"My crystal..."

"Yes, your crystal has been tainted with filth and is no longer brilliant, and a girl who has already shouldered her sins is not qualified to become a saint... That's what you think, right?"

"...Isn't it wrong?"

"Do you think that's right?"

The saint blinked and asked. In the last moment of playing this identity, she finally showed a hint of playfulness that was no longer elegant:

"Have I ever said that? Is there such a record in the church's holy scriptures? On the contrary, Liya, how can a girl who doesn't even have the courage to step into the darkness and become contaminated with filth become a saint? ? The duty of the saint is to guide countless believers forward, but the road forward is always dark, so a brighter light is needed. "

"Bright light, but I..."

Liya is even more confused, bright light? But even her crystal was so dim.

"Don't you understand yet? It's not me who chooses you."

The saint suddenly reached out her hand and held the crystal belonging to Liya.

The crystal that was entangled in filth only flickered like a dim candlelight, which was far less dazzling than Margarita and Anne's.

However, it is still on.

Persistent and bright.

The saint suddenly exerted force, and the crystal shattered.

After losing its restraints, the contamination and filth escaped, and from the gaps in the spreading darkness, what bloomed... was light.

Dazzling light.

Brighter than Margarita's, brighter than Anne's.

Brighter than anyone else.

It came from the monsters, from the prisoners, from the many people Leah had saved.

It comes from Liya's heart.

That light doesn't exist, it's just shrouded in darkness.

But even in the darkness, people can still see the flickering light.

No matter if he has to bear countless sins, that light has never been polluted by filth and darkness.


Looking at the dazzling light, Annie curled her lips and turned her head awkwardly.

Margarita, however, forcibly turned her head back and sighed:

"It's amazing..."

"So, Lea Angel, let me ask you that original question again."

In the light that belonged to Liya, the saint looked into Liya's eyes and asked solemnly:

"Even if you have seen the deepest darkness in the world, even if you are surrounded by heavy sin and filth, will you still...remain kind?"

"I can."

The girl replied.

There was no need for any hesitation, because this answer had already been engraved deep in her heart.

"very good."

The saint smiled and patted her shoulder:

"Then turn around and go get what belongs to you."

The church door burst open.

The light from the entire world poured in brutally, flooding the entire church in an instant.

It was daytime outside, and the huge goddess statue was at the highest point of the entire holy city, overlooking everything in the world.

The sun was rising, and in the bright morning light, the Pope stood solemnly.

Liya saw many figures behind the Pope, but she could not see anyone clearly.

She suddenly felt a little weak. She knew what she should do now, and she also knew that what she had been pursuing for ten years was within her reach.

But at this moment, she was worried about gains and losses. Does this dream-like scene appear in front of her eyes? Does it mean...

"Go forward, my holy lady."

But at this moment, that familiar, mellow, warm voice sounded beside me.

Liya turned her head blankly and saw the handsome figure who seemed to be by her side forever, still looking at her with a smile:

"You should stand in the light."

The words seemed familiar, and Liya was in a trance.

But this time, there is no need to be pushed by anyone, courage has returned to the heart that is already full.

Liya no longer hesitated, put on a moving smile, straightened her back, and walked forward resolutely.

Walk into the attention of countless people.

The Pope glanced at Mu En indifferently, then withdrew his gaze, held up the crystal clear crown in his hand, and solemnly placed it on Liya's head.

"In response to the divine decree."

"Lia Angel, you...should be a saint."

The holy light rain falls from the sky, like a blessing from the goddess.

Countless believers, facing their new saint, knelt down and worshiped like a tide from near to far.

18. Question

The moment Liya put on the crown that symbolized the identity of the saint, countless believers knelt down and worshiped, and the light rain that washed away the filth fell, and the entire holy city was enveloped in the infinite holy glow, for this event called the Holy Mass. The ceremony comes to a final end.

After that, countless sound-transmitting stone frequencies and urgent letters began to radiate to the entire continent, centered on this city.

In just a few days, this news will be published on the headlines of every newspaper, and everyone will know that the new saint has succeeded to the throne, and her name is Lea Angel.

But since then, I'm afraid not many people dare to call the saint by her honorable name.

Although we still don't know what impact the new saint will have on the world, the saint's succession ceremony will be held in five days as scheduled, so the entire holy city begins to operate in full swing.

The believers are still immersed in the excitement of witnessing the new saint's succession. They don't even know that not long ago, the entire holy city was attacked by the evil god.

