This is a truth that has never been unexpected.


"Now the red flame has become my shape... Brother Weizi will not be angry if he knows."

Mu En thought with some melancholy.


Outside the world.

Somewhere in the void, above the endless red earth, a light that burns everything suddenly blooms,

Countless dry palms, in the constantly shaking space, stretch out layer by layer.

Revealing the hideous pupil in the center.

At this moment, the pupil trembles and keeps turning, as if to lock onto something. The raging anger, in the silent roar, drowned the entire barren red earth.

Because, He felt that the part of the God's favor he had released... During the time when He was sleeping, it was completely disconnected from Him.

In other words, He, the dignified evil god, the King of Withering, the Lord of the Red Sun...

The power was actually taken away by someone.

13. The Betrayer

"Is that what you planned so much and wanted to create?"

In the highest place, the Pope looked through Cantwell and took in the strange flames at the moment when Muen showed the black flames, and then quickly cut off the live broadcast before the scene was about to be indecent.

He had a strange expression, and resisted the urge to break all three legs of the yellow-haired boy who was so bad at destroying his own cabbage. He turned his head and asked:

"Are you sure that the ghost thing that is more evil than the evil god will not bring any trouble?"

Although it was just a quick glance, the Pope had clearly felt the weirdness contained in the flames. Under the holy coat, it was as dark as the abyss. The horrible whispers and the whispers of sin still echoed in the flames, as if they could drag people's souls into it, completely devour them, and turn them into embers of flames.

"Well, although I did do a lot of deductions, I always feel..."

Meira touched her chin, and her chubby face became serious. She muttered for a long time while bending her little fingers, and muttered:

"This is not to say that it is completely different from what I calculated, but it can be said that it has nothing to do with it. It seems that something is wrong?"

The Pope was almost dumbfounded and said angrily:

"In other words, your deduction is wrong, and that thing has completely escaped your control?"

"No? Not really, after all, the most important thing is to completely cut off the connection with the evil god, which is perfectly achieved."

Meira shook her head: "And didn't you just say that no one can predict what it will become in the end. After all, it is formed by the fusion of the power of several evil gods, and it is normal to have any accidents. So the important thing is not the ability, but the kid. No matter how weird the thing is, it is nothing more than a weapon in his hand. In the end, it depends on how he uses it."

"Do you trust your disciple so much?"

"What do you think?"

Meira did not answer, but turned her head and looked at the Pope with a smile, wanting to know his opinion.

The Pope pondered for a moment, and then couldn't help but sigh.

If it were before, he would have been extremely wary of a once notorious dandy who actually mastered this unknown and terrifying power. Because the source of many disasters is some greedy people who unrestrainedly seek power that they cannot control, and then they will eventually be backfired by the power.

But... after a series of things that happened in Canterville, such as being able to maintain his original intention after being blocked by the god of love, such as not minding separating and burning his powerful divine favor...

Even he had to admit that although he still wanted to break all three legs of that kid, Muen Campbell did have the mentality to control his own power.

Just a little lustful.

And a scumbag.

Thinking of this, the Pope couldn't help rubbing his temple again. Isn't this the ceremony of selecting the saint? Why does it seem like he is specifically testing that kid.

"It seems you understand it too."

Meira's lips curled up slightly. Unlike the Pope who had to maintain his demeanor and decency, she lowered her head, her eyes penetrating Cantwell, and she enjoyed the exciting action battle with interest.

"He can get to where he is today, not by me, nor by those external things, but by his own efforts."

"He doesn't need anyone to give him anything. Everything is what he deserves. These seemingly great powers are just tools for him to move forward and explore."

"It's not the power that makes him, but he makes the power."


The Pope was silent for a while. This was the nth time he was surprised by Meira's words today:

"I have never heard you praise someone like this. Do you like him so much?"

"This is not praise. I am just satisfied with my own choice. It's better to say that this is praising myself."

Meira crossed her arms with a proud look on her face, and her amber-like red Red eyes glanced at the Pope:

"And what do you mean I haven't praised you before? I used to admire you very much."

"Admire me?"

The Pope, who had only felt the old loli's ability to deceive people, frowned, carefully recalled the few times she woke up in the past, and said uncertainly:

"Why don't I know?"

"Of course you don't know, you were only this old at that time, when I saw you in the arms of the previous... or the previous previous Pope, I felt at a glance that you, this child, will definitely achieve great things in the future!"

Mera recalled the past and sighed:

"After all, it is not common for people to pee in the arms of that Pope in front of so many people."


