
"Ugh! It hurts!"

Liya covered her forehead. Under this sudden brain collapse, the saintly aura that she had accumulated suddenly collapsed, and she was instantly beaten back to the charming and naive girl before.

Liya puffed up her cheeks habitually and snorted angrily: "What are you doing? Who are you calling an idiot!"

"Idiot said that to you."

Mu En stepped on the lines on the ground, forcibly interrupting the ceremony, and said: "You don't know if you have been deceived, what are you if you are not a fool?"


Liya blinked, "What do you mean?"

"who are you?"

The old woman who felt the light rain stopped looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her with shock and anger, and shouted angrily:

"Do you know what you are doing? This is an important ceremony for Her Majesty the Saint. Get out of here!"

However, Mu Enli ignored her and the countless angry people in the mud sea. He just looked into Liya's eyes and said softly:

"My silly Liya, don't you understand? These people are not the poor people you imagined. Think back to the diary you saw before."


Liya was stunned for a moment, and then her beautiful eyes suddenly widened: "You mean..."

"That's right."

Mu En finally turned around and looked at the old woman and the millions of people floating in the mud with cold eyes:

"These guys are the real sinners!"

178. Karma Fire (12)

"These guys are the real sinners."

The loud declaration echoed above the vast black sea of ​​mud. After a brief silence, countless people in the sea of ​​mud suddenly showed offended and angry expressions.

The old woman was even more frightened and angry, her deformed and skinny finger pointed at Mu En, and her whole body was trembling.

"Nonsense... nonsense! What kind of sinners are you? Our tribe has been in this Canterville for thousands of years, isolated from the world. How can we be guilty?"

"Yes, you have been isolated from the world for thousands of years, and you look like a group of harmless babies. The whole world owes you."

Mu En was finally willing to look at the old woman and said sarcastically: "But if you don't know what you believe in from the beginning to the end, there is nothing wrong with you saying this."

The old woman's face changed slightly, but she quickly calmed down and sneered: "Who are you? You dare to slander us in front of Her Majesty the Saint? We were just deceived!"

"Deception? What a deception! Haha, do you have to tear off the last bit of your shame? Well, it seems you don't need that kind of thing a long time ago."

Mu En sneered, took out the diary from before, and looked at Liya: "Do you remember what the diary said at the beginning?"


Liya nodded. She had translated the diary at that time, so she remembered every detail in it very clearly.

"Goddess above, we have really succeeded. We have created a perfect world, a world without hunger and pain... I remember saying this."

"Yes, this sentence reveals the fact... Cantwell was built by these people."

Mu En paused and said:

"If this is a ranch, they have knocked on the fence tightly with their own hands. They jumped in on their own initiative."

"Take the initiative and become the lamb of the evil god?"

Liya's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

"Nonsense...what does this prove?"

The old woman's eyes were gloomy, and she roared angrily, as if a million people were roaring with her, deafening:

"I said, we were deceived. We were deceived to build this Canterville. We mistakenly thought that the evil god was... was..."

"Who do you think you are? Is she the goddess of life?"

Mu En opened the diary. Although he couldn't understand the tadpole-like ancient characters at all, he still pretended to read in front of the old woman:

"Well, indeed, you call her the goddess, the goddess of life. From beginning to end, she looks extremely happy, sincerely praising the gods.

But why does the goddess's honorable name Emile not appear among all the praises?

Aren’t you supposed to recite His True Name as part of your regular prayer process?

Don’t you know? No, you know that in the era of the first generation of saints, the name of Emile had already spread throughout the continent. At least the people who created this country knew it!

But it’s nothing. Is it because you are afraid that when you believe in the so-called goddess of life, the goddess Emile will really hear your prayers, so you deliberately erased this name?

But why are you afraid of the goddess Emile? Isn’t He the god you believe in? If you have been deceived, shouldn't you very much hope that He can hear your voice? "

Mu En's voice became louder and louder, almost roaring at the end.

The old woman's face gradually turned pale, like a piece of dry birch bark.

At this moment, even the sea of ​​mud had calmed down, and Mu En's words seemed to be the only voice under the giant tower.

"Moreover, the word "goddess" has been emphasized in the diary to the point of being a little abnormal, even slightly crazy. It's almost like..."

“It’s like hypnotizing yourself in order to make yourself believe something, which is like forcing yourself to deceive yourself.”

There was a hint of confusion in the depths of Liya's eyes, and she answered in a low voice.

