"Because this is the first and last time I will do this as a saint."

After saying that, the saint put the pair of hideous brass knuckles on her fingers.

The monster's roar suddenly stagnated, and countless twisting tentacles stopped chasing the pink bear. Its eyes in the dark suddenly turned and locked onto the saint who had just made it feel extremely disgusted and wanted to devour her.

What's going on?

The monster with a bad brain couldn't understand why suddenly, this saint... seemed to have suddenly become a different person?

"Well, it seems that twenty years have passed, and I haven't gained weight."

The saint clenched her ten fingers tightly, feeling the fit of the pair of weapons, and nodded with satisfaction.

Fortunately, it can be used, otherwise it would be so inelegant to use bare hands.

"Then, let's start."

She moved her shoulder bones and took a step forward.

The momentum on her body suddenly changed.

The gentleness, holiness and elegance of a saint disappeared in the gusty wind and flying hair.

The saint's eyes were bright. She tore off the long skirt that was in the way, revealing her long white legs. The corners of her mouth raised high, outlining the incomparable... wildness and grandeur.


The gentle voice to everyone seemed to be just a phantom of the past. The saint's temperament was stern. The tiger knuckles in her hand were obviously a terrible killing weapon, and the dark red blood stains on them have not faded yet.

"After twenty years of holding back, I can finally enjoy it... That monster, come and let me have some fun!"

In the dead silence, the saint actually jumped towards the hideous monster. Her high-jumping figure revealed a different kind of domineering beauty.

However, this picture, if any believer who worships and admires the saint sees it, I am afraid that he will have a myocardial infarction and doubt the reality of life.

Not far away, Pink Bear had already started running. He knew the nature of this woman very well. Twenty years ago, she was the kind of person who would smash mountains with her fists when she was in a bad mood.

And she had been holding this breath for twenty years.

Who knows if she felt unsatisfied after smashing the monster, she would just pull another unlucky person to smash another person for fun.

On the other side, Sister Lin covered her chest and closed her eyes expressionlessly.

Although everyone else had been sent away, no believers would see this picture of the world view collapsing, but...

As a sister serving the saint, this was still a great dereliction of duty.

She seemed to be able to see the future in which she would be talked about by those old-fashioned old people until her soul exploded because of this matter.

And she had no idea how to write the report, and she had no idea how to do the finishing work.

When she thought of this, her heart... ached even more.

5. Sadness and joy cannot be thought through, but anger can be

“The children seem to be having a lot of fun.”

Glancing at the lively scene at his feet in the distance, the Pope couldn’t help but smile kindly, like an old man who was enjoying his old age, looking at the children playing and recalling the past.

But when his sight was retracted, his vicissitudes of life suddenly became extremely cold.

Above the sky, the faceless woman’s dress swayed lightly, the children’s cries resounded through the world, countless flowers and drizzles were scattered, and desperate disasters fell.

The entire sky was polluted by weirdness.

The human body seemed so small in front of that darkness.


Although the Pope stood alone, he looked at the terrifying evil god without fear. Blood and fire blew his beard and white hair. He said in a low but powerful voice:

"You are still distracted at this time. Even if you are an evil god, aren't you too... conceited?"

The Pope held the scepter tightly, and his wide sleeves suddenly stirred up endless winds.

Behind him, the golden door burst open!

A holy, beautiful, tranquil and ethereal scene emerged behind the door, just like the heaven on earth promised by the gods.

Infinite holy light flowed out from the door.

Different from the holy light emitted by Leah, the saint candidate, and even the saint herself, the holy light flowing here is thousands of times more than what they show!

This is the foundation of the church for thousands of years, the faith of countless believers on the continent, and the authoritative grace of purifying everything in exchange for the Supreme Goddess of Life!


There was a solemn chanting, which sounded and echoed!

Hundreds of shadows of girls in white dresses appeared behind the door. They clasped their hands, their faces were compassionate, and their eyes were pious.

They sang loudly and praised the gods.

"Your compassion blesses the world, your grace shines on the four seas, your honorable name has supreme glory..."


"In your name, purify all impurities!"

The sea of ​​holy light surged, and countless white cross lights floated up from the depths, roaring, like a spear nailed into the sky.

The strange spread of vitality came to an abrupt end, and those deformed growths suddenly fell into decay under the pure cross light.

