
"I have a way!"

The old woman suddenly said, "We haven't been sitting there waiting to die for so many years. Look up."

Liya looked up.

The magnificent cylindrical wall extended into the depths of nothingness, and complex patterns flickered. On the grand dome that looked like a sky, a very complex picture was constructed.

At this moment, Liya finally understood where she was. She was in the tower without any surprise, but the tower she saw now was much larger than it looked. From the outside, the tower was just an amazing building, but now deep inside it, she seemed like a lost insect ant who strayed into the legendary giant tree where the holy snake lived.

A large and amazing magic array was engraved at the top of the tower.

"With your knowledge, you should be able to judge the function of this magic array."

"The function of this array is... amplification?"

Liya's eyes reflected this unprecedented huge magic array, and the only function of this array was amplification?

Amplification arrays are extremely common. Both magicians and magic tools will engrave such arrays to enhance the power of magic.

But Leah has never seen such a large and complex amplification magic. If its function is so simple, how amazing will its effect be?

"Yes, amplification!"

The old woman said loudly: "Under the effect of the array, based on this tower, combined with what we have accumulated over the years, your power can be amplified to the extreme, hundreds of times is not a problem!"

"Is... is it?"

"Of course."

The old woman lowered her eyebrows and looked at Leah again with passion: "We have been waiting for you all these years."

"Why me?"

"Because you are here, aren't you?"


Leah closed her eyes and sighed.

But at the same time, she also felt a heavier expectation.

She understood the meaning of this sentence. These suffering people have been waiting for too long, so they don't care who comes, as long as the comer can save them.

"Yes, you will save us all."

The old woman clasped her hands together devoutly: "I believe that great god will also be moved by your great deeds."

"Not that god, but the goddess."

Liya looked at the old woman deeply: "Goddess of Life, Lord Emile."

"Yes, Goddess of Life, Lord Emile."

The old woman lowered her eyebrows and said obediently.

Liya took a deep breath: "What should I do."

"You...you just need to stand in the center!"

The old woman was overjoyed: "Send out your power, and the formation will automatically operate."

Without much hesitation, Liya followed the old woman's instructions and walked to the center of the entire mud sea.

This is a wide platform, like an altar. Liya looked down and found that the soles of her feet were also engraved with complex patterns, which seemed to echo with the top of her head.

Liya stood alone in the center of the platform, feeling that the sky and the earth were so far away.

Liya was not unaware that the old woman seemed a little bit wrong, as if she was hiding something.

However, the pain, the despair, the desire for salvation, these things were undoubtedly real.

There are one million souls who are eager for salvation, and she is a candidate saint representing the church.

Then there is no need to think too much about what she should do.

Just as Mu En had guessed, the church sent them in to save these natives.

"I'm going to start."

Liya concentrated, and the crystal-clear holy light permeated from the surface of her skin, turning into countless stars and rising up.

The lines on the soles of her feet gradually lit up, and the huge magic power that had been stored for a long time rose from the bottom, along the pure black tower wall, extending upward, and poured into the huge magic array above her head.

The magic array started, and the grand sound echoed above the mud sea.

The people of pain knelt down devoutly, waiting for salvation to come.

Leah felt a strong pulling sensation, and the holy light stored in her body was swallowed up by the lines on the soles of her feet at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, the holy light rain fell.

"Ah... redemption... redemption is finally here."

Everyone raised their heads with all their strength, and their faces enthusiastically welcomed the holy light rain that fell. The old woman stretched her neck out like a long-starved old turtle.

As the light rain fell, the distortions and deformities on the bodies of the sufferers in the mud sea dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye. Some people with less filth have basically returned to normal.

They shed crystal tears, praised the miracle, and shouted the name of the saint.

The crystal given by the saint suddenly floated up automatically, and countless glimmers merged into it, making it more magnificent and brilliant.

Leah couldn't help but smile, and was encouraged, and tried her best to release the holy light.

But soon, she found something wrong.

The source of the difference came from the degree of purification, which seemed to be a little different from what she expected.

Although the holy light in his body was almost exhausted, the only ones who could fully recover were those who were less polluted. The majority of the rest were severely deformed. Although they had recovered to a certain extent, they were still a long way from being completely purified.

"Not enough... not enough."

