that bastard Freya."

A few minutes later, when Annie stood on the top of the hill and looked at her feet, she, who had always been arrogant, couldn't help but look ugly and cursed angrily:

"She actually asked us to do such a thing. Maybe she thinks it's too deserted down there and wants us to accompany her."

"Silence, how can the road to the embrace of the goddess be deserted?"

Margarita retorted, but then sighed: "But this kind of thing is indeed a bit difficult."

At the bottom of the hill, a huge number of monsters have begun to gather, gradually climbing towards the giant tower on the top of the hill.

If it weren't for the special terrain here, with only one staircase leading to the top, those monsters would have swarmed up and completely submerged the place.

"However, this can be considered an opportunity."

Margarita took out the crystal and stared at the shimmering light inside:

"With the indigenous people here disappearing, I'm afraid the only way we can become saints is by purifying the souls in these monsters."

Annie's eyes lit up and she was full of fighting spirit.

But she quickly gave a reserved dry cough, folded her arms across her chest, and glanced at her:

"Can you do it? You look so weak. Why don't you admit defeat in advance?"

"Shut up, you are a shameful thing who is being controlled as a saint candidate!"

"What did you say?"

Anne was furious: "Asshole, when I become a saint, the first thing I will do is make your bust public!"

Margarita sneered: "Haha, each other!"

The two looked at each other, and when their eyes collided, there seemed to be lightning flashing.

From this moment on, they are both comrades and enemies.



The two turned around almost at the same time and issued orders to their knights in unison:

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

"Kill them!"

173. Karma Fire (7))

"Can't waste any more time."

After Fei'er left, Mu En looked at the cold bright moon embedded in the blood-colored clouds.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the bright moon was slightly larger than before. At this moment, it was like a pale eye, looking down at the whole world indifferently.

"I seem to have forgotten something?"

Mu En touched her chin and glanced at the direction where Feier disappeared.

But now there is no time to think about these things. Mu En stood up, climbed and jumped along the rock wall flexibly, and found the cave entrance again.

Mu En raised his hand and rubbed out the lighting spell, looking into the cave.

The cave is very deep, and you can't see the end at a glance, but it is only half a person's height. If you want to go in, you must bend your back very uncomfortably.

Fortunately, since Liya has been in for a while, she is still very calm, so the cave is safe for the time being.

"It's just the taste of old Beijing-authentic."

Mu En muttered and complained, and no longer hesitated, and went directly into the cave.

Going deeper along this obviously artificially excavated cave, soon, the bright light emitted by Mu En's hand reached the end.

The road ahead is blocked, but as the moist soil comes into view, Mu En looks down and a vertical cave entrance appears in his field of vision.

"Have you changed direction?"

Mu En gathered the light in his hand familiarly and shone it towards the bottom of the vertical cave entrance.

The light was not blocked and could directly reach the bottom, but the bottom of the vertical hole was about the size of a bean in Mu En's eyes.

Mu En threw a stone down casually. Judging from the sound, it was about a hundred meters high.

"What the hell, they dug so deep?"

Mu En thought about it. Isn't it just digging through the whole hill, and digging vertically?

To reach a certain place below, wouldn't it be easier to dig horizontally from the bottom of the hill?

I really don't know what the person who dug this hole was thinking.

"But, no matter how weird their ideas are, I have to jump down with my head covered. I'm not like Liya who can float."

Mu En sighed.

A hundred meters is indeed a natural chasm for ordinary people, but those who can get here are not ordinary people. Isn't it easy to go up to the sky and into the earth?

So Mu En jumped.

However, in the few seconds of falling in the air, with an uncontrolled groan from the tip of his nose, he suddenly remembered what he had forgotten.

He forgot to ask Fei'er to give him another shot of Holy Light before leaving.

He had just fought passionately with the projection of the God of Love. Even with Chi Yan, he could not completely heal his injuries that were almost pierced into a sieve.

Moreover, the rejection reaction in his body had not been completely eliminated, and Chi Yan was still needed to balance it.

But the adrenaline surge brought by the melee and the urgency in his heart made him almost forget that he was seriously injured.

Until now.


Mu En's face was pale, and he stretched out his hands to support the earth walls on both sides to stop his falling body.

But his mind suddenly became dazed, accompanied by a severe sense of weightlessness, and his consciousness seemed to be grasped by a big hand and suddenly dragged into the dark seabed.

"Sure enough... have you played too much?"



"Save me..."


"Please save us..."

Who are you?

Why do you want me to save you? And how can I save you?

"Please...save us poor people..."

Damn, can you speak human language? Those who don't know the riddle should die...

Mu En suddenly woke up.

The strange cries for help just now made his temples ache, but what caught his eyes was not the hell of miserable wailing, but just an ordinary rock wall.

Is that the sound that Liya heard?

Why can I hear it too?

Mu En shook his head and forced himself to concentrate his scattered spirit.

Tick, tick.

Water drops fell on the ground, which was the only sound here. In this deep cave, it seemed particularly creepy.

"Are you...awake...?"

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