Under holiness, corruption is rampant.

The deformed growth that transcended the cycle was finally included in the cycle of life again and entered the end. Before the stench could spread, it was also purified by the holy light.

The power of the evil god... was actually polluted by those holy lights in reverse!


The sharp cry of the child became even more piercing. Above the sky, the evil god surrounded by endless holy light suddenly put down the swaddling clothes in his hand.

The swaddling clothes fell to the ground with a wail.

As it turned over, the baby in the swaddling clothes finally revealed its true appearance.

——But that was not a baby.

That was... the evil god named Fengyu, born!

The filth that was gradually purified by the holy light began to shrink rapidly and was sucked into the belly of the evil god.

The evil god fell into the sea of ​​holy light, and the crying stopped suddenly, because it exploded directly!

The huge filth set off a storm in the sea of ​​holy light, and the endless pollution and deformed vitality were like a drop of ink dropped into water, spreading rapidly.

"Are you forced to give up your own children?"

The Pope laughed sarcastically, and then waved his scepter suddenly:

"No, a ghost like you is the most lacking... the so-called children!"

The holy light rolled back, polluted, and counter-polluted. Under the absolute gap in magnitude, even the evil god born by the evil god was quickly annihilated.

But, the sacrifice of the evil god finally made the surging holy light stagnate... for a moment.

So in that moment, the evil god named Fengyu suddenly sank!

His goal in coming here was never to destroy the church.

If a projection of the evil god could completely destroy the church, then the church would have been destroyed countless times in the past thousand years.

So, his real purpose this time was...

The blooming flowers fell, swallowing up the holy light and magic that blocked them, and the country that seemed to have shrunk countless times appeared in front of the Mother of Fertility.

That was... the Lost Land, Canterville.

It was his pasture and his dinner plate. He raised millions of lambs there. After thousands of years of careful breeding, those lambs had already become extremely delicious.

It made him salivate.

As long as he could swallow them, the millions of carefully cultivated blood food would be enough for his projection to have power close to the original body in a very short time.

And that "very short time" was enough for him to complete his other... ultimate goal that he had been waiting for a thousand years.


Those lambs.

Those blood food.

Those delicacies.



[Hmm? 】

Suddenly, the sinking posture of the Mother of Plenty stopped.

Although Cantwell was already within reach, He stopped moving.

He tilted his head, and there seemed to be a puzzled look on his empty face, gradually penetrating the outer wall of Cantwell, going deeper...



Until... he felt something.

Or... he didn't feel anything he should feel, but he felt something he shouldn't feel inexplicably.


A crack suddenly appeared on the empty face of the Mother of Plenty.

In the crack, countless dense granulations squirmed wildly, just like the anger of this evil god at the moment!

Where are His lambs?

Where is His blood food?

Where is His delicacy?

Such a large pasture, a million souls, for some reason, He had not had the opportunity to enjoy them for a thousand years, and finally the shark came back...


There was no sound of snap, and it was gone.

The head of the Mother of Plenty twisted suddenly, and the squirming flesh in the cracks stood straight. Her eyes finally penetrated the wall of Canterville and saw clearly through some things left by Him.

It was not very clear to say that she saw clearly.

Because in His eyes, on the charred flesh plain, on the towering giant tower, He only saw one thing.

A round... sun.

The sun that shines on everything!

The red flames of that sun looked familiar.

[Withered! Withered! The King! ]

The terrifying roar that humans could not understand echoed in this supreme place, and the entire projection of the Mother of Plenty flickered and twisted, as if she could not bear the wrath of the backstab from outside the world.

The Pope, who was about to mobilize his forces to protect Canterville, looked at the suddenly crazy Mother of Plenty, and suddenly raised his eyebrows, and also cast a meaningful look at the lost town.

"Haha, that kid... It was just a casual move, but I didn't expect that he would actually do that."

You don't need to think about what could make this evil god so angry, you know what it is.

And in the Pope's calculations, there is only one possibility that could make that happen.

"He is willing to give up the great power from the gods and has the courage to bear that sin. This kind of character can only be said to be worthy of being the disciple of that old thing?"

"But no matter what, this favor is considered to be owed by the church to you. In order to prevent you from being swallowed by those sins, I have to..."

The Pope's hand, which was about to take out the Eye of All Knowledge, suddenly stopped.

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