Even if they knew, no one would care, because in the eyes of believers, this sacred city is personally protected by the goddess.

But of course there are also some discordant voices. For example, there will always be people who question why the saint... or the previous saint, abdicated for no reason.

Saints are tenured for life, and there is no term for appointment. The next person to be succeeded by a Saint must either return to the goddess or have a special reason.

Special reasons are often rare.

After all, the previous saint had been in office for nearly twenty years, and her image was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Her sudden abdication was indeed unacceptable to many believers.

Some fanatics even attacked several small churches.

Of course, under the patient and gentle guidance and persuasion of the Holy City, this little disturbance quickly disappeared.

The statue of the goddess overlooks the world, and as far as the eye can see, it is full of light.

However, everything that happens in the outside world has nothing to do with Mu En now.

As a yellow-haired pig who had just finished serving cabbage, he was about to experience something extremely dangerous for him.

That is... facing the farmer uncle.

Emile's Cathedral.

Still under the guidance of Sister Lin, Mu En walked through the magnificent hall and came to the ordinary wooden door.

"Your Majesty is waiting for you inside."

Lin saluted expressionlessly, then turned and left without stopping. Mu En, who originally wanted to hold her and say a few words to embolden her, could only look at her stretched out hand in embarrassment.

"Damn, what are you afraid of?"

Mu En hit herself, gritted her teeth and said:

"I just brought happiness to the beautiful girl, and I didn't do anything bad. There's no need to be afraid!"

After experiencing countless fierce confrontations in his heart, Mu En finally slowly opened the door and walked inside with the thought that it was a knife to extend his head, and it was a knife to shrink his head, and it was completely guiltless to bring happiness to the beautiful girl.

Inside the door, it is no longer the ordinary room from last time.

Rather, it is a space so vast that one cannot see the end.

Above the head, there is a real sky, with huge stars suspended in the sky, moving slowly along the star path.

The soles of his feet were a white jade platform, and further down, Mu En saw an entire country suspended there.

Through the barrier, Mu En immediately recognized what it was.

Canterville, Moon looked at this lost town from this angle for the first time. Now it seems that in just a few days, the vitality there seems to have recovered a lot. Even the core area, You can also see green grass from a distance.

"That's going to be a testing ground for the church."

A familiar voice sounded, and Moon, who was looking at Canterwell, was suddenly startled.

He turned his head stiffly, looked at His Majesty the Pope, who stood above all the people, squeezed out a kind smile, and greeted him from a distance.

"Good evening, Your Majesty, have you eaten?"

"What, didn't you ask to see me? Are you scared now that you're here? Are you afraid that I'll eat you if you're so far away?"

The Pope, whose eyebrows were all white, seemed to have returned to his usual kind old man, with extremely kind words and actions.

But Mu En, whose buttocks were still aching, didn't dare to let down her guard at all, and smiled sincerely:

"It doesn't matter. I'm just expressing my respect for you."

"Ha, respect, you were not like this the last time we met."

The Pope waved his sleeves and pointed to the low table in front of him:


His arms couldn't twist his thighs, so Mu En sat down obediently.


Another cup of hot tea was handed to Mu En. Mu En watched the tea brewed by the Pope with fear and fear. Did the Pope actually want to kill himself in a roundabout way like poisoning?

How could I possibly... with such an obvious trap?

"Yeah, good tea."

Under the Pope's gaze, Mu En took a sip intoxicatedly.

"Your Majesty said that Canterville will be a testing ground. What does this mean?"

"Vegetation cultivation, weapon experiments, magic testing, in short, this is the function. Of course, the most important thing is...improving the seeds of life."

The seed of life... remember that it was a seed blessed by the goddess. The yield was astonishing, far exceeding that of previous crops.

"Is Canterville uninhabitable?"

Mu En asked curiously.

"Hospitable? What a suggestion."

The Pope looked at him with a half-smile, "I can give you a piece of land for free. Do you want to live there? You can stay there for as long as you want."

Mu En thought about it carefully and immediately shook his head vigorously:

"Forget it, forget it, I'm overthinking it."

Just kidding, I don’t know what negative effects will be left in a place that has been plowed by the power of several gods.

It's okay to stay for a while, but if you stay there forever... maybe when you wake up one day, you will see your beautiful wife taking the initiative to chat with you, talking about which girl has better taste.

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