The Pope's old face twitched.

He could remain calm even when the evil god came, but now he really wanted to die with this old bastard.

But thinking about it carefully, I still endured it for the sake of mankind.

"Let's not talk about this kind of thing for now."

The Pope waved his sleeves and regained his majesty, "Let's stop chatting here. If you want to visit this projection, you can visit it. Don't delay me from doing my business."

"What's the matter?"

The Pope glanced at Cantwell: "Do I need to tell you?"

Just as he was speaking, an elegant and holy figure floated over and nodded slightly towards the Pope:

"His Majesty."


The Pope nodded in response.

The saint looked at Meira politely and bowed seriously: "You must be the Great Magister Mela Domir. It's our first time meeting you. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, modern little saint girl... huh?"

Meera glanced at the saint casually, her slender eyebrows like ink marks suddenly raised, and her tone was somewhat meaningful:

"With your body in such a state, you don't want to have a good meal, so you still hold on?"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty the Great Magister, but I know my body well. The oil lamp has not been exhausted to the point where I can't even complete such a small thing. On the contrary, I just indulged a little bit, and now I feel quite relaxed both physically and mentally."

The saint smiled softly and looked very relaxed.

"Your Majesty, please have mercy. I should live for a few more years."


Meila did not interfere too much in the church's own private affairs, but silently watched the saint conversing with the pope for a long time, discussing some matters.

After the discussion, they recruited some bishops and clergy to quickly assign tasks. Some clergy looked excited, while others were a little gloomy. They secretly looked at the contemporary saints with expressions of reluctance.

"I see. This is the so-called business. No wonder the discussion has been delayed for so long, because it can't be done yet."

Meira, who was enjoying the fun, smiled evilly and touched her chin. She was not ready to leave just yet. She wanted to be a member of the public after a long time.

But before she could continue to watch, Meira raised her eyebrows again.

Because the Pope, who was about to do business, suddenly changed his face.

His sharp gaze fell on something, as if he was listening to something. At this moment, the intensity of his emotional changes was even far greater than when the evil god himself took action just now.

Because just now he knew that the evil god's behavior could not succeed.

But now... something extremely bad has happened.

"His Majesty?"

The saint asked:

"What happened?"

"...The leader of the Knights of the Holy Sword, Kansi Lord, has defected."

The Pope sighed.


Meera touched her chin: "The Holy Sword, I remember it is one of the four knights that protect Emile Cathedral. The leader of the knights, well, he is considered to be in a high position in the church."

Meera was a little puzzled immediately:

"But even if he defected, he wouldn't have made you so rude. Did he take the list of your old lovers with him when he ran away, and was planning to disclose it to blackmail you?"

"Haha, I hope he takes away the list of my so-called old lovers, so at least everything can be saved."

The Pope looked extremely gloomy, looked into Meira's eyes, and said word by word:

"Unfortunately, I don't have any old lover, and what he took away wasn't that thing, but..."

As the Pope's lips moved, the words penetrated into Meira's ears one by one. Meira, who was just thinking about having fun, also followed... and her expression suddenly changed wildly.

Half an hour ago.

Emile Cathedral, bottom core area, second restricted area.

Kans led a small group of knights through layers of restrictions and came to the guards guarding the gate.

"The Knights of the Holy Sword, respecting the order of the Archbishop, come to change defenses."

His face was solemn, and his armor still had fresh blood. When he stood there, he had a heart-stopping power.

But the guarding knight didn't even move his eyelids, and just said in a cold, machine-like voice:

"transfer order."

"This is a transfer order."

Kans handed a metallic shiny token to the guard. The guard knight carefully checked and confirmed that the order indeed came from the Archbishop of Locastle. After confirming that the identity and number of the person in front of him were correct, he nodded:

"The order is correct, change the defense."

In the shadows, several knights with cold temperaments walked out. The knights behind Kans were also well-trained and quickly took over those positions.

The guard knight left silently, followed the order, and went to obey the command from Archbishop Locaster.

After the job replacement was completed, Kansi walked around carefully and said to his subordinates:

"I'll go inside and have a look."


The subordinate replied, his tone as pale as a dead person.

So, with no one feeling unusual or raising any questions, Kansi walked through the door easily.

But that’s just walking through the door.

Behind the door, Kans stopped because two boundaries clearly separated the inside and the outside.

In fact, the guarding knights are only the first and initial line of defense. What is really important are the second and third lines.

Big barrier.

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