Rabbit shook his head:

"But we didn't know that the goddess had the honorific name of Emile."

"Don't know?"

Mu En couldn't help but frown.

How could he not know?

Generally speaking, as a god, there is indeed no honorific name like Emile that sounds extremely "human".

But as the god with the most believers in the entire continent, it is said that before the church was founded, it was the goddess of life who sent down the human body "Emile" and walked the world in the posture of a girl to spread the gospel, which led to the birth and growth of the church today.

Therefore, the name of Emile, for believers in the world, and even non-believers, is a name that is absolutely bound to the goddess of life.

Just like when people hear the word "sun", they will subconsciously look up at the scorching sun, the two have become an inseparable whole.

Emile is the goddess of life.

But now, the goddess of life in the rabbit's mouth... doesn't seem to be Emile?

"Could it be that... the time is wrong?"

The Lost Land is an exiled country. If they were forced to isolate themselves from the world before the goddess came to the world in the name of Emile and spread the gospel, it would be normal for them not to know this honorable name...

No, that's not right.

This situation is absolutely impossible.

Because Freya said before that the person who exiled this country... was the first saint of the Church of Life!

Before Cantwell was exiled, the goddess had already come to the world as Emile, so at that time, the name of Emile had already spread!

As an anchor that offers the power of faith, as long as you are a believer of the goddess, it is impossible not to know this honorable name!

But the rabbit said that he didn't know.

And she used "we" instead of "I."

"Speaking of which, why the first saint exiled this country is a mystery in itself. I thought before that the people of this country abused the power of the goddess and were resisted by the church, but now it seems that this is not the case."

The messy ball of thread before appeared in Mu En's mind again, as if it had been ravaged by several naughty kittens. These balls of thread were so dense that no thread ends could be found.

No, in fact, perhaps before, Mu En had vaguely noticed where the thread ends were, but because that idea was too fantastic and unbelievable, every time before pulling it out, Mu En took the initiative to give up.

And now, the thread ends are already in front of him. It surfaced because of Rabbit's light question, like a dormant venomous snake, looking at him, hissing more and more clearly, chilling him to the bone.

"We have always believed that the people in this lost land are all believers of the goddess, and they were invaded by the evil god, and we are here to save them.

But this seems to be just our unilateral belief and the illusion pieced together by fragments. The goddess statues in this world have no face from beginning to end..."

They... the natives of this country believe in... maybe not the goddess, or... not the goddess of life.

But if they do not believe in the goddess Aimi, then what is the truth of the story that happened here?

"Similar... but opposite."

Inexplicably, Mu En suddenly remembered what Freya said when he saw it in the mirror.

He murmured in a low voice, as if possessed:

"On the contrary, on the contrary, on the contrary... yes, everything just needs to be looked at in reverse, and it will be smooth."

"For example... those rotten things."

On the first night of entering this country, the most impressive and soul-stirring thing, in addition to those twisted flesh and blood monsters, was the rot that spread throughout the world, as if it was going to devour all living things.

Anyone who sees that horrific scene will subconsciously associate it with the source of chaos and disorder in this world.

But now think about it carefully, those rotten things... are just rotten things.

And the so-called rotten things... are also part of life, representing the final withering and end of life.

That is much more normal than the strange flesh and blood, plants with beef and mutton, and rivers flowing with milk all over the world.

"So, the one who invaded this country was actually the real goddess Aimi, and decay is part of the authority of the goddess of life."

"That bright moon... I was wondering why it felt familiar. It should come from the remains of the Silent Moon. The old loli said that the remains of the Silent Moon were shared by all parties, and the church couldn't help but intervene."

"In that diary, the invasion of the 'evil god' took place in recent decades, but the 'round thing' only appeared in the last diary. Judging from the date, everything is right."

"What the church has been busy with over the years is not breaking the so-called wall, but infiltrating the power of the goddess into this lost land, but this process is very slow, giving the indigenous people here... or something here, time to react."

The twisted monsters flashed in Mu En's eyes. At first, the diary thought that those monsters came from the pollution of the foreign gods, but in fact, they just appeared together with the pollution of the 'foreign gods'.

It's more like a kind of confrontation mechanism of this country.

"Until the church obtained the medium - the remains of the Silent Moon, the goddess's power penetrated rapidly through the remains of the Silent Moon."

"But it may also be because of the previous war of gods, or some other reasons, that the situation has undergone some expected changes, so the church can't wait any longer, which led to this extremely risky trial of the Holy Rite."

Mu En's brain was spinning rapidly. After broadening his thinking and finding the hidden thread, everything seemed so natural.

Of course, most of it is just his guess and there is no substantial evidence.

But Mu En still felt that this speculation was not far from the truth.

"Then, thinking about it this way, it is natural that this real 'goddess' believed by the indigenous people here is exactly what she is."

Able to be banished by the first goddess.

To be able to be taught to be so vigilant.

It can allow the goddess Emile to personally send down the power to invade.

