Three thousand turns to the left, three thousand turns to the right.

Up and down, another three thousand revolutions.

In just a few seconds of traveling through space, Mu En felt that all the semi-thick and non-thick liquids in her body, from brain matter to gastric juice, were completely shaken.

The time was very short, but also very long. Light appeared in front of my eyes, and Mu En finally fell into reality.

The world was still spinning uncontrollably. Mu En opened her eyes with difficulty, and all she saw were a few faces with strange expressions, staring straight at him.

"Yo, Mu En."

Paul waved to Mu En, looked him up and down, and said curiously:

"Looking at your unique appearance and embarrassing way of must have been poked by someone inside, right?"

16. Condolences

"Why the hell did you get poked? I'm always the one who pokes people, okay?"

Mu En stood up with a twisted expression and rubbed her butt.

The dizziness in his head gradually dissipated, but the pain in his butt still existed. From the remaining strength, Mu En could even imagine the other party's gnashing of teeth when committing the crime.

Meow, who did it.

Could it be that nasty old loli hiding somewhere to watch the joke again?


The iconic golden door just now appeared in his mind, and Mu En, who felt a little guilty, did not dare to think further.

When it comes to stealing food, you still have to keep a low profile and keep a low profile, otherwise you will be easily beaten.

Especially now that he is still in the farmer's uncle's yard. When the time comes for the pigs to be slaughtered, Jesus will not be able to save him.

Thinking of this, Mu En swallowed the curse words that came to her lips, straightened her clothes, and returned to the elegance and calmness that a nobleman should have. As if the embarrassing state just now did not exist, she turned around and looked around casually.

In the spacious church, the lights are bright, and the statue of the goddess stands at the highest point, gazing at everyone with compassion.

There were already people waiting in the rows of seats. Although there were not many people, they were all Mu En's acquaintances.

Margarita and Paul.

Annie and Retta.

Mayfair and Thunder Spear.

And... Liya who just walked out of the door and looked around curiously.

And myself.

Except for Freya and Brian who died in Canterville, all the candidates for the Saint and the Knights of the Gods gathered together again.

There were no other unrelated people this time, and this solemn atmosphere immediately made Mu En understand something, and his expression became serious.

He looked at Liya, who shook her head at him and smiled as if she didn't have to worry.

"It's so slow..."

Margarita seemed to be praying just now. She stood up gracefully from the statue of the goddess, glanced at Mu En, and narrowed her narrow eyes:

"Although it's a bit rude, can I ask what you have been doing in there for so long?"

"What...what are you doing?"

Mu En said with a straight face, "We didn't do anything."


Liya's pretty face turned red, and she nodded vigorously: "We didn't do anything!"

"What's your reaction?"

Margarita had a strange expression and glanced at Liya.


"Hoho, it smells fishy."

Feier, who was napping on a bench not far away, yawned and said with a smile.

Mu En ignored Fei'er and looked at Margarita, who was frowning slightly. He probably realized Margarita's intention of asking him such a question so eagerly and directly.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Of course it's what you did in that tower. Do I need to repeat this kind of thing several times?"

"I answered it too, but I didn't do anything."

Mu En spread her hands and said innocently.

Just kidding, sending a million people to meet the goddess is impossible to say casually.

Even if those one million are sinners, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed by the world, both morally and legally.

Therefore, this can only be a private tacit understanding between him and the church. Otherwise, if this matter were to be publicized, he would be put on the trial bench and sentenced to death hundreds of times.

"At that time, the sun made of the evil god's flames and the moon falling were not done by you?"

Margarita looked suspicious.

The evil red sun that hung high at that time, and the moon that suddenly set later, still left her with lingering fears.

If they hadn't slipped away quickly, they might have become the dust in the aftermath of the collision.

"Do you think we are colluding with the evil god?"

Mu En still looked extremely innocent.

"No, it's just that evil sun... it should come from that person, but that person should not have anything to do with Canterwell in any case. It can only be brought in by outsiders, and the only two outsiders in the tower at that time The only ones who are..."

"This way of guessing is too arbitrary."

Mu En did not panic at all, and gave full play to the strengths of an outstanding nobleman. He put his hand on his chest as if giving a speech, and said with a pure face: "The conscience of heaven and earth, I am an outstanding nobleman of Miao Honggen, how could I use the power of the evil god to kill myself?" Where is the future? There is no possibility of collusion with the evil god, Miss Margarita, you are overthinking."

