"You will even have to pay an unbearable price." The saint looked at her deeply.

"I'm not afraid of giving either! The uncle next door told me that the saint is synonymous with dedication and selflessness. The love of the saint should be given to everyone!" The little girl's eyes were shining with stars.

"Everyone...is really kind."

The saint smiled gently, and the carriage suddenly shook. The noise of people and the knight's curses interrupted the important question and answer between the master and the disciple.

"Let's go and have a look."

The saint patted Liya on the shoulder and led her out of the carriage.

"Save me... please save me, I am innocent, innocent!"

In front of the carriage, a man covered in red spots, dressed in rags, knelt down in front of the carriage with tears streaming down his face. He was pushed to the ground by two strong knights to prevent him from hitting the holy driver.

The people around him watched from a distance, not daring to watch, but they pointed at him and cursed him constantly.

"Leah, look at him."

The saint pointed at the man and said:

"He was the source of the plague. In order to save his son, he chose to make a deal with the evil god. As a result of the spread of the plague, thousands of people died. His son did come back, but he himself was also infected with the plague. And more seriously than anyone else.

And now, he wants us to save him. "

"Please, Holy Lady, I am innocent. I didn't know this would happen, and I didn't know it was the evil god. I just want to save my son!"

The man burst into tears and runny nose. If he hadn't been held down by someone, he would have rushed up and hugged the saint's feet:

"My son is only three years old. He is still young. He only has me as a relative. He cannot live without his father. Please, my kind saint, please save me. When I have settled my son, you can throw me away. I can go to jail, please save me..."

"What a poor man."

The saint sighed.

The man was overjoyed and kowtowed vigorously: "Holy Lady, please, please..."

"Although I'm afraid it's a lie if I don't know anything."

The man's face suddenly stiffened.

Liya stared at the man blankly. Her small brain was still unable to process the complicated scene in front of her.

He just felt that this person was hateful and pitiful.

But at this time, the saint handed a pill into Liya's palm.

"Now, it's up to you to save or not to save."


"Although this is cruel to you now, I don't want you to encounter this kind of situation in the future and make a choice that you will regret for the rest of your life."

"So, choose Liya, do you want to save a father or kill a villain."

"This is the first lesson I teach you."

The saint looked at Liya quietly, as if she was talking about a trivial matter, her eyes still gentle.

But Liya holding the pill was like holding a piece of ice that had not melted for thousands of years, feeling that all her body temperature was being sucked away.

The warm sunset turned into a deep and cold sea, drowning...


"I didn't expect that I would suddenly think of something so far away."

Liya's mind gradually became clearer, but her eyes were still a little dazed.

"What was my choice at that time?"

I can’t remember clearly, maybe I forgot.

Over the years, in order to become the saint she longed for, in order to become a person who could save everyone like the saint teacher, she had put too many things in her mind. Such insignificant things were naturally swept into her memory. The deepest corner.

"so cold."

Liya suddenly shook her body, hugged her shoulders, and breathed out softly from her lips.

"But, being cold...is normal."

Her eyes turned to the surroundings.

That's a sea.

The dark sea.

Like a swamp that swallowed up everything, settling at the bottom of this extremely vast space, Liya looked down from above and couldn't even see the end, she could only feel her own insignificance.

But what floats in the sea is not a cute creature like an octopus.

But... people.

Deformed, twisted, miserable people.

They were struggling, crying, and begging for help in the sea of ​​mud. Just by looking at them, you could tell what kind of torture those souls were going through.

"Ah, you're here."

Suddenly, the crowd floating in the mud sea seemed to notice her and rushed towards her crazily. They raised their hands high like seaweed, trying to catch something.

"Are you here to save us?"

"Save us...please save us..."

"It hurts, I hurt so much..."

"Save me...must save me..."

Countless cries for help were like a swarm of stimulated bees, buzzing fiercely and piercing Liya's mind like needles.

"Don't...be quiet!"

Liya held her head in pain.

Then the whole sea of ​​mud really became quiet.

Liya was wondering when she suddenly saw the sea of ​​mud squirming, and a hunched figure separated from countless ups and downs and walked out.

It was an old woman, or should be an old woman, because her degree of deformity was far beyond that of an ordinary person. Liya could only tell her old age from the wrinkles on her face.

