"I advise you not to be so excited for the time being. It's not over yet, and..."

Margarita wiped her bloody cheek and sneered:

"Besides, you have to solve the problems here before you can take the position of Saintess!"

Under the feet of several people, monsters were still passing through the narrow stairs, coming up one after another, densely packed, as if they would never decrease.

If this continues, they will soon die of exhaustion, and they don't know if exhaustion can trigger the teleportation scroll.

"Tsk, that's true."

Thinking of this, Anne's expression also changed, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Damn Freya, she died so easily, and she didn't even tell us how long we would have to defend her. There's not even a sun in this wretched place, we can't... Um?"

Annie, who was complaining, suddenly froze and stiffly raised her head little by little.

Beside her, Margarita, who noticed the abnormality before her, was as pale as paper.

I don't know if it's an illusion... How does she feel that the sky is getting bright... Damn it, it's not an illusion, it's really bright.

Moreover, the sun has risen, right above their heads!

"This, this, this...is this the evil god?"

Anne could naturally recognize the nature of the sun at a glance, so her eyes almost popped out:

"Why would the evil god come directly to a place like this? This Canterville is under the control of the church. Could it be..."

Anne was shocked: "The church has been destroyed? The end of the world? What...what should I do? I haven't used the guidance of the saint to create a world that is beautiful for A. How can I..."


Margarita, who came back to her senses, shouted: "Although I agree with your pitiful dream, you should calm down and see clearly first. It is not the evil god's personal visit. It only has the power of the evil god, not the will of the evil god!"

"It seems...yes."

"And... look around you."


Anne followed Margarita's guidance and then... her eyes widened.

All around, those twisted monsters had stopped surging recklessly at this moment.

They knelt on the spot one by one, looking up at the sun that exuded endless destructive power.

It was obvious that their bodies were burning, and that every inch of their flesh and blood was in pain, but they still looked so attached, with tears streaming down their faces.

"thank you."

The monsters that gradually disappeared knelt down toward the sun and made human sounds.

"Is everything over?"

Looking at the sea of ​​mud that was constantly being burned by the red flames, and the millions of people struggling in the sea of ​​mud, Mu En finally had time to let out a long breath.

He felt like something was missing from his body, and he felt quite uncomfortable.

After all, the gods belonging to the King of Blight have been separated from his body, and it is normal to feel this way.

"It's a pity, Big Brother Blight's stuff is quite useful."

Mu En looked up at the sky. From this angle, the sun was extremely spectacular:

"But compared with beautiful girls, it's still far behind, let alone Liya."

"So it's not a big deal if Chi Yan is gone, it's just..."

Mu En smiled self-deprecatingly:

"Having killed a million people, I should be the biggest executioner in the world."

As the old woman said, even if they are sinners, even if they betray the entire human race.

But killing a million people is still a real... sin.

"I hope there will be no retribution."

Mu En smiled bitterly, patted her clothes, and forced her weak body to stand up.

Next, I have to congratulate Liya on becoming a saint, but I can’t be too embarrassed.


Mu En's steps suddenly stagnated.

The relaxed smile that had just appeared on his face gradually faded away, turning into a bone-chilling chill, even looking a little ferocious.

He turned around with a stiff neck, and the voices he thought were hallucinations became clearer.


"You sinner!!"

"Murderer!! Executioner!!"

"Why do you want to kill us? I curse you! Curse you!!"

"Mom, it hurts so much!!"

In sight, those people struggling in the flames suddenly raised their painful faces and roared angrily at Mu En.

But in a daze, Mu En only saw them wailing in pain, and blood and tears that were burned in an instant flowed from the corners of their eyes.

"Wha...what the hell?"

Mu En suddenly staggered, and the cold breath was like a poisonous snake, wrapping around his skin and worming its way into his body.

He saw the dark breath coming from nowhere, wrapping him up with a headache-splitting whisper.

The consciousness and the body began to be eroded by something at the same time.

"What is this?"

Mu En covered her head, veins bulging on her forehead, and her face became truly ferocious.

【pollute. 】

Black Book Answer:

[The pollution caused by the hatred and resentment of millions of people before they die. 】

"Why is there such a thing?" Mu En was stunned.

[It's very simple. As lambs raised by the evil god, when he gives them feed, he will naturally add something different. 】

"In other words, that evil god is the type who will spit in his own food in advance even if he doesn't eat for a while?"

【Yes. 】

"Damn, that's disgusting."

Mu En gritted her teeth, "So? What will happen to me?"

[Nature will be eroded by pollution and turn into monsters that even I can’t predict. 】

Ps, I originally wanted to end it with a 6,000-word chapter, but there are indeed a lot of trivial matters during the Spring Festival, so I’m sorry, I’ll end it in the next chapter.

Ying Ying Ying.

180. Karma Fire (End)

"Is this the sun? It's really warm."

A misty shadow appeared, and the little girl in a dirty skirt looked up at the scorching sun, showing a happy expression.

She turned her head, looked at the girl beside her curiously, and asked:

"Do not you think so?"


Liya finally came out of her daze, looked at the sun, and then at the blond man standing alone, with a look of confusion on her little face.

"The descendant of the evil god? Mu En? Why? I..."

Too many unexpected things happened, and Liya couldn't help but fall into confusion and chaos. She didn't even notice the little girl who appeared beside her.

"Huh? He seems to be in pain."

Rabbit seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly said softly as if talking to himself.


Liya raised her body, her delicate body trembling slightly.

She saw the blond man standing in the shadow of the sun, suddenly staggering, holding his head in pain, and half kneeling on the ground.

The jet-black mist came from nowhere, just like the sea of ​​mud that drowns a person in pain, swallowing him up bit by bit.

"Is that... resentment?"

Liya's heart beat violently, and the large amount of blood pumped back to her heart made her limbs feel a little cold.

She recognized the source of the black mist.

It is the power of resentment produced by millions of people in pain and despair, catalyzed by some kind of force.

In other words, it is sin itself.

It is the last thing a saint who should stand in the endless light should not be contaminated with.

It can pull those who are in the light down from their heights and plunge them into the abyss forever.

"Aren't you going to do something?" Rabbit asked suddenly.


Liya held the cold and bright crystal tightly, nodded and shook her head in confusion, bit her lip and said:

"I do not know what to do."

how should I do it?

As a candidate for the Saint, go forward and punch down the guy who colluded with the evil god to stop this inhumane massacre, so that all sins will cease to exist?

Or as the knight's holy lady, turn around and walk towards the bright road he has paved for himself, walk to the position he dreams of, but let his knight be stained with blood on the road behind him?


The blond figure was reflected in Liya's eyes, and she felt her heart aching as she watched every painful move he made.

It's like being trapped in a maze and at a loss.

"Will he die?" asked Rabbit.

"No, definitely not."

Liya said softly: "I believe Mu En, he is more powerful than anyone else. My knight will not fall in a place like this."

"So you're going to do nothing?"

Rabbit asked again, tilting his head.

"No... I'm not doing nothing, just Mu En, Mu En said..."

"What does this have to do with him."

Rabbit looked at Liya in confusion: "Isn't this your choice?"


Liya choked, and her lips, which had lost some of their color, turned pale and squirmed.

Yes, this is a choice, this is her choice and has nothing to do with anyone else.

"But...choice, how should I make this choice?"

Liya felt a little cold, so she shrank and hugged her shoulders.

In a daze, she seemed to have returned to ten years ago, to the same cold evening when she had just embarked on this road.

At that time, how did she answer the first major choice in her life?

Waves of memory stirred up, and Liya saw her little self sitting in front of the campfire again, wiping away tears.

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