The Mother of Fertility continued to sink, and her body that had become ferocious and bloated directly hit the door!


The golden door shattered, dark cracks appeared, and the entire space let out an overwhelmed wail.

But as the space was shattered, the Mother of Fertility also cracked into countless stumps, and the entire body looked a little bleaker.

Immediately afterwards, the second door appeared again, and the Mother of Fertility did not hesitate at all. She did not even use her authority. She just relied on the projection itself and slammed into the door again!

"It was observed that the second door was broken, the depth was eighty!"

"The third door is broken, the depth is one hundred!"

"The fourth door is shattered...

"...the tenth crack..."

"...the seventeenth door shattered, the depth...three hundred and thirty!"

"Oops, it's too late!"

As the seventeenth door shattered, the voices of the observers even sounded a little desperate.

In their observation, after the golden door shattered, there was still a small fragment of the evil god's limb that passed through the broken space and continued downward.

And the distance... is no longer enough to expand the sanctuary again.

It seems that the evil god's desperate move will finally be rewarded, and his goal is about to be achieved.

This situation...

"forget it."

The pope suddenly said: "Leave it to Him."


After hearing the Pope's order, the observers who were placing their hopes on the Pope couldn't help but be stunned.

Although at their level, they are not qualified to know what is under the Supreme Place, but thinking about the target that the evil god wants to touch at all costs, it is definitely not a good thing.

Let Him do that...


Faced with doubts, the Pope looked calm.

In fact, even in the face of a crisis, he was just stunned for a moment when he first learned that the evil god had taken action.

But I was just stunned.

Because everything is still under his control.

Although he really didn't want to let her automatically reveal the next trump card at this time.

The Pope rubbed his temples and sighed:

"She's already here."

After seventeen doors, only a broken and weak body of the projection of the Mother of Fertility was left.

But even though only the remains were left, the emotion called excitement could still be read from the deformed and incomplete face.

It doesn't matter how much power he has left. What matters is that he comes into contact with [that]. That's right, as long as he comes into contact with [that], he can...

But at this time, the remains of the Mother of Fertility suddenly froze.

But this is not because the door that cuts off the space appears in front of Him again, but...

A letter appeared.

A letter that looks ordinary and ordinary.

But when this letter floated out from nowhere, all his actions stopped.

This was a passive cessation, and the emotion called excitement even stayed on those densely packed flesh buds. He didn't even seem to know that he was stagnant, or rather... He was the only one who was stagnant.

Because, accompanying the appearance of the envelope... was a grand and simple bell.

The clock of eternity!

When the bell fell, a misty figure walked out of the envelope.

She has long pale hair, eyes as red as amber, wearing cute pink pajamas with strawberries printed on them, and her body that of a loli.

Age unknown, no less than a thousand years old.

"Oh yeah oh yeah."

The white-haired and red-eyed old loli put her hands on her hips, and without even glancing at the stagnant remains of the Evil God in the distance, her eyes fell on the Pope in the distance.

Even though she was so far away, the Pope seemed to be able to clearly see the dazzling pride on her face.

"In the end, I still have to take action with my old bones."

The old loli had a look of emotion on her face, as if she was lamenting the decline of the world:

"Today's young people are all arrogant and squeamish, and they are not very good at it."


The squeamish "young man" who was hundreds of years old suppressed his beating temples, closed his eyes, and chose silence.

There is no way, who would let myself be really... just a young man in front of this thousand-year-old monster?

There is a level of relying on one's old age and selling one's old age, and in today's world, in this respect, I am afraid that no one's level can surpass this old lolita who loves to act young and show off.

But unfortunately, I can still keep out of sight.

Mela Domir, the only existing origin-level great mage, although her personality cannot be complimented, her vision and knowledge cannot be underestimated.

Everything finally fell to the ground.

Although the process is a little thrilling, the result is always... better.

Although the projection of the Mother of Fertility captured with the help of Meladomir is extremely mutilated, the evil god is the old enemy of the goddess Emile, and his broken body still plays a great role.