But she was more conscious than most people in the mud sea. She didn't just repeat her words to ask for help. She came to Liya and knelt down respectfully:

"Messenger from outside...have you finally come to save us?"


"Yes, the aura on your body tells me that you are the messenger we have been waiting for, the messenger from the great god."

Great god?

Who is she talking about? goddess?

But shouldn't they believe in the goddess? Why use the strange term "messenger from the great god".

Liya looked at the old woman, hesitated, and asked:

"You...are the aborigines, right?"

"Yes... we are the indigenous people of this country."

The old woman raised her head, with muddy tears flowing: "We have been waiting here for a thousand years."

"Waiting for a thousand years...what does this mean?"

Liya opened her mouth blankly: "Shouldn't this be Canterville? A golden country without hunger and pain..."

"No! This is not a golden country at all!"

The old woman roared angrily, and the wrinkles on her face twitched like twisted bark:

"We were deceived by the evil god. This is not a holy land without hunger and pain, only happiness and joy. This is... the pasture of the evil god!"

"Evil God? Ranch?"

Liya's eyes widened as if struck by lightning.

What the old woman said was completely contrary to what she knew.

But Liya is not stupid. Through the scene at this moment, the old woman's words, and some previous clues, she quickly pieced together part of the truth:

"In other words, the evil god disguised himself as the goddess Emile and deceived you?"

The old woman looked at Liya, was silent for a moment, and nodded vigorously: "Yes, we have all been deceived. A whole million people in Canterville have been deceived and become lambs raised by the evil god."


Liya's mind was in confusion.

Every word the old woman said was like a heavy hammer, hammering her heart. She once again felt the feeling of falling into the deep sea, wrapped in deathly silence and heavy pressure.

"Then...you call me over..."

"As you heard, please...save us."

The old woman said with great sincerity:

"It's not far away when the Evil God will wield his butcher knife and completely harvest us. By then, all of us will become the Evil God's food.

So, until then, I hope you can save us, cleanse us of the filth, and remove the mark of the Lamb from us. "

"Purify the filth..."

Liya was stunned for a moment, then shook her head vigorously: "No, no, I can't do this kind of thing..."

"You can do it, you can do it."

The old woman raised her head and stared at Liya.

At the same time, one million twisted people, one million painful souls, raised their heads together from the dark sea of ​​mud, and their eyes with deformed faces stared at Liya scorchingly.

"Isn't that why you came here? That divine... saintly lady."

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"Isn't that why you...are here? That holy lady of the gods."

The old woman's wrinkled face was full of enthusiasm. Liya subconsciously took a step back, shook her head and said:

"Saint? No...I'm not a saint yet."

"You'll be there soon!"

The old woman raised her voice and waved her skinny hand back:

"Look, there are a million people here waiting for salvation. Think about it, what a great achievement it will be to save them. As long as the deeds here are spread, you will undoubtedly become a saint, the most outstanding one." Saintess, even beyond that of the first generation, your name will be praised by countless believers. Even if you die, your statue will stand on the mainland, with the gods!"


Liya's eyes were dazed for a moment.

Yes, one million people. If I can save them, the sainthood I have been working hard for will be at my fingertips. The glimmer of light gained from saving the people here is enough to fill a thousand crystals.

And even without the temptation of the sainthood, Liya would not have been able to sit idly by and watch the sufferers who were suffering, struggling, and wailing.

Like all the saints throughout the ages, they would even stand up for a crying baby, let alone a million people in deep suffering?

This has nothing to do with any position or expectation, it is just the simplest kindness from a girl.

"I want to save you, but I'm not capable enough."

Liya shook her head in pain. She looked at her slender hands and whispered: "With my purification technique, I can only purify a few thousand people at most... By gritting my teeth and adding some recovery items, I may be able to purify more, but This amount is a drop in the bucket compared to one million.”

With only a few percent of the ability, facing this vast sea of ​​mud, there is only despair.

"Or... maybe you can wait a while. If the church successfully opens a passage into the inner area, you..."

"That's too late!"

The old woman raised her hands tremblingly and said in horror: "I can feel the presence of that hateful evil god. He is not far from here. He will return soon. He will devour a million of us." His soul, by then, no one on earth will be able to stop Him!”

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