Of course he has no collusion with the evil god.

He just picked up the wool of several evil gods, and one of them, Brother Weizi, who did not want to be named, was described as being bullied, which is not an exaggeration.


Margarita stared at Mu En's eyes and found nothing unusual. She could only rub her eyebrows and said apologetically:

"Sorry, I am still a candidate for the saint of the church. It is impossible not to be vigilant and curious about that kind of thing. After all..."

Freya and Elazir.

If they only looked at their identities, they had no motive to collude with the evil god.

But a person, no matter what his identity, is always complicated.

The reason for choosing to trade with the evil god could be to save the person at the expense of his soul, or it could just be a small twisted desire in his heart.

"I know that you can ask the church about these questions. In your capacity, you should get answers."

"Indeed, but why do I feel like I won't get the real answer?"

Margarita half-smiled.

"I can't decide this kind of thing as an outsider."

The corners of Mu En's mouth also slightly curled up: "And what Miss Margarita is really curious about is not this kind of thing."

"...Yes, this question is just incidental. Since you and Liya appear here, the possibility is not high."

Margarita nodded, not denying it, and her eyes fell on Liya, who had been quiet since just now.

Anne was more direct, as if she couldn't stand Margarita's roundabout way. She stepped on the chair and looked at Liya, who had been quiet since just now, at the same level, big eyes to small eyes.

Until now, the suspense of this holy ceremony is still unresolved.

But Freya has already sacrificed, and Mayfair has also taken the initiative to withdraw. The final result falls on the three of them.

No, it should be said that it falls on Liya now, because in the eyes of Margarita and Anne, who were fighting side by side just now, what will ultimately affect the outcome is what Liya did in that tower.

Did she... really save the natives of that country as she had guessed?

If this is the case, then no matter how full the crystal is filled by Margarita and Anne, they cannot shake the result.


"You don't have to be like this."

Liya faced the gazes of the two people and suddenly smiled bitterly and shook her head.

She didn't explain much, just silently took out her own crystal.

All the results are revealed here.

Because that crystal, although it had just acted as a medium for the baptism of holy light, the filth stained on it still had not disappeared.

Like a thick black mist, it filled the entire crystal, with only the light of stars flickering pitifully.

"This is……"

Both of them looked shocked.

They don't know where this filth comes from, but they understand that if the final result assessment relies on this crystal, then Liya now...

"I didn't save anyone."

The dim light of the crystal reflected in Liya's eyes, and there was no trace of sadness or joy in her voice.

"So I lost that qualification."

After getting the answer they wanted, Margarita and Anne comforted Leah for a few words and stopped asking about Canterville.

Instead, these two comrades who fought side by side not long ago looked at each other coldly, as if there was electric light flashing between their eyes.

The atmosphere became depressing, and the two began to tit for tat. From time to time, they would say a few insults to each other, such as "It's better to give up if you have such small breasts." or "If you become a saint, the underwear on the mainland will be better. Store owners will cry" and the like.

In short, it feels like they are all destructive moves that can kill a thousand enemies and cause eight hundred damage to oneself.

"When did these two have such a good relationship?"

Mu En nudged Paul, who was watching the show, with his elbow.

Paul's face turned slightly pale, and he looked like he had a weak kidney: "It's a life-and-death friendship. The relationship must get better no matter what."

"Oh, then why do you look so ugly?"

"Why else?"

Paul said bitterly: "I'm a guy who cuts with my sword. I have to catch up with that killing machine. It's really a life-and-death struggle. But I have to fight for my guy."

He let out a long sigh:

"I've really been squeezed out of everything."

"Understood, understood."

Mu En patted Paul on the shoulder.

Paul turned his head in astonishment and looked at Mu En's face carefully. After discovering that he also looked weak, he sighed and patted Mu En on the shoulder:

"We are really in the same boat."


The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched, with a strange expression.

He doesn't feel sorry for everyone.

Because although they are both being squeezed dry, the difference between being squeezed dry and squeezed dry is sometimes greater than the difference between a scumbag and a licker.

The confrontation between the two girls did not last long, because as the light automatically gathered, the saint in a holy white dress finally appeared.

"Your Highness the Saint."

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