Everyone saluted respectfully.

"Sorry, I'm late."

The saint nodded to everyone, her eyes as gentle as ever, and scanned everyone carefully.

Then, her eyes were fixed, as if she was looking at a certain saint candidate and her knight who were no longer here.

"It is not appropriate to mourn the deceased at this moment, but let us still express our condolences for the girl who has returned to the embrace of the goddess and found the person she loved."

The saint clasped her hands together and prayed softly:

"She is a kind person, she is a noble person, she is a compassionate person, and what she has done will be remembered by the world. She will be with the Holy Light, with us, and with the goddess."

"Be with the Goddess."

This is not a formal farewell, but everyone here will still be concerned about the saint candidate who has left forever.

Even Mu En, who was watching, was in a trance. He seemed to have returned to the beginning. He was also here when he met Freya for the first time.

At that time, the girl he was wary of walked up to him with a gentle smile:

"Mr. Mu En, do you like flowers?"

17. Saint

The memorial service ended quickly.

The official farewell to the saint candidate will be placed after all subsequent events in Canterville are handled.

At that time, she will take the glory of fighting against the evil god and return to the embrace of the goddess gloriously in her favorite golden orchid.

But now, everyone knows that there are more important things about to happen.

The church is solemn and solemn, and the light of the goddess still shines benevolently.

The Saint lowered her eyes in the light and looked at everyone with soft eyes.

After a short but long trip to the Lost Country, everyone here has changed more or less.

These changes may come from the transformation of mentality, or from the improvement of strength.

But this is a firm step taken by these saint candidates towards that position.

Unfortunately, no matter what, there is only one person who can ascend to that position.

"If you are pretentious, I won't say any more. You are probably past the age where you will listen to my nonsense."

Facing two faces of expectation, one of disappointment, and one of a pretty face with a messed up look, the saint's mouth curled up and she said softly:

"The so-called holy ceremony is not only a transformation ceremony, but also a qualification test. You have grown and gained something in it. Now, under the gaze of the goddess, please show your achievements. "

Except for a certain salted fish that gave up midway and was completely ruined, three crystals slowly floated in the center of the church.

Two were shrouded in crystal light.

The other one was filled with pitch-black filth.

The saint's eyes swept over the two bright crystals, and quickly reflected the only dirty crystal.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and her gaze stayed for a long time, as if she wanted to see through the deep darkness.

Liya lowered her head narrowly, her little head almost buried in the majestic chest.

She didn't dare to look at the saint's expression.

Although she did not regret her choice, she had also followed the teachings given to her by the saintly teacher when she made that choice.

But whether from the perspective of the church or the saint teacher, her behavior of putting down her responsibilities is really a bit selfish.

Therefore, she has completely given up any hope. The reason why she is still here now is just to bring an end to her ten years.

"Is everything okay?"

Mu En on the side scratched Liya's palm with her fingers.

Under the nose of the saint, he couldn't go too far and could only do this kind of sneaky intimacy.


Liya shook her head slightly, showing that cute and charming smile as always.

"I am fine."


The comforting words on her lips were swallowed back by Mu En again. At this moment, the girl no longer needed those weak words.

She is strong.

So, just watch.

Mu En's attention returned to the Saint again. Margarita and Anne's crystals were equally bright, so he was also very curious about the result.


The saint finally took steps under several nervous gazes.

The long skirt that stretches over the instep rises and falls with the footsteps, just like the sudden acceleration of the heartbeat of everyone here.

I'm afraid it's not just here. Outside, in the Holy City, and even across the entire continent, believers who know that the new Saint will be born on this night have been sleepless all night, waiting for the birth of the result.

It's like waiting for a new sun to rise.

"It's so beautiful...it must be very hard."

The saint came to Anne and softly admired her crystal.

In an instant, everyone saw this loli girl raising her swan-like neck, puffing out her calm chest, and raising her little feet.

"It's not hard, it's done easily!"

The arrogant stinky loli is even more stinky.

If it weren't for her lack of height, she would probably look down on everyone with a condescending look.

She stared eagerly at the approaching saint, thinking that her long-cherished wish could finally be fulfilled!

As long as you lead the trend as a saint, you will be cute even if you are so small!

Annie was looking forward to that moment!


The saint did not read out the results, she only expressed her admiration.

That's all.

She hugged Anne gently, but did not stop. She finally passed the proud loli whose toes were trembling because she stood on tiptoe for too long... and came to Margarita.

Margarita was stunned for a moment, then raised her mouth, and glanced at Anne, whose expression was frozen and looked like she was petrified.

It seems that I am the winner in the end... Don't worry, I will carry forward your legacy.

Compared with the arrogant loli, Margarita, as a princess, is much more reserved. She suppressed her inner excitement, but the joy in her eyes was still somewhat uncontrollable.

"You are also very beautiful, just like your heart, pure and flawless, shining like stars."

The saint also admired sincerely.

But hearing this admiration, the corners of Margarita's mouth stiffened instantly.

This is almost the same picture...

As expected.

The saint gently embraced her in her arms, just admiring.

Then she passed her without stopping.


Anne and Margarita both cried out incomprehensibly at the same time.

At present, there are only two candidates suitable for the saint. If they are not chosen, then...

The two looked back blankly, and then saw the saint move lightly and come to... Mu En.




Several exclamations sounded, and even Fei'er, who was just watching the fun, jumped up from her seat in shock.

Liya was even more dazed, her brain overloaded.

"What the hell?"

Looking at the saint who seemed to be smiling in front of him, Mu En's eyelids began to twitch uncontrollably.


Your Highness, you are not...choosing me.

What a joke!

Even if he was handsome and elegant, and even if he dressed up as a woman, he would be stunning, but a male saint...

In Mu En's mind, there was a picture of himself wearing a white dress, shrouded in white gauze, sitting cross-legged on a hazy chariot, passing through the holy city, and being worshipped by countless devout believers...

Maybe he should learn to look like the current saint, elegant, holy, shy... No, absolutely not!

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed!

Mu En frowned, indicating that he would never easily compromise under the tyranny of the church!

"You are really interesting, Mu En Campbell."

Fortunately, the saint did not suddenly make any shocking declarations.

Her meaningful gaze actually stayed on Mu En for a short time. Rather than looking at a future saint, it was better to take a closer look at what kind of pig was so bold that it came to the church to get something for nothing.

So soon, she turned her head and looked gently at the last candidate for the saint, Liya.

"And you, little Liya."

The Saint sighed softly and said with emotion:

"You always do things that even I, your teacher, can't expect."

"Yes...I'm sorry."

"Look up, I'm not scolding you."

The Saint stretched out her soft hand, gently propped up Liya's little head, and looked at each other gently.

At this moment, Liya suddenly realized that the depths of the Saint's eyes were not only gentle.

There were sighs.

There were regrets.

There were mixed thoughts.

There was also a kind of ease and relief.

"Saint teacher...?"

As if she understood this complex look, Liya's voice suddenly trembled.

"In fact, I never thought that there would be such a scene before, because in my opinion, it is difficult for you, who is kind and pure, to reach this point today."

The Saint stroked Liya's little face and said:

"Feeling surprised?"


Liya nodded, still at a loss:

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