Mu En finally realized that the road was the scene he had always dreamed of.

No danger.

No suffering.

No death.

None of those terrible, messy things.

Lying on a creaking rocking chair in a fragrant courtyard, feeling the gentle breeze, admiring the peaceful scenery, and spending a leisurely and happy life.


And then be happy.

"Yes, that's what I'm... pursuing."

Mu En was deeply immersed in the sunshine and warmth.

So he turned his head without hesitation and walked towards the sunny path.

"Mu En..."

The sunshine fell on his toes, but his steps paused again.

Because he heard another voice, a familiar voice, but that voice came from the depths of darkness.

"You must come back."

In the soft plea, there seemed to be a faint light like a candle, swaying humbly.

Mu En looked at the faint candlelight in the distance, turned his head again, and looked at the beauty in front of him with obsession.

First he was confused.

Then he suddenly realized.

It was as if countless treasures hidden in his heart were awakened by that call, and they came to his mind one after another.

"It's so beautiful here."

He said.

"Yes, it's beautiful here."

The shadow replied: "This is the scene you have imagined countless times in your mind, and it is naturally the most beautiful scene for you."

"But, it's too deserted here, isn't it?"

The empty courtyard was reflected in Mu En's azure eyes, and he whispered:

"Lonely, deserted, as if I'm the only one."

"If you want, you can naturally add what you want to it. You are the son of a noble duke, and you can do most things in this world."


Mu En turned his head and looked into the darkness again, and said seriously:

"My important people are all over there, right?"


The shadow shook slightly, as if sighing:

"They are all over there."

"Then if I choose this path, can I go there again?"

"No, people in the darkness can return to the light, but those who return to the light will fall into the darkness again, and will only face inevitable death in despair."

"It's terrible."

Mu En sighed: "From another angle, can they come over? Come to this light."


The shadow said: "They are all people who are tightly bound by the web of fate. They are in the torrent of fate and cannot escape. Therefore, they cannot set foot on this road, never. These two roads are destined to be parallel and do not want to connect with each other. If you take one, you can only wave goodbye to the other."

"Even the son of the Duke cannot do it?"

"No, the son of the Duke is too small in front of fate."

"Then why can I get out and have room for choice?"


The shadow raised his head:

"The two strongest beings in the world are watching you together at this moment. The two of them are enough to cut off the shackles of fate for you, so that you can become a carefree son of the Duke again, an ordinary person who will never come into contact with any evil gods again. A few decades later, you will happily leave the world surrounded by your family and flowers."

"Is that so."

Mu En suddenly realized.

Combined with the feeling of being cheated that appeared inexplicably before, he began to realize the reason why all these things happened.

It must be that old loli who cheated people again, trying to do something to him.

No wonder she smiled so brightly when she said goodbye in the sea of ​​flowers. Damn, she dug such a deep hole.

And that pope... I helped the church deal with such a big mess, so he owed me a big favor.

Although I don’t know if I will be resented for taking Liya away...

“Haha, if it was a few months ago, I would be ecstatic.”

Mu En sighed and laughed at himself:

“But now... Looking back, I am no longer alone. The important people are over there. Even if there are flowers and sunshine here, how can I be called happy?”

In the darkness, the road is still gloomy and terrifying, rugged and difficult to walk, full of unknowns.

That road will definitely not be easy to walk, but Mu En knows that there are people waiting for him there.

"Besides, I just said I would kill that bastard God of Love not long ago. If I run away like this, I will be so angry that I can't sleep well for the rest of my life."


The shadow shook again, as if laughing:

"Then go wherever you want, Mu En Campbell."

"Well, I'll go."

But Mu En seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned his head and looked at the shadow:

"By the way, I haven't asked you why you went to such trouble. Logically, you who have been looking at me should know very well what choice I will make, right... Black Book."

So suddenly, Mu En called out the shadow's name.


But the shadow didn't react to the two words "Black Book", but just replied softly:

"I know you will choose this way, but I still need to ask in person.

Because...this is your last and only chance to choose. When you set foot on that road, you will never have any chance to regret it."

"I see... you are gentler than I thought. It's just a pity that you can't see clearly."

Mu En glanced regretfully at the shadow that could not even tell the difference between male and female, waved her hand, and walked into the darkness with ease.

"See you later."

"Well...see you later."

Mu En stepped onto that dark road, and in an instant, all the darkness trembled.

At this time, Mu En realized that the things around him were not pure darkness, but... black fire.

Strange yet familiar fire.

The flames suddenly contracted upwards, and the gathered power seemed to destroy the world.

However, at the moment when the flame contracted, a bright milky white light burst out from the center of the flame.

So holy.


Liya raised her head blankly and looked at the crystal floating in front of her.

The crystal, which had been contaminated by countless resentments, suddenly burst out with extremely bright light.

That rich and familiar light made Liya tremble.

Feeling the huge and holy power in the light, entering her body through the crystal, and then entering his body through the connection between herself and Mu En, Liya murmured in shock:

"This is...baptism of holy light!"

The milky white holy light, as the sixth force, inserts strongly into the black flame.

The flames rolled again, and the strange colors once again intertwined and blended with each other in the fierce surge.

As time goes by, everything seems to be in balance and gradually stabilizes.

But Mu En had an inexplicable feeling... It seemed that something was missing.


Deep in Mu En's consciousness, the simple black book was turning, and a page fell out of the book automatically.

The pages of the book were densely covered with unknown symbols and patterns, which turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared into the flames.

This is... the seventh power that even Meira had not expected.

The book continued to turn rapidly, and during the turning that was completely impossible to see clearly, there seemed to be extremely ancient words recorded on the pages of the book that were recorded a long time ago.

[Only rules can leverage rules. 】

[Only the evil god... can kill the evil god. 】

In the brewing of seven powers, some kind of real unknown gradually takes shape...


The loud bang almost tore apart consciousness.

Mu En's eyes fell into pure darkness again, but the violent vibrations around him made him seem to be experiencing the destruction and rebirth of the world.

Suddenly, Mu En felt that he had established an inexplicable connection with something, and felt that something seemed to be watching him.

Then he opened his eyes.

All the entanglement and fusion had stopped, leaving only a calm sky.

And as Mu En raised his head, he saw a new sun rising above the curtain.

The black sun disk is like a pure black hole, swallowing up all light.

The pale corona, like a sacred crown, stretches around the sun disk.

The coexistence of majesty and weirdness is difficult to describe in words.

It was a... dark sun!

12. You won’t be angry, right?

Mu En opened her eyes and saw an empty sky.

There is neither a bright moon nor a blazing sun.

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