The old woman was also murmuring. Although her deformity had recovered a little, it still looked twisted and hideous:

"This is not enough... I must... I must..."

"I'm sorry, Saint."

The old woman suddenly lowered her head, tears streaming down her face.

Liya was slightly shocked, but she soon understood why the old woman apologized.

Because when the lines under her feet could not draw enough holy light, they began to draw... blood from her body.

Liya suddenly realized that there was no magic in the world that could amplify hundreds of times. No matter how huge the magic array was, the effect could not reach that level.

However, it was not only the holy light in her body that had the power of purification.

As a candidate for the Saint who had been baptized by the holy light since childhood, her blood, her bones, her flesh, and even her soul were filled with the purest power of the goddess.

Those were the real powers that could purify everyone, but the price... was everything of Leah.

"You lied to me?"

Liya's face gradually turned pale: "You know that my holy light alone is far from enough!"

"Yes, I lied to you."

The old woman looked sad:

"But for the sake of my people, I had to do this. I'm afraid that you will be afraid to stand up after knowing this."

"But...if you feel angry and want to leave, we are actually powerless to stop you. All this is better than I expected. Many people have been saved, although more people are still in pain."

The old woman looked at Liya and squeezed out a relieved smile:

"If you want, you can leave, Saint. We won't blame you."


Dead silence appeared in this muddy sea where millions of people were sinking and floating. Everyone looked up again and looked at Liya silently.

Just watching, saying nothing.

But in the depths of those painful eyes, after tasting the salvation that was within reach, the hope became more and more...heavy.

So heavy...it was suffocating.

Liya tried her best to open her eyes, scanned everyone with her best, and felt the...heaviness deep in those eyes with her best.

This moment.

Maybe it was a long time, or maybe it was just a short moment.

Liya smiled sadly, her long eyelashes were like a butterfly about to fly.

"Go on."

She said, "Go on."

As if relieved of a heavy burden, Liya's whole body relaxed, allowing the formation under her feet to extract blood from her body, and her strength was lost bit by bit.

But at this moment, the girl's hair was flying, and the holy light outlined a perfect silhouette for her. Looking at the countless people who were saved, she smiled, as if the goddess came in person, walking in the world.

"Is this...really possible?"

The old woman was shocked: "You know the consequences of doing this."

"I know, but let's continue."

Liya said:

"As you said, I am now the saint you praise, and the so-called saint is to selflessly dedicate and save everyone, right?"

"You...how great you are."

The old woman was so moved that she trembled all over:

"My clan will worship you as a saint for generations, and your statue will be passed down forever!"

"Okay, okay, don't waste time."

Liya closed her eyes:

"Anyway, I didn't do this for these things, I just did what I should do."

"Yes...your Highness the Saint."

The old woman bowed her head respectfully to the ground, looking extremely pious.

However, from an angle that Liya couldn't see, the corners of her mouth, which were dry and wrinkled like bark, slowly outlined a strange arc.

"I will obey your orders."

The formation started to operate more powerfully, and the rain of light fell from the sky, as if the gods themselves had bestowed the gift of mercy.

All the filth was being purified step by step.

However, Leah felt her body getting colder and colder.

Her blood was draining away little by little, and now it was only her blood that was drained, followed by her bones, her flesh, and finally her soul.

"For me, it is really a grand ending."

Leah whispered to herself:

"But, it is also a wonderful thing to die in a way that saves countless people and is what I long for, isn't it?"

There is nothing to regret.


Why is my heart so empty?

"I'm sorry, Mu En, although I still have a lot to say to you, a lot to do with you, and a lot of feelings that have not been conveyed."

Liya whispered softly: "But I broke my promise, I couldn't wait for you, and I left without saying goodbye. I hope you won't be angry with me, okay."

"Of course I will be angry."

The familiar voice replied: "Don't you have to use the beautiful girl's knee pillow to apologize? You are talking like a dream, but you are not sincere, Miss Liya."


Liya opened her eyes in surprise.

She found that this voice was not an illusion caused by her excessive longing, but the figure of the blond hair, who was now standing in front of her.

He was still so handsome, his profile was slightly soft under the reflection of the light rain, but his eyebrows were angry, and he raised his thumb and index finger, pointed it at her forehead, and flicked it hard.

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