"That's right, if we use a more appropriate analogy, it's like the betrayal of the two devils, trying hard to prove that the one they chose is the master of the king.

It's similar to Elager's suggestion. "

Mu En touched Liya's little head with pity, and Liya shook her head to indicate that she was fine.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

His cold gaze was like a knife, and he thrust towards the old woman again.

In the silence once again, the frightened and angry expression on the old woman's face disappeared, and she seemed to have turned into a poor old man again, hanging her head in pain:

"Yes, you are right. We, or the first group of us, know that the one who gave us power is an evil god. As for the name, I can't say it now, otherwise he will sense it here. .

The honorable name of the Goddess of Life was also deliberately erased by us. These... are all facts. "


When Liya's colleague showed a shocked expression, the old woman shed humble tears again from the corner of her eyes and cried: "These, these are all unavoidable!"

"We have no choice?" Mu En raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, you don't know how terrible the chaotic era that swept the continent a thousand years ago was. In order to survive, our tribe had no choice but to rely on the power of the evil god."

"Isn't there still a goddess?"

Liya suddenly interrupted, "Goddess Emile!"

"That goddess Emile is indeed very powerful, but she can't save everyone."

The old woman gave Liya a painful look, then prostrated respectfully on the ground again, crying uncontrollably:

"We are here to live. Yes, I admit that we have committed a heinous crime, but we are the only ones who are guilty. There are many people here who are innocent.

I don't care anymore. This gentleman, and Her Royal Highness the Saint, please save those innocent children. "

Tears burst into tears.

No matter how you look at it, this is an old man who once committed a heinous crime, but suddenly came to his senses, and at the last moment he was kind in his words.

But this time, Liya pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Oh, innocent?"

Mu En sneered, squatted on the ground, tilted his head, and watched the old woman's sad face with no flaws at all:

"Remember what I just said?"

"Just now? Which sentence?"

"I said...you guys are the real sinners."

Mu En wanted to spit on the old woman's face, but his good cultivation did not allow him to do such a thing. More importantly, he did not want to soil his own saliva.

He straightened up, looked down at the millions of people in the sea of ​​mud, and said word by word with a ferocious tone that sounded like he was about to drive nails into the bones:

“These guys I’m referring to, all of you, a million people!

You are all sinners! "


The old woman's expression changed completely: "Nonsense..."

"Shut up, I'm tired of hearing this."

Mu En's voice was cold, but she suddenly smiled, leaned into the old woman's ear, and asked softly:

"Do you still remember those monsters outside who fought against the goddess' invasion?"


The old woman was stunned, as if she didn't expect Mu En to say these things suddenly.

"Then do you remember the prisoner?"


"What about the rabbit? The rabbit who wants to see the sun?"


"Hey, why aren't you talking? Do you don't remember them...or are you afraid to speak?"


The old woman suddenly trembled, her whole body trembling violently, and her twisted limbs were waving around, as if trying to cover up the sin that could not be covered up no matter what.

“Behold, the dissenters are turned into twisted monsters, and the rebels are turned into prisoners who guard your gates.

And the little girl who wants to escape from here and see the sun. He can only dig a cave in the dark underground day after day that may never end.

These truly innocent people have left, so who are the ones left? "

Mu En straightened up, with unconcealable disgust on his face:

"Of course, some people are motivated by selfish desires, knowing that they are dragging the entire world into the abyss, and knowing that the things they dedicate to the evil god will make the evil god kill countless people and destroy the happiness of countless people, but they are still addicted to false In a dream... this is a great sin against humanity."

"And the most ridiculous thing is that before this, you clearly had two chances to wake up, exactly twice."

The first time was a thousand years ago, when the equally kind-hearted first-generation saint banished Canterville and cut off the evil god's connection with this place.

They had a whole thousand years to choose to repent, but they didn't.

The second time was with the help of the church, the goddess Emile began to invade the world more than ten years ago.

They just need to give up the false happiness they bought by selling their souls, but they don't.

Until now, the evil god's pollution appeared on their bodies again, and they sensed the evil god's approach.

They are afraid, so they pretend to be victims, keep asking for help, and look for pitiful scapegoats.

And that silly scapegoat was Liya.

This is what makes Mu En the most angry.

"Is everything okay?"

Mu En looked at Liya worriedly.


Liya shook her head: "When you talked about the diary, I had figured out many things, so... I wasn't so surprised."

"I just don't know what to do."

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