"The goddess is the goddess, what is the honorific name?"

Rabbit turned around and asked doubtfully.


A hidden light flashed in Mu En's eyes, she responded, and said with a smile: "Just think of me as just talking nonsense. Continuing with the previous topic, you were not allowed to dig, but now? In that round place What about after things come out?”

"Now... everyone can't even get out of here, so they don't care about me, but they still think I'm doing something stupid."


"have no idea."

Rabbit tilted his little head: "Maybe what I did is just stupid in their eyes."

Mu En's heart shrank for no reason.

Rabbit's expression was calm, as if he was answering a question that had nothing to do with him.

She had something in her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, and her speech was a little unclear.

It was the core of the previous fruit. She was reluctant to spit it out and kept it in her mouth, as if licking candy.

But Mu En knew that the cores of most fruits were not sweet, and even a little bitter.

"Then...can I ask, why do you want to dig a hole?"

Mu En looked at the rabbit's dark eyes and asked cautiously.

After going around in circles, he couldn't help but ask this question.

"Why dig a hole?"

Rabbit's little face was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect anyone to ask her this question.

She stopped and scratched her head, seeming to be deep in thought for a long time.

"I have to think about this. It must have been a long, long time ago...ah, I thought of it."

After pondering for a moment, the rabbit's dark eyes suddenly became brighter, as if there was warm light shining into the depths:

"I want to see the sun!"


Mu En was stunned.

"Which sun?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu En wanted to slap herself.

Which other sun could it be? It must be the sun that shines and warms all living beings outside this country.

Because there is no sun here.

"My mother once told me that the sun has the shell of an orange, the warmth of a stove, and the kindness of a grandfather. Although I don't know what oranges and stoves are, they must be very beautiful things, so I want to see it."

The rabbit's eyes blinked, and the originally numb little face now held a hopeful smile.

It seems that even the dirty dust has become a little cuter.


Mu En was silent for a moment:

"You took all the trouble to dig a hole just to catch a glimpse of the sun?"


Rabbit nodded vigorously: "If possible, I would also like to see the moon. Mom said that although the moon is not as warm as the sun and does not have the shell of an orange, it embodies people's lovesickness. People will watch the moon together when they are reunited. It’s also a very gentle thing.”


Mu En's lips twitched. He wanted to say, you have actually seen the moon, that round thing in your mouth.

However, the moon in the rabbit's heart is as beautiful as the sun, so how can it be a false thing hanging in the sky at this moment, overlooking the country coldly and indifferently?

The little girl chasing the sun she has never seen before is like a fairy tale.

"Can I hug you?" Mu En said suddenly.


Rabbit seemed a little confused.

"I want to hug you." Mu En repeated, making her expression as gentle as possible.

Rabbit looked at him blankly: "You have a smell that I hate."



Rabbit smiled: "I don't hate you."

Mu En also smiled, bent down, and took the little girl into his arms.

"It's so warm."

The rabbit rubbed Mu En's chest and whispered softly:

"Is the sun so warm?"


Mu En hugged her, stroked her head lovingly, and replied firmly:

"The sun is warmer than this."

"Here we are."

The road after that was not long. Rabbit took Mu En through the last section of the tunnel and came to the exit.

The exit is very simple. There is only a worn wooden board on the back door, which looks like an extremely simple door.

But the last person who passed through this door seemed to have forgotten to close the door, so the door was left ajar. The noisy sound was like the wail of the souls of hell, stimulating the nerves.

Mu En silently scanned the traces in front of the dilapidated door, nodded and said:

"Yes, Liya did come here."

"Then my work is done."

"Well, thank you, Miss Rabbit." Mu En thanked her sincerely.

The rabbit looked at him for a long time, and when he was about to take a step, he couldn't help but ask:

"Don't you ask about anything else?"

"Anything else?"

"Well, things about us, things inside... Aboriginal things."

Rabbit's eyes seemed to penetrate the simple wooden door that was ajar, and seemed to have been focused on Mu En:

"I know a lot about those things. I can tell you because you gave me a lot of fruit."

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head: "No, I have probably already guessed it, about you, about the aboriginal people, about the purpose of the church, and... about, behind this door."


Mu En's hand grasped the edge of the door:

"I don't have to ask those questions, I just have some regrets."

"Regret? Do you regret coming here?"

"No, I regret letting Liya come here alone."

Holding his breath and listening to the noisy and chaotic sounds in his mind, which seemed to shatter the human soul, Mu En said softly:

"The scenes inside must be very scary for the kind-hearted Liya."

"Do you like that person named Liya?" Rabbit asked, tilting his head.


Mu En replied: "Just like you like the sun."

"Then don't give up."

The rabbit waved the pickaxe in his hand, and the general waved the sword in his hand, grinning like an angry rabbit: "Although I don't know if the sun is waiting for me, she must be waiting for you."

"You little brat, what do you know?"

Mu En laughed and cursed, "Do I look like someone who will give up?"

Yes, of course he won't give up.

Because he once said to the girl: Wait for him.

Therefore, he knew how terrifying the things inside were, but he still stood here.

"I said I would make you a saint."

Mu En opened the door and welcomed a whole world of darkness and light:

"I'm here to keep my promise, Leah."

176. Karma Fire (10)

"Liya, why do you want to become a saint?"

The warm sunshine shines on the saint's soft side face, and her long pale golden hair and clear eyes seem to be soaked in the spring water of the setting sun.

She looked at the newly chosen little girl in front of her with such tenderness.

"Are you going to...become a saint?"

The timid little girl hid behind the curtain of the carriage, revealing only her two big, watery eyes, secretly looking at the legendary saint. When she heard this question, she panicked for a moment, and her whole little face wrinkled cutely. together.


The saint touched Liya's little head comfortingly: "Becoming a saint is not as easy a road as you imagine, nor is it the bright light you can only see. This road represents hard work and hardship that you can't imagine. Boredom is a responsibility and burden that can crush anyone.

So, before I officially become your teacher, I need you to answer this question, and you also need to think about it during the process, otherwise you may regret it for life. "

"Thinking about...questions..."

The little girl seemed unable to understand the profound meaning of this, so she just expressed her simplest thoughts, turned around and looked at it, and said with great longing:

"I want to...save people."

"Save...many, many people."

The wind blew up the curtains of the carriage, revealing the desolate scenery outside.

People wrapped in thick sealed clothing and wearing strange masks walked in front of the corpses covered with white cloth, filling in the numbers without any temperature on the paper.

A woman's painful cries came from the tent. Her son and husband had just left.

The boy, who still had faint red spots on his skin, was lying on a simple hospital bed, staring blankly at the sunlight that could not reach him.

The crow crows, especially sad.

This place had just experienced a cruel plague. If the saint of the church hadn't happened to pass by, there wouldn't have been a single living person left within a hundred miles.

This was also the first test that Little Liya, who had just been selected as a saint candidate, experienced.

She showed great sympathy and compassion, her eyes swept over every suffering person, and she was busy helping to boil medicine and deliver things. There were not many things that her small body could do, but everything she did was extremely important. serious.

Just like the qualities that every saint must have, the brilliance of humanity has begun to shine in her still immature body.

"If I can... I want to save everyone, just like a saint!"

The little girl showed a firm expression that did not match her age, clenched her chubby little fists, and said seriously.

"Rescuing everyone...that's very hard work."

"I'm not afraid of hard work!"

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