Of course it can't be because there are really countless gold treasures hidden in this country, and it certainly can't be that this place is so beautiful that even the goddess Emile would come to pay homage and learn from it.

There is only one possibility.

"It's such a simple thing, but I only think about it now. It's really just like Elager at that time. I was deceived by a certain mindset from the beginning..."

Mu En smiled self-deprecatingly.

It is believed that a country where there is no shortage of food and contentment comes from the blessing of the goddess.

It is believed that the disgusting rot, the collapse of the world, and the invasion of evil gods.

But the truth is exactly the opposite.

"The one who invaded here is the goddess Emile. The one who has always given this place the power to build it into a golden country without hunger... so it is no surprise that she is an evil god."

Mu En raised his head, first scanning the small dark face of the rabbit in front of him, and then turning his head, as if he wanted to penetrate the thick soil and encompass the entire country in his field of vision.

At this moment, he understood the meaning of those high walls.

"It turns out that this is actually not a golden country."

In my memory, those fruits are so rich and the milk looks so sweet. People here can grow freely and carefree.

But that's natural, isn't it?

If you want your cattle and sheep to grow fat, you must put the best fodder.

"This is...the pasture of the evil god."


In the highest place, the Pope, who seemed to be taking a nap, raised his eyes, stood ready, and looked towards the end of the sky.

The sun, moon and stars running along the star path suddenly stopped, as if they had encountered some malfunction, and they all trembled slightly.

And at the end of the sky, ink-like colors spread out silently.

Flowers, bloom.

Flowers of different colors, extremely enchanting, take root and grow in the void, swaying in the wind.

Then there are abundant fruits, lush trees, and inexhaustible food. In an instant, half of the sky is filled with vitality, but under the surface of these vegetation, there are faint lines like meridians beating, Like the blood vessels of a living person.

White jade feet stepped out from the ink, followed by a long skirt as deep as night, dotted with countless dim stars. When the skirt went up, one could see the enchanting figure of a young woman, with full breasts and full of motherhood.

Then...a face without any features.

The young woman held the swaddling baby in her arms. It was pitch dark in the swaddling clothes, but at this moment, two chubby little hands came out, holding a small piece of the moon, and happily nibbling on it.

But it was just a small piece, or rather, the last piece.

So, when the last piece disappeared in the swaddling clothes, the mournful cry resounded, almost tearing the human soul apart, but it only conveyed a message that anyone could understand.


The young woman's head was hanging lightly, as if she was gazing kindly at the swaddled baby, but behind her there was a huge shadow that was constantly moving, as if it wanted to cover the entire sky.

Evil God, Mother of Fertility.

"If you don't want to steal, you have to rob it? Ha, you want to get back what belongs to you? No, it's not yours, and what you want is more."

The Pope showed a cold smile:

"It's a pity that old people like me who have lived for a long time are often very stingy, so... I won't give it!"

The Pope waved his sleeves, and behind him, a majestic holy light bloomed.

Amid the solemn roar, the gate to the sanctuary opened wide!

Behind the door, majestic knights are waiting, the roaring iron whale has risen into the sky, and the old men in white robes each look as old as if they were just dug out of the grave, but each of them can make the world shake!

In front of everyone is a contemporary saint in a white skirt and armor, and beside her...a pink bear who is trembling in confusion.

Ignoring the embarrassing things beside her, the saint held the holy scroll and read loudly.

"This is an oracle from the goddess, who says... drive away all uncleanness!"

"For the goddess!"

"Long live the goddess!"

The fanatical shouting overwhelmed the baby's cry. Holding the scepter in his hand, the Pope murmured the second half of the sentence in the light and fire sweeping the world:


175. Karmic Fire (9)

In the dim tunnel, Mu En followed the nimble rabbit and quickly traveled deeper.

The passage was very narrow, and Mu En had to bend down to pass through it again. However, fortunately, it no longer had the straight up and down direction before, and seemed extremely smooth. It seemed that they only needed to move forward to reach their destination.

After observation, Mu En also roughly believed that this passage was dug by the little girl in front of him.

The walls of the passage are covered with pickaxe digging marks. Each mark is similar, obviously made by the same person and the same tool.

And judging from the degree of weathering, the deeper you go, the older the excavation time is.

This whole intricate tunnel seems to have been dug out bit by bit over a long period of time by the girl's thin bamboo-like hands and the rusty mattock in her hand.

The dirty white skirt fluttered in front of her, and Mu En seemed to have a picture in his eyes. It was a stubborn little girl who dug the passage bit by bit with a mattock, and then used her slender hands to transport the soil and rocks with great effort.

Time flows, every day.

"Hey, Miss Rabbit."

Mu En suddenly asked:

"How long have you been digging?"

"I don't know."

Rabbit said without turning his head:

"It should be a long time, I can't remember."

"No one digs with you?"


Rabbit shook his head:

"Once, those people thought I was doing something stupid, that I was blaspheming the goddess, and didn't allow me to dig, um, before the round moon came out."

"Goddess... do you remember her honorific name?"

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