
The two creations represent the highest achievements of the church, and they protect them loyally. With the existence of these two, no one in the world can break through them by force.

Even entering requires the highest authority of the church. With his status as knight commander, it is naturally impossible. To reach this point is already the limit.

This is one of the highest security places in the entire church.


Kansi closed his eyes and hesitated.

Because he understood that as long as he took one more step, he would never be able to look back.

Keep going, or turn back?

Don't you want to... really get her?

The voice of temptation sounded in his heart.

The touching her, the holy her, the aloof her, the one who attracts all the attention, the she who disdains you...

Don't you want her to belong to you alone, to have her kneel in front of you, ask for anything from you, and completely become your... property?

That holy and elegant figure appeared in his mind. For some reason, he thought of another funny pink bear. Kansi suddenly opened his eyes:

"I think!"

His eyes were red, and he was no longer as majestic and solemn as before, as if he was caught in some kind of fanaticism, and his voice didn't sound like it was coming from him, it was raw and hoarse.

He no longer hesitated and took one step forward, crossing the great barrier.

Pure white light emerged from his body, a misty hymn played, and the flying holy feathers were like the wings of a goddess caressing him.

There was no response from the Great Barrier, only a patterned voice echoing in the cold space:

"Good evening, Saint Belena."

Kansi did not respond and continued to move forward, stepping into the final sanctuary.

There were faint ripples in the sanctuary, as if it recognized his authority and allowed him to pass smoothly.

Finally, Kansi, who successfully passed through the strongest defense in the world, stood in front of the precise instrument and looked at the indescribable existence soaked in the solution. Half of his cheek suddenly cracked open, revealing a pupil with a ferocious smile.

[Long time no see, finally...I got you. 】

14. Broken body

After passing the "guard" outside the door, the bodies of the knights who had died long ago walked into the restricted area. The Pope's face was extremely ugly.

At this moment, the century-old silence of the Second Forbidden Zone, which was originally the core secret of the church, was completely broken. The piercing alarm sounded. The Great Barrier and the Sanctuary responded quickly and had already completely blocked the entire cathedral.

Under multiple blockades, not even a fly can fly out.

However, it was too late.

In front of the Pope, the instrument that was originally filled with alchemical solution was empty. Green liquid flowed out from the broken parts of the instrument and flowed all the way to the soles of the Pope's feet. The solution faintly outlined a twisted smiling face, full of irony. .

The Pope silently stared at the smiling face with gloomy eyes.

From the vaguely familiar stench, the Pope quickly understood the culprit of all this.

Corrupt Cupid!

"Shame on you, Hezikaya."

Meera is also in the core area of ​​the restricted area. Since the Pope chooses to tell her about this, he will naturally not prevent her from entering here.

Her ethereal figure stood on countless complicated lines. With just a slight perception, she could detect that two powerful precision creations were constantly guarding this place. While protecting, they also suppressed the energy that originally existed in the container. ..."that thing".

Even she will feel tremendous pressure. If the Pope is willing, he may be able to strangle her projection here directly with the help of those two creations.

Therefore, the strongest defense is not in vain. The church's terrifying heritage for thousands of years has made this place the safest place in the world.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for foreign enemies to invade this restricted area, and it is even less likely that anyone can successfully steal things here.

But often... the more solid a place in this world, the problem always lies within.

"A knight commander can successfully penetrate here and take away that thing, and he still has to retreat completely before you can react?"

Meera turned around and asked coldly.

“When did the church become such a waste?”

"No, the Knight Commander naturally does not have this authority."

The Pope replied:

"According to Urlons' report just now, all the actions of Knight Commander Kans were in compliance with the procedures. After experiencing the bloody battle, he led the team to the rear to repair and change defenses. This is an extremely normal personnel transfer.

Neither the Saint nor the archbishops noticed anything unusual, because he was not abnormal in the first place. Even the order to change defenses was personally issued by Archbishop Locaster.

Even changing the defense is nothing more than a trivial matter. Such behavior is performed dozens of times every day in various confidential departments within the church.

Even if Kansi harbors evil intentions, it is impossible to truly get in touch with the core..."


Meera looked at him silently.


The pope held the scepter tightly, with veins pulsing on the back of his skinny hand, and the vicissitudes of his eyes revealed the anger and helplessness that even he could not conceal, as if a bone-breaking wound in the past had been torn open again with blood.

"According to Ullons's records, the person who entered here just now was not the Knight Commander of the Holy Sword, Kansi Lord, but... the true saint of the Church of Life, Belena."

"Saint Belena..."

Meera's brows twitched, remembering the former saint who was controlled by the God of Love when the academy was invaded by the evil god half a year ago.

She is not only a saint of the church, but also Professor Plan's proudest student.

But she is dead, died in Mela's hands, and there is no way she can be resurrected again.


"Did the God of Love...rob the saint's authority?"

