Because without looking, he noticed something happening inside.

He silently put back the Eye of All Knowledge, veins bulging on his forehead.

It was like watching the cabbages in my field being eaten by a golden pig.

Therefore, at this moment, he seemed to understand the anger of the Mother of Abundance.

"Bitch, what are you doing?"

6. A desperate move

In the grand supreme place, the holy sea of ​​holy light and the strange and deformed pollution complement each other, like two mutually incompatible color groups, dividing the two corners of the space.

But in this terrifying confrontation that wanted to completely annihilate the opponent, the atmosphere became strangely silent. Both the evil god and the endless holy light fell into a strange state of calm at the same time.

Although under this seemingly calm appearance, there is a volcanic rage of flames.

But looking at each other, they actually feel a little bit in the same boat.

"It's so novel to have empathy with evil gods."

The pope rubbed his brows and quickly calmed down his emotions.

Based on his knowledge, he had not seen anything outrageous in hundreds of years, so he would not ruin his cultivation for such a thing.

Moreover, in his opinion, compared to such a trivial matter as the cabbage in his own field being stolen, the evil god in front of him had been thinking about the delicious lamb for thousands of years, and it was burned clean by someone without even eating a hot bite. ...Such a relatively big thing should be a little more uncomfortable.

Well, if it were an ordinary person, his blood pressure would have been so high that his Tianling Cap would fly away at this moment.

"So, I really thank that boy."

The Pope twitched the corner of his mouth with a smile on his face and suddenly waved the scepter in his hand.

Above the head, countless crosses of light emerged again, and before they knew it, the sea of ​​holy light had completely occupied the entire sky.

"It's time, it's time to end."

The brilliance is like the sharp blade of the Holy Judgment, completely aimed at the evil god. Under the powerful blockade, he has nowhere to escape.

"After dealing with you for so many years, at least this projection of yours must stay. Reciprocity is the way to treat guests, isn't it?"

In the pope's cold decree, countless holy crosses fell like a catastrophic rain that destroyed the world.

However, facing an attack that threatened His projection, the Mother of Abundance did not react as the Pope expected.

He neither fought back nor evaded, but allowed the light rain to erode his body, and then the huge shadow spread, grabbing the bright moon that had stopped running above Canterville and above the star track.

The shadow hugged the moon like a lead ball.

Aim at Cantwell and smash!


The semicircular barrier above Canterville was suddenly cracked, and the moon was embedded in the crack, and it was even sinking!

"This is?"

The Pope narrowed his eyes and quickly mobilized his strength to protect Cantwell, but at the same time he was also a little confused.

Evil gods don't have such a thing as blood pressure, although after being teased, their anger is thousands of times more terrifying than ordinary people.

But it is the fire of the King of Blight that burns your lamb. What does it have to do with my church?

He should understand that with just a projection, it is no longer possible to break through Canterville under the nose of the church, which is fully prepared. The most it can do is to "smash in" half of the moon like this.

And even if it is broken through forcefully, there will be no benefit.

Therefore, even if he wanted to go mad, he should go outside the world and find the King of Blight to go mad.

but why……


While the Pope was thinking, a harsh buzz suddenly sounded around him.

At the same time, the entire highest place trembled, and the red light of an alarm flashed in the distance.

"His Majesty."

An anxious voice sounded in the Pope’s ears:

"The Star Observation Temple sent news that they have observed the evil god's unusual movements."

"Unusual movement?"

The Pope frowned: "The projection of the evil god is in the highest place, right in front of my eyes! Do I need you to remind me?"

"No, not a projection."

The voice trembled slightly:

"It is the true body, the true body of the Mother of Fertility outside the world barrier!"

Outside the barrier of the world, the faceless woman seems to be observing this beautiful, spectacular and vibrant world through that almost imperceptible barrier.

Suddenly, as if he was tired of this scene, he raised his hand, his pale palm protruding from the long sleeves inlaid with night, pointed it in a certain direction, and pressed it gently.

The transparent barrier curves into a thin arc.

Many cracks instantly appeared on His palm, and countless strange little flowers grew and bloomed from His flowing divine blood.

But even if he had to pay a price, He still resisted the backlash of the world's barriers and firmly landed this palm.