However, after a little inventory of the losses, the Pope discovered a little flaw.

So his calm eyes fell on Meira who was looking around like a country girl coming into town.


Meera crossed her arms and said, "You won't let me see you?"

"No, these things are not secrets to you, and it doesn't matter if you take a look, so what I want to say is..."

The Pope said: "Dear Magister Meladomir, are you a little late?"

The Pope pointed to the side, to the lost city of Canterville.

At this moment, on the barrier protecting Canterwell, a large hole was clearly visible in the center of countless cracks.

But there was no shadow of the moon.

Because just now the Pope withdrew all his power in order to pursue the abundance, and coupled with the tremors of the Supreme Place itself, the moon that was already embedded in it with a slap... naturally... fell into Canter Vail.

"Late? Isn't this just right? Just right, I also want to see how complete your sanctuary is."

Facing the Pope's accusation, Meira raised her eyebrows and sneered:

"What, are you blaming me for being late and causing you to lose the remains of the moon? Humph, stingy, it's just the remains of the moon. That kind of thing is of little use to your church. If it's gone, it's gone. You What else do you want to do, ask me to compensate you?”

"There's no idea of ​​losing money. As you said, it's just a piece of debris from the moon."

"However, I do want to ask..."

The Pope paused, looked strange, and asked:

"Have you forgotten that your disciple... is still inside."

[Content has been corrected]...

Canterville, Moon, who was about to climb to the top of the mountain, kissed Liya on the lips.

"My lovely Liya, you are indeed a little astringent."

"Well... no..."

Liya tried her best to open her eyes and glared at Mu En angrily.

But it seemed that the shame became the trigger, and everything finally reached the highest point in the clouds.

The two legs that were originally wrapped around Mu En's waist suddenly rose up, the white insteps became straight, and the most moving sound in the world came out from the slightly parted lips.

[Content has been corrected]...

[Content has been corrected]...

Seeing this, Mu En couldn't help but smile with satisfaction and comfort.

He reached out his hand and hugged her again, caressing her affectionately and tenderly, and kissed her gently.

[Content has been corrected]...

"So hot……"

The girl suddenly twisted her body and looked a little uncomfortable.

"Hot, is it there?"

Listening to this voice, Mu En's movements suddenly froze.

He glanced down strangely.

It turns out that it doesn't seem to be the reason, after all, he hasn't surrendered yet.

Seeing the fragrant sweat gradually appearing on Liya's fair skin, Mu En finally seemed to feel something at this moment, and stiffly... turned her head.

"No way……"

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched.

Because in the sight, the red sun that should be hanging at the top of the giant tower and made of the divine family of the King of Blight seemed to... suddenly become a lot bigger.

8. A mess

"What the hell is going on?"

Mu En turned around stiffly, and when she saw clearly what was happening behind her, she was so frightened that her whole body almost trembled.

The sun has become bigger.

No, that's not right, it's not that it's gotten bigger.

The so-called enlargement is just a visual error.

What's really happening is...the sun...fucking...sets!

It rushed straight towards him and fell down!

Everything in the giant tower was quickly swallowed up by the red sun, but it still couldn't stop the sun from setting. It seemed like it was being dragged down by an invisible giant hand, and it fell without any delay, and even looked a little bit... Happy.

"Why did you fall down?"

Although he knew that this sun would not cause any harm to him who was once a user, Mu En still felt an inexplicable feeling of discomfort in his heart at this moment.

In order to be able to completely burn those millions of people, Mu En, who was unable to maintain the red flame, could only choose to release the gods.

The Divine Familiar is basically equivalent to the evolution of part of the authority of the god. Logically speaking, when this part of the authority is completely released and burns everything in the target, it should directly return to the King of Blight.

After all, Mu En's behavior just now was tantamount to giving up the divine favor in exchange for the rule-level power released by the authority itself.

But why, burning and burning, are you coming towards me again?

Your mother is the King of Blight, not me!

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