"Yes, as a saint, Berena is naturally qualified to enter here."

"This is too easy, since the church already knows that Berena is under the control of the God of Love, why does it still retain her authority?"

"We didn't retain it, but everything will leave traces, and it was not only Saint Berena that the God of Love stole from the church."

The Pope sighed heavily:

"At that time, Berena was still the saint of the church, so the God of Love relied on her connection with the church and stole a full fifth of the church's holy light. Those huge holy lights are the problem of everything."

"Holy light? One fifth?"

Mera was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly realized.

No wonder that bastard looked like that when they met before. She thought he had a beauty treatment and put a few more bird feathers on his body to deceive pure and ignorant boys and girls.

It turns out that the holy power all came from the holy light of the church, and because the holy light was mixed with the power of the god of love, Mela herself did not recognize it directly.

"One-fifth... No wonder, this is enough for the god of love to hide the truth, not to mention the traces left by Saint Berena. You are simply handing the key and lock to the god of love. It would be strange if he didn't continue to mess with you."

"Yes, it makes people helpless. The bitter fruit caused by a momentary mistake is still bitter now, but in fact, even so, I still have room to react. As long as I notice it in time, I can use the sanctuary to instantly seal Kans and the god of love who controls him together."

The Pope's scepter was wrapped in bright light, and in the endless holy will, the entire holy city seemed to be projected here, and every detail was visible.

The entire church, the entire holy city, was completely under his control. In an instant, he could see it with his eyes, and in a moment of breathing, he could see it in person.

"But the problem is that the evil god of abundance was playing a game with you, you chase me, and I'll let you hehe, and he successfully attracted all your attention."

Mera helped the Pope add the second half of the sentence, with an indescribable sarcasm in her tone:

"You were calculated by the evil god of shame."


After the anger, knowing that everything was settled, the Pope nodded silently:

"This time it was indeed calculated by the God of Love. I'm afraid that the reason why the God of Love helped Abundance was to use Him to attract the attention of the church. He didn't care whether Abundance could succeed or not."

"An old trick."

Mera snorted coldly.

This plot is so similar to the last time Silent Moon attacked the academy.

But it happened that even the old tricks were equally effective.

Because facing the madness of an evil god, and the evil god who was the mortal enemy of the goddess, the entire church could not help but be on high alert.

Moreover, the God of Love obviously learned the lesson from the last time and acted even more cunningly. When Fengrao was one step away from breaking through the church, He actually held back and did not take action, but hid in such a place.

And the results were also very different.

Last time he failed and fled in disgrace.

This time... he succeeded.

"Heh, worthy of being that bastard, he really likes to give people problems."

Mela raised her head and opened her red eyes, as if looking through the blocked restricted area, looking at something.

Maybe it was not something in the distance, but something in the long past.

At this moment, her temperament seemed to no longer be that of a little girl in pajamas. Her vicissitudes and majesty even temporarily overwhelmed the Pope holding the scepter:

"The God of Love succeeded in getting that, which means that the gears of fate have begun to turn again."

"No... In fact, it has already started to turn. The frequent activities of the evil god foreshadow something, or... It is because of someone we don't know... Behind the scenes pusher."

Or she was talking to herself, or she was telling the Pope something:

"But no matter how these illusory things are, the most important thing today is... The God of Love has succeeded once, and he must not be allowed to succeed again.

Because the thing he took away..."

"It's the remains of the demon god."

In the cold and quiet restricted area, the Pope lowered his eyes and whispered the taboo word.

"The only one who has successfully descended into the world in a thousand years, bringing a chaotic era that swept across the continent, letting death and despair spread like a plague, and even directly ruining a brilliant era...

The first evil god, the demon god."

"Yes, the demon god."

Mera chewed every word.

These are two daunting words.

His true honorific name has been buried in the long river of time, but the pain he brought to the world still exists.

The thousand-year history that seems like a fault, the countless damaged ancient relics, the cruel records of weeping and weeping in ancient books, still exist in the abyss of the world... and the demons in it.

Mela's eyes flickered, and her expression was complicated.

Unlike the Pope who only knew about the demon god from the classics passed down by the church, she was an eyewitness of that era.

She personally participated in the crusade against the demon god, and knew better than anyone how terrible the demon god was.

"I'll go back first, the academy can't have any more problems."

Mera, who could not be a fun person and was forced to work overtime, sighed bitterly: "The devil cannot reappear in the world, at least not now. Otherwise, with the pitiful power of all parties at present, let's not resist. It's better to just join hands and end it together."


The Pope nodded and watched Mela's figure gradually disappear.

He hesitated for a moment, but still asked:

"You... don't seem very angry?"

"Angry? Why? Because the church lost such an important thing, so I should be angry?"

Mera, whose body was already translucent, turned around with a sarcastic expression:

"If I would get angry because of this kind of thing... then I would have been angry to death a thousand years ago."


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