"Your Highness the Saint."

"Get up."

The saint nodded slightly, signaled all the knights to stand up, then turned to look at the funny figure walking around with countless monsters, and continued:

"He's not a pet, as much as he hates to admit it, but he's mostly a human being."

"Then...who is he?"

"He is my knight."

An unspeakable smile appeared on the corner of the saint's lips and she said:

"Or, it was."


Kans was stunned for a moment. He really couldn't connect the cheap and wretched thing just now with the word knight, which represents many qualities such as bravery, loyalty, and fearlessness.

However, the saint didn't say anything more, and it was naturally difficult for Kansi to ask.

"Her Royal Highness the Saint came here in person. Could it be that..."

"It's nothing serious," the saint said in a casual tone, "You guys should retreat first."


Kansi, who was waiting for the order, suddenly raised his head, his eyes blazing with fire: "Why?"

"There is no reason, you should withdraw."

"But we still have room to fight!"

Kans said in a deep voice: "Please allow us to fight with you, Your Highness! The glory of the goddess does not allow us to retreat!"

"The glory of the goddess is not your unnecessary sacrifice."

The saint looked at him, her expression and words were still so gentle:

"Besides, Knight Commander Kans, you have disobeyed the order, haven't you."


Kansi's momentum faltered.

Indeed, the order given to him from above was just to stick to it, and to take the initiative to charge was already a violation of the order.

However, as a knight who serves the goddess and the saint, how can he just stay silent when he sees these monsters that have defiled the sanctity in front of him?

"Your Highness..."

The Knight Commander of Cans made a final plea, "The choir seems not to be with you. Your delicate body is the heart of hundreds of millions of believers. Please allow your subordinates to protect you."

"Need not."

The saint shook her head slightly: "Don't worry about my safety."


Knight Commander Kansi looked at the Saint in confusion, then suddenly pointed at the pink bear running in panic not far away, and said sternly:

"Does His Highness think he can protect you? That person..."


The saint suddenly called Kansi by his name. Although she still had a gentle smile on her lips, Kansi was startled for no reason.

"This is my order."


Kans finally lowered his head, and the burning flame in his eyes extinguished:

"Obey the Holy Proverbs."

Soon, the sound of horse hoofbeats started again, and Kansi sat on the giant steel horse, finally looking at the saint in front of him who looked so fragile and delicate in the bloody scene around him.

But this time he didn't say anything more, twitched the reins, and led the team back.

"Your Mightiness."

The deputy stepped forward and asked, "What to do next."

Everyone in the team is still covered in blood, but with the gift of Her Majesty the Saint, their strength has recovered a lot and they can fight again.

"How to do?"

Kansi glanced into the distance, lowered his eyelids, and chuckled:

"Of course I'm obeying the order. Let's all have a good rest."

Kansi mobilized the giant steel horse and walked towards the steel array at the rear.

"I am Kansi Lord, the Knight Commander of the Holy Sword Knights, number 3907. The current team has been severely damaged by a monster ambush. I applied for a defense change and was transferred to the rear for temporary repairs."

"You should have kept him."

After Kans left, Sister Lin walked out of the shadows:

"This is a battlefield, and I may not be able to completely protect you."

"I told you, no need."

The saint shook her head slightly: "I don't need anyone to protect me now."

"But you..."

"But I'm a saint?"

The saint interrupted Lin, looked into her eyes, and chuckled:

"It won't be Lalin soon. The selection of the new saint has been finalized. You will soon have someone new to serve."

A crystal in the saint's hand floats quietly, exuding an indescribable color like glass.

The saint sighed softly: "I didn't expect that it would be you who became the saint in the end."

4. The Last of the Saint

"It was you who became the saint in the end."

The Saint murmured softly, with a hint of emotion in her tone, but Lin seemed to be able to feel...

From this moment on, Her Majesty the Saint in front of her felt much more relaxed, as if a heavy burden on her shoulders was finally about to be taken over by a qualified successor.

The successor surprised her, but seemed to satisfy her.

Come to think of it, this is a very happy thing.

"But now, you are still Her Royal Highness the Saint."

Lin took a deep breath and said, "I still need to protect your safety."

"Okay, okay, Lin, I don't want to say the same thing a third time."

The saint looked up and saw that not far away, the pink bear was still being chased by countless monsters.

Perhaps his extreme behavior finally triggered a series of chain reactions.

High in the sky, the terrifying evil god who was fighting against the endless holy light and the gate of the sanctuary suddenly cast an indifferent glance.

In an instant, countless monsters became even more crazy, but they no longer chased the pink bear. Instead, they suddenly turned and attacked other monsters around them.

The bloody scene is like a reflection of hell.

Countless monsters are devouring each other, the deformed flesh and blood expand rapidly, and something terrible is conceived in the embryo and is hatching rapidly.


The pink bear was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he didn't care about running away. He took out his mace and violently hit the huge embryo.

But the huge embryo was like a piece of unbreakable rubber, and Pink Bear's offensive, which could easily smash even steel, had no effect at all.

The evil god's gift gave the embryo unparalleled vitality.

Soon, bloody tentacles, like the intestines of a creature magnified countless times, broke open the embryo, and the unspeakable monster cast a dark and ferocious glance from the crack.

"Sigh...it's still as useless as ever, uncle."

The saint sighed softly and said to Lin beside her:

"Give me that."


Lin, who was nervously monitoring the monster's movements, was stunned: "Which one?"

"Have you forgotten?"

The saint shook her head helplessly: "It's something I left with you when I became a saint."

"You mean..."

About twenty years ago, long-lasting memories appeared in Lin's mind.

But when she thought of that thing, she, a nun who had always been calm, could not help but change her expression slightly at this moment:

"No, absolutely not, Lady Saint, you promised me back then that you would never use that thing again!"

"The person who promised you originally was a contemporary saint, but I am about to step down from this position, so the agreement is naturally invalid."

"But you are still a saint! You can't do that!"

Lin tried her best to persuade the saint to behave in a way that she should never do, but...


The saint looked tenderly at the nun who had served her for nearly twenty years and had always been regarded as her sister. For the first time, a look of pleading appeared on her holy and flawless face.

"This is the last time."


Lin's expression froze and she smiled bitterly:

"You know the consequences of this, right."

"Well, that's why I sent those people away."

The saint looked into the distance and said sadly:

"For me, this is a good ending."


Lin's heart ached.

Knowing that this is not possible, knowing the consequences, it is unbearable.

But facing those eyes that were still gentle at this moment, Lin couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted.

Yes, this is... the last time anyway.


Lin closed her eyes, sighed helplessly, and then took out an exquisite small box.

There is an extremely complex formation seal on the box, and it can be seen that Lin is particularly cautious about it, but it still exudes an ominous aura.

Under the gaze of the Saint, after three confirmations and unlockings, the box was finally opened.

When the pair of things in the box that had been dusted for a long time were revealed again, an icy cold wind seemed to suddenly blow through this hell-like battlefield.

The pink bear turned around with some feeling. After seeing clearly what the saint was getting from the box, the bear's face changed wildly, and there was a fear in his eyes that he had never seen when the evil god cast his gaze just now.

"Wait, Latina, what do you want to do..." He even inadvertently called out the name that seemed to have not been mentioned for a long time.

The Saint didn't care about the roar of the pink bear, she just felt the coldness from her palms, stared at the dark and silent thing, and sighed softly:

"Long time no see. After so long, the smell of blood on your body seems to have dissipated a lot."

"However, the next step will definitely make you very satisfied."

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