If this kind of thing...

Hmm...I can't think about it.

Liya quickly closed her eyes and stopped her terrible thoughts.

But her delicate body couldn't help twisting gently like a snake, as if she was silently expecting.

"Liya is indeed more astringent than I thought."

Mu En smiled slightly, leaned down, and kissed every part of the girl's body.

"I'm coming."


Liya's eyes were blurred, and her mind didn't know where it flew to, but she responded instinctively.

Mu En interlocked his fingers with her, and with a soft hum that seemed like pain and pleasure, the girl's messy hair was flying, and he finally broke through the thin boundary.

"Mu En... Mu En..."

The girl murmured with emotion:

"Yeah... give me more... more... your love."

2. Battlefield

The cry of the baby resounded through the sky.

On the earth, black rain fell, floating and scattering, like a painting outlined by light ink.

But in this supreme place built by successive popes and based on the constantly improving sanctuary, such rain does not seem strange.

On the contrary, it is full of vitality.

As the raindrops fell on the steel ground, the silver-white vegetation sprouted and stretched from the twisted cracks in an instant, and then gradually became dense.

Then, as if the growth of fruit trees was accelerated thousands of times, in just a few breaths, the dense vegetation turned into towering trees.

The trees were full of fruits, which ripened and fell to the ground.

It was like a natural cycle.

However, the fallen fruits did not continue to follow the pace of nature and rot into new nutrients, but broke at this link, and then twisted and squirmed.

Under the bloody peel, the strange living creature kept twisting, highlighting the hideous outline.

This is not a fruit, this is... the placenta of a monster!


The sharp claws tore open the placenta, and countless monsters cried... and were born into the world.

It is difficult to describe the appearance of those monsters. They have human faces, snake scales, beast legs... It's as if many creatures were randomly stitched together.

But even those similar parts soon became indistinguishable in the horrible distortion.

Everything is growing madly, twisted and deformed. The crying monsters and the proliferating vegetation, like a fungus blanket, quickly spread towards the living things they desire.

Then, what greeted them was extremely friendly and warm... artillery fire!

"Fire! Fire!"

Knight Kans, riding on a giant steel horse, waved the chain sword in his hand and cut the monster rushing in half. At the same time, he screamed loudly, and the blue veins on his forehead were like a group of snakes.

"Captain II, where is your new magic cannon?"

"Here it comes."

Without too many orders and urgings, the war weapons from the Pivot Temple have already been ready to go. The dazzling artillery fire burned the muzzle red, bursting out a rainbow of destruction!

The rainbow light swept past, instantly tearing several clear cracks in the overwhelming monster group.

Countless monsters turned into ashes in the rainbow light, but the almost infinitely proliferating monsters continued to cry, and the deformed vegetation continued to grow wildly, seemingly unaware of what pain was. However, this brief collapse caused by the bombardment was enough to give these elite knights a chance to fight back!

"Line up!"

"Prepare the Holy Light Spell!"

"Everyone, be sure to completely annihilate the remnants of the evil god and not let them pollute the sanctuary of the goddess. This is the goddess's order!"

"For the goddess!!"

Blood and fire instantly swept the entire battlefield.

Knight Commander Kans held the reins tightly, the iron warhorse under his crotch neighed, hot steam burst out, and fearlessly collided with the huge monster in front of him, while stabbing the huge chain sword in his hand fiercely into the monster's body.


The cry turned into a painful roar, the monster's deformed body cracked, and the fangs and bones formed a hideous mouthpart, biting at Kans fiercely.

This monster was also very special among countless monsters. It was more than twice as large, and in the process of sprinting forward, it would even eat its own kind!

But Kans was not afraid, and the chain sword in his hand turned quickly, and soon the monster was turned into flying meat scraps.

The foul-smelling flesh stained his cold profile, and his expression did not change at all.


But at this time, a knight behind Kans suddenly screamed, he lifted the visor, and a deformed tumor grew on half of his cheek. The tumor squirmed and extended a slender tentacles, and actually attacked the knight next to him.


The deputy beside Kans exclaimed, swung the long sword in his hand, and quickly cut off the deformity on the knight's face.

The deputy waved his hand to signal his subordinates to treat the knight, but found that they had already lost contact with the Holy Light Spell Team, and the Holy Light of the other knights had been exhausted in the almost crazy sprint.

"Sir Knight Commander."

Kans listened to the anxious voice of his subordinates, raised his head and looked around, his eyes could not help but sink slightly.

The knife light and claws collided violently, blood and meat flew everywhere, and this place has become a hell on earth like a meat grinder.

But in this hell, the silver torrent, like a long spear, stubbornly chiseled into the bloody ocean.

Knight Commander Kans was the spearhead of the long spear. Under his leadership, the team had torn apart a large number of monsters and went deep all the way.

But now it seems that they seem to be a little... too deep.

Like an isolated island in the ocean, there is always the risk of being submerged by huge waves.

what to do……

Keep going, or go back.

