Suddenly, a second voice sounded. The voice was raw and vague, like someone speaking for the first time after not speaking to each other for a long time, and even the pronunciation of the words was almost forgotten.

Mu En's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly turned over with his weakened body, already holding the handle of the knife with both hands.

He was actually able to get close to himself without being noticed at all, even when he had just woken up...


Mu En's face froze, and the hostility dissipated slightly the moment she saw the person coming.

It was a little girl, a weird little girl.

Wearing a tattered white skirt, her skin was almost transparent, like a ghost, but her whole body was dirty, and her face looked like it had just emerged from the bottom of a pot, so dark that even her appearance could not be seen clearly.

But what seemed strange was not the little girl's appearance or anything else, but the fact that she was wearing a miner's hat that was only a few sizes too big on her head and holding a rusty pickaxe in her hand.

It's funny, like a funny character in an animation suddenly jumping into reality, full of dissonance.

And what's even more incongruous is...why does a little girl suddenly appear here?

The appearance of a little girl here is as if on the way to defeat the devil, all the monsters and monsters have turned into delicate and beautiful girls.

If it's not a dream, it's more likely to be a trap.

"Are you going to... kill me?"

The little girl looked at the knife in Mu En's hand and said suddenly.


Mu En put the knife back silently.

After careful observation, he determined that there was no aura of fighting spirit or magic power on the little girl, and he could not feel any other aura. The reason why he did not notice her just now was simply because her sense of presence was too low.

But he did not completely relax his guard and asked:

"Who are you?"

"I am……"

The little girl thought for a while: "Rabbit...zi."


Mu En felt that it was more like a nickname or something, but it was not easy to ask further, so he continued to ask other questions:

"what are you doing here?"

"Dig...a hole."

The little girl raised the pickaxe in her hand.

"Dig a hole?"

Mu En frowned, glanced around with his peripheral vision, and suddenly realized:

"Did you dig this hole?"

The little girl didn't speak and nodded silently.

Mu En looked at her with bright eyes:

"Are you an aborigine here? The holes here were also dug by the aborigines? Where are the others? What happened here?"

Mu En asked a lot of questions in succession, but the little girl just stared at him with dark eyes.

After a while, the little girl shook her head and said:



"No, together."

The little girl named Rabbit seems to have gotten used to talking a little, and her words are clearer:

"I dug this place..."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, then turned around suddenly and looked around.

After jumping down from the nearly 100-meter-high passage, the space here was different from the entrance. It was extremely wide, and even Mu En's height could stand upright.

Only then did he realize that there were other cave entrances everywhere around him, densely packed and communicating with each other, like a complex ant nest maze.

Mu En's voice was slightly distorted: "You dug all this, alone?"

Rabbit nodded silently: "Yes."


No wonder it's called a rabbit, with its ability to dig holes...

Mu En glanced at her slender little arms and legs, and suddenly felt that this was not a simple person.

"By the way, since you dug the hole."

Mu En took a deep breath and asked: "Have you ever seen a girl before? She is so tall, very cute, wearing a green skirt, and her measurements are extremely good."

"I've seen it." Rabbit replied:

"I saw her, but she didn't notice me and went straight into the depths."


Mu En became excited. When he saw those intricate cave entrances, Mu En was almost desperate, but now he can find a guide:

"Can you take me to find her? I...his, it hurts."

Due to being too excited, she accidentally touched the wound, and Mu En's face suddenly wrinkled.

"It seems you can't be too anxious."

Although Mu En wants to spread his wings and fly to Liya right now, he doesn't want his holy lady to encounter a crisis and call for a knight, and the knight she longs for descends on colorful clouds... and then performs a show of spitting out blood on the spot, Kneel down and slide in place.

"Let's take a rest first."

Mu En is very confident in his recovery power. Even without the blessing of Holy Light, as long as he makes some adjustments, it shouldn't take long to regain his mobility.

At that time, please ask this Miss Rabbit for help...

Thinking like this, Mu En took out a piece of fruit, bit it, and continued to ask while replenishing his strength:

"Did you save me, Miss Rabbit?"

"No, you fell into the mud, it's very soft there."

"That's it. How long have I been unconscious?"

"Two hundred drops."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she was talking about the sound of water drops on the rocks.

Judging from the interval between drops, it should be less than ten minutes.


"Miss Rabbit, you..."

Mu En paused and blinked.

He found that the rabbit had been standing in a far away place and seemed to be wary of him.

This may not allow him to comply with his guide request.

And he has more questions...

"By the way, do you want to eat?"

Noticing that the rabbit's eyes seemed to be fixed on the fruit in his hand, Mu En thought for a while and asked.

"what is that?"

The rabbit blinked, seeming very curious.

"This is a don't even know about fruits, right?"

Mu En asked in surprise.

This is a country that is never blessed by the gods. The rabbit doesn’t know about fruits?

Mu En thought about it carefully and suddenly...

Maybe you really don’t know, after all, all the trees in this golden country grow are meat, where are the fruits?

"For you to eat, do you want it?" Mu En took out the fruit.

The rabbit stared at Mu En warily, but he was obviously coveting the fruit in Mu En's hand. He swallowed hard and hesitated.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. It was just a misunderstanding."

Mu En said in as gentle a tone as possible: "I want to ask you for a favor later, so consider this as an advance payment."

After staring for a long time, as if he was finally sure that Mu En really meant no harm, the rabbit approached cautiously, and while being alert, he snatched the fruit from Mu En's hand.

She took a light bite first, and then Mu En saw her dark eyes gleaming brightly, and then she started to devour it as if she hadn't eaten for a long time.

"Don't worry, eat slowly, I still have some."

Mu En then took out some fruits, and the rabbit swallowed them all in two mouthfuls without even spitting out the core.

"What a glutton."

Mu En smiled, reached out and found that the fruit had been eaten up, so he took out a piece of barbecue that had been stored in advance, handed it over and asked:

"I seem to have eaten all the fruit. Do you want this?"

"Don't... don't bring this kind of thing near me!"

There was a snap, and Mu En looked at the barbecue being knocked out of his hand in shock, while the rabbit had a disgusted expression, like a frightened little animal.

"Don't you like eating?"

Mu En quickly caught the roasted meat with quick eyes and hands. There was not much food now, so we couldn't waste it.

"If you don't like eating early, why bother?"

Mu En made a serious face and taught Dundun: "You are all believers of Emile, the goddess of life, right? Among the dogma of goddess Emile, isn't there an item about not wasting food?"

Rabbit looked confused.

"Ah, I almost forgot. How can you, who have almost unlimited food, know what waste means?"

Mu En smiled, lowered his head and quickly dealt with the barbecue, recovering his strength as quickly as possible.

But the puzzled expression on Rabbit's face still didn't dissipate. She watched Mu En destroying the barbecue bit by bit and suddenly said:

"I...we are indeed all believers of the goddess of life, but..."



Rabbit raised his eyes, looked into Mu En's eyes with the same doubtful look, and said word by word:

"Who are you talking about Emile...?"

174. Karmic Fire (8)

"Who is Emile...?"

In the dark underground space, only the lighting technique created by Mu En shined a glimmer of light. There was no wind around, and it even seemed a bit stuffy due to the lack of air circulation.

But at this moment, Mu En felt an inexplicable chill running from the soles of his feet, down his back and neck, directly to his forehead, hissing on top of his head like a poisonous snake.

"What do you mean?"

Mu En stared at the rabbit and asked word by word:

"Emile, isn't it the honorable name of the goddess of life?"

"I only know that we believe in a goddess."

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