"But even if I'm here, he can at least save his life, but I still think he can't succeed."

The Pope lowered his eyes, and countless lights were running deep in his pupils:

"Those forces can't achieve balance at all, and will only devour him in meaningless struggles and consumption. Moreover... several evil gods, plus the resentment of millions of people, I'm afraid even you don't know what will be brewed in the end."

"It doesn't matter what it is in the end. What's important is that the thing will belong to that kid completely."

Liya shrugged and said, "As for the inability to achieve balance... Isn't this natural? How can five forces achieve balance? No matter what, they have to make up an even number, so naturally there is still one missing."

"One missing?"

The Pope frowned, "What other power does Canterville have..."

As he spoke, the Pope paused.

Because he suddenly found that the damn unscrupulous old loli in front of him was staring at him with that weird look.

As if looking at some sweet little cake.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? I don't mean anything."

Mela came over with an innocent look, rubbing her fingers like a servant asking for a tip, and said with a smile:

"It's just that Your Holiness, have you forgotten something you promised a long time ago?"



"Mu... Mu En?"

Looking at Mu En who suddenly fainted, Liya panicked and carefully laid him flat on the ground.

Liya couldn't know what Mu En was going through at the moment, but from his twisted expression, it could be seen that he was in great pain now.

The terrible power collided in his body, and the red flames drilled into his body crazily, but when it flowed out again, it was already stained with black unclean filth.

"What should I... do?"

Liya wiped the sweat off Mu En's face, trying to smooth out the wrinkles on his brows, and even more wanted to help him share the pain, but she was somewhat powerless.

In the previous self-sacrifice, her holy light was almost consumed. In addition, she helped Mu En share the resentment later, so she can't spare any extra strength from her body now.

"At least make him feel comfortable."

Liya bit her lip, suddenly leaned down, leaned on Mu En, and rubbed Mu En's skin with her soft body.

The friction of the skin brought an electric shock-like feeling. Liya panted softly, and something that had just subsided rose again with this charming movement.

Rubbing, Liya rubbed something that was still hard now.

Liya was stunned for a moment, and then her cheeks were slightly red.

She suddenly remembered that although she could not release the holy light outside her body now, she had been washed by the holy light since she was a child, and everything on her body could be said to have the effect of the holy light.

That's why those guys wanted to melt her blood and bones together.


Liya bit her lip.

Thinking about it this way... my own... is also possible.

10. Another choice

Under the completely broken tower, five terrible forces are still strangling each other.

Those powers alone will cause extremely terrible disasters, but at this moment, they use the human body as a medium and battlefield, fighting and devouring each other, shining with each other, and various colors rendering the sky, a scene like doomsday.

But perhaps the fight was too intense, and there was no time to take care of other things. Leah, the harmless little sheep, was in a relatively safe situation.

But even if she was a weak little sheep, Leah must do something herself, and she couldn't let Mu En's consciousness be annihilated by those forces.

Leah leaned down, stretched out her clever tongue, and swirled on Mu En's chest.

His muscle lines were perfect, but not too strong, as if the goddess had cut it herself, and each piece was full of cheetah-like explosive power.

This is a body that has been tempered a thousand times.

Liya could clearly feel the strength of the body in her arms, and could also feel the attraction of this nearly perfect male body to the opposite sex.

At least it was very attractive to her.

She wished that he would hold her in his arms all the time, and keep... holding her hard.

Although she had seen his upper body naked before, it was the first time she had such close contact with him.

As for just now... she was too shy to look carefully.

And now, she has indeed been given this leisure and opportunity.

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Liya turned over and rode on Mu En.

The white skin like sheep fat formed the best contrast with the slightly bronze skin color of Mu En under her.

Liya was not in a hurry to go further, but [Content has been corrected]

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[Content has been corrected]

"I... I am not that kind of bad woman."

Shyly, Liya looked at her lover and said to herself:

"But I saw it in that book, saying that it can stimulate better... um... stimulate that..."

A sweet sound leaked from Liya's cherry lips.

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[Content has been corrected]


The swan's neck was raised high, with a hint of pain and more pleasure, and a sweeter and higher voice, like a bird, flying into the sky.

Liya moved, and her movements became more and more skilled.

After a while, she leaned down again.

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[Content has been corrected]

"Mu En...must come back."

She mumbled, murmuring affectionately to her lover.

"It's so dark."

Standing in a dark space, Mu En sighed heavily.

He vaguely remembered that he was doing some extremely beautiful things not long ago, but when he came back to his senses, he was already in a pitch black where he couldn't see his fingers.

"So, where the hell is this?"

Mu En scratched her head in distress.

In an environment that is too dark, no useful information can be collected at all.

It didn't matter if he looked at it, he could only pinch his thigh.

"Hiss...it hurts. It doesn't look like it was a dream."

Mu En became more and more distressed and subconsciously raised a hand.

Then he was stunned, wondering why he raised his hand inexplicably. Could it be that light would emit from his hand when he raised his hand? He was not Ultraman.

"It seems that we can only move forward."

So Mu En moved forward.

In the darkness, there was nothing blocking him, and he was able to move forward smoothly.

I don't know how long it took, until even the concept of time was numb. Just when Mu En thought that darkness was the main theme of this world, a ray of light suddenly separated from the tide of darkness.

The light was extremely soft, but extremely bright. Even in the darkness, he didn't feel dazzling. He stood on tiptoe and looked around, and found that it was a path illuminated by the sun.

The road is smooth, the sunshine is soft, flowers are blooming on both sides, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

At the end is a warm courtyard, with grapevines covering the supports, deck chairs rocking gently, and happy laughter echoing from time to time, which is heart-stirring.

After walking in the darkness for a long time, this road was so charming that Mu En even heard a voice deep in his heart, urging him to move forward.

Then, under the light, he saw another road in the darkness.

It's dark, scary, rugged, and the wind is howling.

There is no end to that road, because the winding road leads to the depths of darkness.

Unknown depths.

"So...this is giving me a choice?"

Mu En touched her chin and thought.

He looked carefully at both paths and complained:

"It's such a cliche plot. In this case, is it even necessary to think about it?"

In the darkness, a path with birds singing, flowers fragrant and sunshine appearing, is like a forty-year-old virgin who sees a beautiful girl wearing sexy underwear waving to him on the bed. It is obviously a naked temptation.

Even a three-year-old knows something is wrong!

In this situation, it is either a fairy jump or a catcher. What is even more terrifying is that he deliberately sets a trap, coveting his sexy body and waist, and wants to make himself look like he is being played... In short, there is definitely a trap!

"Then I'll go this way!"

Mu En gritted her teeth, forced her longing eyes away from the sunny path, and was about to embark on the dark road.


But at this moment, along with a sigh, a misty voice sounded in his ears.

Mu En turned her head in shock and found a blurry shadow standing not far away from her.

He couldn't tell the difference between men and women, it was like a mist, and he could only barely distinguish the human form.

But Mu En could feel a pair of real eyes falling on her.

Shadow looked at him and asked softly:

"Are you really going to take that road? Give up what you are pursuing and take that unknown dark road. On that road, it will be difficult for you to get the happiness you want."

11. Dark Day

"On that road, you won't get the happiness you want."

That misty shadow spoke softly.

"The happiness I want?"

Mu En was stunned and murmured:

"What is the happiness I want?"

"Isn't the happiness you want right there?"

The shadow stretched out his hand.

Sun-drenched paths become more charming, flowers sway in the breeze, grape vines are lush and beautiful, and beautiful courtyards are peaceful and beautiful.

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