Liya hugged her shoulders, her pale face full of confusion and helplessness.

A million innocent souls, she could choose to sacrifice herself to save without hesitation.

But what about a million sinners?

"I don't know what to do, so leave it to me."


"Look at this."

Mu En gently opened Liya's tightly clenched palm, revealing the crystal that was now extremely bright:

"Look, the crystal has been filled, so as long as everything is over, Liya will be a saint."

Liya stared at the crystal blankly, as if shocked by its beauty.

Mu En smiled slightly: "Take a good rest, leave the rest to me."


"Trust me."

Mu En hugged Liya: "I am your knight, am I not?"


There was still that warm breath on her body. Liya stared at Mu En's back, her cherry lips slightly opened, but she didn't say anything in the end.

She should have believed in her knight as always, but for some reason, this time, she felt uneasy.


"What...what do you want to do?"

The old woman looked at Mu En who was slowly walking towards the center of the array, and suddenly panicked, saying fiercely:

"You want to destroy the array? No, I tell you, no! You, you, you must save us, otherwise if the one million of us are harvested by the evil god, the world...the whole world will be in danger!"

The mud sea also surged, and countless unbearable curses were heard.

"Is this the way you just disgusted Liya?" Mu En asked.

The old woman's voice suddenly stagnated, and she realized that the man in front of her was completely different from the kind girl just now.

"Okay, I will save you." Mu En suddenly said.


The old woman made a dull sound again, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

But the man in front of her looked at her so sincerely, "As a divine knight who helps the saint, this is the only way, isn't it?"

"Really, really?"

The old woman was overjoyed.

But this joy, accompanied by a tremor, suddenly dissipated.

She could feel that this man was actually very weak, and there was no breath of holy light on him.

Then what could he use to save us?

"Yes, I will save you, I will... give you true... salvation!!"

Under the gaze of millions of suffering people, Mu En stepped hard, and the red flame that burned everything swept out!

179. Karma Fire (Thirteen)

The flames rose up.

Like a dancing fairy, the red flames flowed and changed beside Mu En, gradually igniting those complex array patterns, climbing along the dark huge tower wall to the sky.

It was not hot, nor blazing.

But when the light filled the entire space, it illuminated millions of extremely terrified faces.

"Evil God?"

The old woman screamed crazily, "Another evil god? You are colluding with the evil god? You are not..."

"Don't worry, I am not colluding with the evil god."

Mu En said softly, "I just borrowed it."

The flame finally climbed up to the huge amplification magic array on the top of the tower, and clusters of flames were like lotus flowers in midsummer, blooming enchantingly.


A shrill scream came, and flames began to burn everything above many deformed figures.

"I didn't expect you to have the power of the evil god!"

The old woman's wrinkled face suddenly became hideous, and more deformations occurred on her body. In just a few breaths, she no longer looked like a "human".

"But, so what, what about the power of the evil god? After all, it's not the evil god himself, you are just one person, and you have suffered a lot of injuries, so weak that even I can see it."

"And I..."

"And we..."

The old woman raised her arms and shouted, "There are a full million people!"

The mud sea was furious.



The raging black waves swept up, almost drowning the world.

A huge shadow enveloped, looking down indifferently at the tiny blond man.

What is the concept of one million people?

If a town has a thousand people, then you have to kill a thousand towns to kill a million people.

If a million people spit, then Mu En might be drowned directly.

Even if there were a million pigs lying here for Mu En to kill, he could kill them from morning to night until he was exhausted, and he couldn't kill them all.

And now, these one million people gathered together, angry, roaring, and the aftermath generated could crush Mu En, a small stone, into pieces.

"Indeed, this alone seems to be not enough."

Mu En coughed lightly and wiped the blood from his palm without leaving a trace.

The injuries on his body have not yet fully recovered.

The rejection of the alchemy core is still tearing his body all the time.

Now he can be said to be at his weakest, and even Leah may be able to knock him to the ground with one punch.


Mu En was still calm at this moment.

He even nodded slightly to the surging black waves, as if he was admiring the might of the millions of people gathered together.

Then, he closed his eyes.

A familiar call.

"Black Book."

[Yes. ]

Deep in his consciousness, the black book, as if prepared in advance, woke up from its deep sleep, and the words of response appeared on the pages.

"Can you separate the divine power of the Withered King?"

[Yes. ]

The black book shook gently, [but. ]

[Are you sure you want to do this? ]

"Sure, there is no external interference now, I can temporarily suppress the rejection. Do it."

Without any hesitation, Mu En answered.

He had no regrets about the gift from the evil god.


This time, the black book did not respond, but with the rapid flipping, a blank page was separated.

Mu En opened his eyes, and the page appeared in his palm.

It was no longer blank, but a picture appeared.

It was a huge and ferocious pupil, with a halo stretched, lifelike, ferocious and majestic.

"This... this is?"

When the page appeared, the black waves that were pressing down on us stopped abruptly, and the ugly face of the old woman appeared in the center of the black waves, screaming in fear:

"No! You can't!! You can't do this!! This is... could this be?!!"

After understanding what the page in Mu En's palm represented, the emotion called fear instantly spread throughout the mud sea.

The old woman's face became flattering and humble again: "Calm down, calm down, please calm down, we can talk, it may not be that girl who saves us, you can take your girl away, we can choose others, we are not picky..."

"Not picky? It sounds like you are evaluating a delicacy." Mu En's eyes were still sarcastic, and his fingers slowly stroked the page.

"No, even so, you can't kill us. Do you know the consequences? Do you know what the consequences will be if you kill us? We are one million people. This is the sin of one million people!

The executioner will be tortured by that sin, let alone you?

I know you are a good person. You must be a good person to be able to travel with the Saint Lady. Since you are a good person, please..."

"When did I say I was a good person?"

Mu En interrupted the old woman and said slowly.


"On the contrary, I am not a good person. I am a villain."

Mu En looked at the shocked old woman and the one million people, and whispered word by word:

"I am the only yellow-haired villain officially designated in this story!"

After that, Mu En slammed the page of the book on the array pattern under his feet.

Endless red flames rose into the sky.

All the array patterns and magic arrays were burned to ashes in an instant.

Because there is no magic that can amplify this kind of thing, amplify this kind of authority from the evil god himself.

Even if it is only a very small part.

"Look, everyone."

Mu En applauded and shouted:

"The salvation you want, the sun you want, is rising!"

Then a sun really rose on the top of the black tower.

The infinite bright light broke through the clouds and dispersed the blood mist.

Illuminating this country that has never had the sun.



"There are only about nine left. I won, yeah!"

In front of the black tower, Anne, covered in blood, stroked the crystal in her hand that was about to be filled, and then glanced at Margarita next to her. She couldn't help but smile proudly, and at the same time, she straightened her chest.

Although several people were fighting against these twisted monsters surrounding the tower together, Leita, as a war machine, was still much better than Paul, who was outstanding in swordsmanship, in killing enemies.

If this continues, the position of the next saint will be in her pocket!

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