"Yes... I'm sorry Teacher Saint."

The little girl hiccupped, "I...I still don't have the courage to make up my mind in the end."

It turns out...at that time, I still didn't have the courage to choose?

Liya smiled self-deprecatingly.

I thought that after experiencing so much during this period, I had grown up with the help of Mu En.

But in the end, at the critical moment, nothing changed.

"No, Leah, you did great."

At the moment when Liya was distracted, the saintly teacher in her memory had already gently touched little Liya's head.

"Didn't you already make your choice?"

"I did it, but I..."

"Giggle, do you really think so? Don't you know, Xiao Liya, that by abstaining, you mean to let the man's punishment be in accordance with the church's rules? And Xiao Liya, who is already familiar with the scriptures, should not You don’t know what the consequences will be if you follow the church’s rules.”


Liya who was watching was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

How come I forgot about it? In reality, there is no option to give up.

Your own giving up is actually a preference for a certain option.

"It seems that Xiao Liya actually has the hidden attribute of being evil." The saint said with a chuckle.

"Then I'm like this... Isn't it a bit unworthy of my status?"

Little Liya suddenly raised her head, her eyes red: "As a future saint, is this behavior of mine...?"


The saint replied: "The purpose of my lesson is not to teach you how to be a saint."

"Huh? That's it?"

"What I want to teach you is how to be a good person."

"How...to be a good person?"

Little Liya tilted her head in distress. She seemed to be unable to understand such a complicated matter with her small head.

"Yes, Xiaolia."

The saint said seriously: "What you want to be a good person is not to save everyone, but... to save the people you want to save, and let the people you don't want to save die."

"But, but, isn't this contrary to the saint's dogma?"

Little Liya was stunned for a moment, her two eyebrows furrowed together, as if her worldview had been greatly impacted: "Saints need to be selfless and dedicated, but this...isn't this selfishness."

"This is selfish."

The saint rubbed Liya's little head vigorously and sighed softly:

"You always think too much. The higher you stand, the easier it is for your eyes to be covered by something."

"So at this time, you have to give up those complicated things, such as identity, gains and losses, and all the rules of this world."

"You have to make your choice simply as Liya. For kind people, selfishness is not a bad thing."

The saint suddenly leaned down and asked seriously:

"Then answer me, Xiaolia, will you always be kind?"


Xiao Liya raised her eyebrows high and answered without hesitation:

"I will always be the kind Leah!"

For ten years, every day has been the same.

Every effort of Lea Angel is not a desire for the rights and admiration of the saint.

But... it comes from her simplest kindness.

She wanted to save more people, and that never changed.


The corners of the saint's mouth are outlined.

Suddenly, the world changes.

All the afterimages of memory disappeared and returned to their original state.

Only the image of the saint seems to remain in front of me.

But the saint at this moment is no longer a saint.

She slowly raised her head, revealing a face... exactly like Liya's.

Liya looked at Liya and smiled:

"Then the thing that Liya, the kindest person in the world, desperately wants to save must be the most precious treasure in the world, isn't it?"

The sun still burns the souls of sinners.

Looking at Liya who suddenly fell into a sluggish state and suddenly became silent, Rabbit took the pickaxe in his hand and dug here and there, scratching his head anxiously.

Finally, he stamped his feet and said those words:

"He said...he likes you!"

In the sudden brief silence, Liya finally moved.

She turned her head slowly, then nodded vigorously, with tears streaming down her face.

"Yes, me too."

"Black Book save me!!!"

After knowing the tragic consequences of being eroded by these resentments, Mu En immediately used his ultimate trump card.

"Heila A Meng, you must have something, right?"


[Sorry, I can help, but only a little. 】

"A little help?"

Mu En was stunned, "What do you mean by helping?"

[I can help you fix your soul so that when you turn into a monster... you can barely remain human. 】

"What's the use of trying to be human?"

Mu En was furious, "Isn't that still a monster? A humanoid monster can make it easier for me to be tied to the stake when I am caught by the church, right?"

[After all, it is the resentment of millions of people, coupled with the seeds left by the evil god, you can basically only rely on your own will to get through it now. 】

[However, maybe...]


The black book didn't reveal anything anymore. With a slight shake, it penetrated into the depths of Mu En's consciousness again.

"Damn it!"

Mu En was shocked, "Why are you so unreliable?"

But at this moment, he had no time to think about whether the black book was infected by that old loli, because the ultimate pain had already arrived.

The cold breath penetrated into the body, as if he was in a nest of snakes.

Noisy whispers echoed in my ears, like a call from hell.

The black mist surged, and Mu En felt as if his skin came alive, and his flesh and blood began to squirm on its own.

This was a distortion caused by pollution. Not long after, Mu En saw a dark eye suddenly open on the back of his hand.


Mu En gritted his teeth and tore off the pupils and flesh and blood:

"I will never become a monster, not even in human form!!"

His eyes had turned red at this moment, and he was relying on his own will to resist the erosion of pollution.

However, this is the resentment of millions of people after all. Even if Elizabeth can help him resist part of it, even if the coolness emanating from the black book makes his consciousness much clearer.

But Mu En still felt that he was already on the verge of collapse. If his spirit and will had not become extremely tough after training day and night in the black book, he would have been crushed into dregs at this moment and completely transformed into a twisted monster.

The darkness is still shrouded, and everything can only be supported alone. It is obviously the sun that he ignited, but he cannot share any of its warmth.

At this moment, Mu En seemed to be walking on the edge of the abyss, sliding towards the depths step by step... sliding...


"Mu En."

Suddenly, the darkness of the abyss was torn open by a beam of light.

He heard a familiar voice.

And...the familiar warmth.

The coldness and pain seemed to have disappeared a lot, and the pressure dropped sharply.

Mu En's turbid and scarlet face gradually regained her clarity. She lowered her head and saw the girl hugging her arms.

"Liya, you..."

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then said angrily:

"You, why are you here? Come on, come on! Do you know what you are doing?!"

"Well, of course I know."

Liya nodded slightly, and the crystal in her palm floated up. The bright crystal was now stained with filth.

"I'm here to...save you." She said softly.

"Save? Do you know what you're talking about?"

Mu En summoned her little strength and grabbed Liya's shoulders:

"You can obviously fulfill your wish and become a saint right away, why are you doing this... I don't need your rescue!"


Liya looked at the face that was engraved in the deepest part of her soul and said:

"I have found my most precious thing. Protecting your precious things is what Mu En has been doing, right?"

"but you……"

"I know I'll be infected with these sins too."

Liya hugged Mu En harder and said without any confusion:

"But I am here to bear this with you. The Holy Light in my body has been exhausted, so I can only do this."


Liya raised her hand and said, "I'm not the only one who came together."

Mu En suddenly raised his head and found that at some point, there were already empty figures standing beside him.

Those are the afterimages of souls, from those souls saved from endless pain by Mu En and Liya.


The little girl in a dirty skirt tilted her head and said with a smile:

"You're right, the sun is really, really warm."

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