Knight Commander Kansi was thinking, and the shadow that made him feel angry suddenly appeared in his heart. He gritted his teeth and grasped the chain sword again regardless of his extremely tired subordinates.

Just as he was about to point his sword forward, he suddenly heard an exclamation:

"Holy Light!"

Gentle light rain falls from the sky, and the holy breath fills the air, instantly sweeping away all impurity.

The monsters roared and fled, and the endlessly proliferating deformed plants fell into decay.

The strength and pollution were removed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The knights who were almost at their end burst out with unimaginable ecstasy, raising their arms and shouting together:

"This is the holy light technique of the saint. Her highness the saint has arrived!"

In the entire church, there are only a handful of people who can use such a large-scale Holy Light spell in an instant. And according to the areas responsible for each party, the only one who can spare the time to rush to their aid is the one who has been in charge from the beginning to the end. Her Royal Highness the Saint at the front!

Her Royal Highness the Saint actually took action herself!

All the knights subconsciously raised their heads in anticipation of the arrival of the Saint, and even Kansi couldn't help but look eagerly!

But... what fell from the sky next was not Her Majesty the Saint, but...


That thing fell from the sky like a meteorite. It looks like a pink bear that is harmless to humans and animals. From the appearance alone, this pink bear is still a little cute. If it were placed in some paradise, It's sure to be a hit with little ones.


When he fell down, he killed several monsters by the way...

"Damn it, that damn bitch actually tricked me into a place like this. I will take revenge sooner or later!"

"There are also these disgusting things without horses. I just had my hair cared for not long ago..."

The cute pink bear twisted its buttocks and just pulled out its huge bear head from the ground. Regardless of the blood and meat on its body, in the shocked eyes of all the knights... First, a few smooth curse words were spoken to the whole family. Greetings, and then a furry hand belonging to a middle-aged uncle poked out from the cute bear's mouth.

The cute little paradise bear is instantly transformed into a bloody horror movie that salty uncles will love.

"Huh? There are still people alive?"

The pink bear scratched his butt and looked around. His eyes brightened when he saw Kansi.

He put the hand scratching his butt on Kansi's shoulder, took out two crumpled cigars, and stuffed one into Kansi's mouth enthusiastically, ignoring the monster meat on it, winking and saying:

"Brother, do you have a fire? Lend me a fire."


3. The dust has settled

"Brother, do you have a fire? Lend me a fire."


The corner of Kansi's mouth twitched.

Looking at the idiot in front of him, the veins on the back of the hand holding the chain sword jumped.

But before Kans had time to figure out whether he should kick this wretched thing away or use his alchemical flamethrower to really "borrow fire" from him, his expression suddenly changed.

Pink Bear's expression also changed drastically.

He seemed to hear something, the hairy hand holding the cigar trembled slightly, and he turned his head stiffly.

Behind him are countless monsters.

The monsters that had just been dispersed by the falling holy light rain gathered again. It was obvious that their deformed bodies had been eroded by the light rain, and the stench was astounding, but they still stretched their necks, with countless scarlet and weird eyes. Staring straight at the pink bear.

Like a beast that has been hungry for a long time, it finally sees fresh blood.

The monsters, who were originally irrational and acting crazy, were all acting horribly at this moment.

"I'll blanch..."

The pink bear was so frightened that he dropped his cigar and trembled:

"Everyone, calm down. I swear to God, I have no interest in your mother-in-law with a child, and I won't read that type of small book, let alone his portrait!

... Logically speaking, it is impossible to offend your God of Fertility... Wait, why do you become more vicious the more I talk about you? Could you please be kinder in your eyes? If you feel that I am slandering your great Lord as not attractive... Is it too late for me to change my habit now? Actually, I’m not incapable of being a mature woman…”


The monster's simple brain seemed unable to understand the sincerity of the pink bear. Some kind of eager instinct quickly got rid of the fear of the holy light and rushed towards the pink bear crazily, like a spreading black wave.

But before that, the pink bear had already swung his butt and ran away skillfully, so fast that even Kansi, who was riding a giant steel horse, could not catch up.


Kansi silently clenched the chain sword, hesitating again.

Thanks to the pink bear's "seduce" behavior, their pressure was greatly reduced. From a standpoint, although they still didn't know what it was, the bear should be on their side, both emotionally and rationally. Give assistance.

But he really didn't want to admit that the guy who was telling the Evil God version of dirty jokes and slapping the buttocks and taunting the chasing monsters was actually their teammate...

It is simply an insult to the honor of the Templars.

"Who is this……"

Kansi had to secretly ask his deputy where the church found such shocking talents.

"I seem to have seen him next to Her Majesty the Holy Lady," the deputy said softly.

"Is it a pet kept by His Highness?"

Kans secretly wondered when Her Majesty the Saint’s taste was so...

"It's not a pet."

Suddenly, a gentle voice came like a spring breeze, and Kans's body trembled. He quickly turned over and got off the horse. All the knights knelt on one knee respectfully, and saluted the white figure who appeared at some point in time:

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