Above the Holy City, a huge barrier instantly unfolded, and many strong men in the city raised their heads in shock as if they felt something.

But soon, that palpitating feeling completely disappeared, as if it was just an hallucination experienced by many people at the same time.

Because, at that moment that no one knew, a door appeared above the Holy City.

The door suddenly opened, and there were countless sounds of steel and the sound of metal friction.

Then, from the door that was not wide, a hand... reached out.

A... fair and slender hand.


There are no earth-shattering waves, and there is no destruction of the world.

Just like a bubble, the sound of disillusionment in the sun.

When that hand reaches out, all disasters will cease.


Outside the barrier, the evil god named Fertility looked at that hand, caressing his hungry flat belly, and then made a sound of thirst and salivation.

But in the end, she regretfully took back her hand and looked further away.

"What? The true form of the Mother of Fertility?"

The pope's pupils shrank, and in an instant, combined with the strange behavior of the projection of the Mother of Fertility, he suddenly figured out a lot.

"His Majesty……"

"Don't worry about that, the attack of the Mother of Fertility cannot fall, and the key to the problem is not here, but... it is still above this projection!"

"No, he is willing to give up this projection and make a desperate move!"

Whether it was the sudden attack on Cantwell or the movements of the Mother of Fertility, they were just feint attacks.

He himself knew that those actions were all in vain.

Therefore, His real purpose is to create opportunities for this projection.

Create an opportunity... to pounce towards His ultimate goal!

Yes, all the actions of the Mother of Abundance are ultimately for [that].

But since you can't gain strength by eating lambs with blood, in the end, it's just another way.

And now, in order to destroy this projection, with the Pope's special indulgence, His projection is already surrounded by infinite holy light.

In other words, this is a depth He has never reached!

"Damn it!"

Sure enough, when the Pope once again mobilized the endless holy light, the Mother of Abundance had seized this short opportunity and... sank again.

Towards the deeper, deepest, bottom of the entire supreme place, the endless depths like an abyss.

[That] thing she desires is right there!

And as long as the goal is achieved and he is allowed to successfully contact [that]...

By then, not to mention His hated church, but all human beings, and even all creatures in the world, will be included in His pasture!

7. sunset

When the evil god chose to go deeper without hesitation, the highest place roared, as if the whole place came to life.

This place is located in the Emile Cathedral, but as long as you are inside, you will be shocked to find that this space is actually larger than the entire Holy City.

The false but real sky, the man-made sun, moon and stars, and the terrifying bottomless depth of an abyss, all display the "miraculous" creations that exert the greatest power of mankind.

But underneath this miracle, there is a certain [taboo] buried.

A taboo that must not be touched by the evil god with a rich name!

"The Mother of Fertility is diving at high speed!"

"Depth, ten..."




“He’s still accelerating!”

At that moment, the Star Observation Temple had quickly connected here, and the observation instrument specially built for the evil god was firmly locked on the figure of the evil god.

In their anxiety, the observers even forgot not to call out the Evil God's name, but they couldn't care about that much at the moment. If they called out the Evil God's name, the Evil God would pay some attention to them, and they would definitely use amplification magic right away. Broadcast the four words of the Mother of Plenty to the world.

But at this moment, the Mother of Fertility is obviously more stubborn than the ferocious bull.

"His Majesty!"

The noisy voice faded away like the tide. In the sea of ​​holy light that also fell, the Pope's pale eyebrows were blown by the wind, and his face became extremely cold again.

He stretched out his skinny palm and held it empty.

In an instant, the entire supreme place seemed to be in his palm.



An indifferent voice echoed, and some kind of grand existence arrived.

Sanctuary, expand!

The golden door appeared in front of the Mother of Abundance.

Different from the ordinary door that the Pope usually uses, which can only allow normal people to pass through, this door is huge, like gold.

But the door is just the external evolution of this power. What it really space!

The two different spaces have been connected by the door. If the Mother of Fertility passes through, she will be instantly transported into the sea of ​​holy light that is ready to attack!

But the Mother of Plenty did not pass directly.

In His night-like skirt, suddenly thick and ferocious tentacle limbs extended out, the cracks in the faceless face were even more torn, and the dense flesh sprouts were like a group of twisting snakes.

The observers screamed, and their eyes shed tears of blood, as if they had seen something that they could not see directly.

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