"Your Majesty's actions have really benefited the people, and their merits will last forever." Mu En flattered him by the way.


The Pope glanced at Mu En and said nothing.

Speechless for a moment, Mu En fidgeted for a while and could only take the initiative to stir up the topic.

"I thought... it was really impossible for Liya to become a saint."

"Why? Because that girl is no longer a pure virgin?"

The Pope glanced again and sneered.

Mu En's forehead went numb and she said with a smile: "Isn't that what the stories say? The goddess loves pure girls, so as the goddess' representative in the world, the saint should naturally be..."

"The goddess doesn't care."


"I said, the goddess doesn't care."

The Pope put down the teacup casually:

"Have you read the scriptures?"


Mu En nodded. Although he is not a believer in the Goddess of Life, the scriptures of the church in this world are similar to the Bibles of previous lives. They are published in large quantities in various countries, and even non-believers often read them.

"Are there any regulations on what a saint must do?"


Mu En was stunned and thought about it carefully:

"Maybe not."

"Look, the goddess doesn't care about this kind of thing, and the church... actually doesn't care either, because even if she is defeated by you, a pig, she can still carry the holy light, and she can still become a saint and guide believers."


Mu En scratched her head in embarrassment: "I checked the information of the previous saints and found that they never seemed to have a partner during their reign. Even many who abdicated midway due to some special reasons never married... Of course, a few Except for special cases."

"That's because, although the goddess doesn't care, the church doesn't care, but...someone does."

The Pope stretched out his thin fingers and tapped on the table.

"for example……"

"for example?"

The Pope looked into Mu En's eyes and smiled meaningfully:

"Those believers."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

Thinking about the past life, some slightly famous celebrities would cause a lot of trouble if they exposed any news about their marriage and love, and some fans would even openly fight against them on the Internet.

The Saint is not just a star.

In the eyes of countless believers, the saint is the person who serves the goddess and is also the person closest to the goddess.

They believe in the goddess, but the goddess is illusory, so many of their beliefs fall on the real saint.

Mu En thought of the fanatical people when he first entered the city with his predecessor, and also recalled the countless believers who knelt and worshiped on the ground a few days ago.

Like the sea, like the tide, it is enough to drown everything.


Mu En couldn't help but shudder.

Think about it, Her Royal Highness the Saint, whom I sincerely believe in and pray to every day, that noble, holy, and flawless Saint, was humiliated by a yellow-haired pig...

Not only did he arch it, but he also moved his hands up and down, savoring every inch of Her Majesty's skin, every corner of her body, and even the gurgling holy springs, slowly savoring the aftertaste...

If you were a believer, what would you choose?

A. Choose to forgive.

B. Tear apart.

Do you still have to choose? Of course I chose to tear it apart!

And there is no network in this world where they can vent their anger. Their tearing apart would really mean... ruthlessly tearing this disgusting yellow man into pieces.

"do you understand?"

The Pope continued to taste the tea leisurely and said:

"What binds the Saint is not the goddess, nor the church, but the things that hold her up high, and... themselves."

"Their kindness, their compassion, their sense of responsibility, as well as the expectations and beliefs of believers, will all turn into ropes, tightly trapping them. The only ones who can break free are themselves, but they are often unwilling to break free. ”

"Although these words are a bit cruel, the so-called love is really too luxurious for a saint."

"Really? What will the church do now...what will you do now?"

Mu En asked in a serious tone:

"For the church, if my relationship with Liya is exposed, it will be a big blow to your reputation, so what will you do? After Liya becomes a saint, will you force us to separate?"

"Forced separation...sounds like a foolproof method."

The Pope raised his eyebrows, and suddenly a terrifying power rose up. In an instant, he once again changed from a harmless old man to a supreme being above all human beings.

"What if I...really do this?"

The Pope's expression didn't seem to change at all, but there was a terrifying pressure on Mu En.


Mu En remained silent.

Just for a moment.

He looked at the Pope, put his hands on his knees, and slowly puffed out his chest.

The tremendous pressure made his bones creak.

But this man, who was still afraid of being put in small shoes just now, is now facing the pressure of the Supreme Being, and he is looking at him calmly without fear.

"I said it before."

Mu En spoke one word at a time, squeezing out firm words from between his teeth:

"I am Leah's knight, so...I will always stand by her side...forever!"


The Pope stared at Mu En indifferently.

Thin fingers tapped on the table.

Benedict. Benedict. Benedict.

With every knock, the pressure on Mu En increased.

He could clearly feel the cracking sound of the ground beneath him, and could hear the groaning from his body that was overwhelmed.

He knew that as long as the old man in front of him exerted a little force, no matter how many cheats he had, he would be crushed into a pulp without exception.

At present, he did not have the capital to fight against the church.

But he was still stubborn and refused to bow his head.

"Oh, you have courage."

Suddenly, the huge pressure disappeared, and the Pope calmly picked up the teacup and blew away the mist, as if nothing had happened.

Mu En immediately covered his chest and panted violently. Although his whole body was soaked with sweat, he still smiled provocatively at the Pope.

"Ha, I thought you were serious."

"I really want to be serious, but unfortunately our new saint seems to have the courage to break free from her shackles."

The pope lowered his white eyebrows, revealing a kind of helplessness that the cabbage he had worked so hard to grow was gone with the yellow pig:

"In her eyes, you seem to be more important than the position of the saint. The church has finally selected the saint, and we don't have the energy and time to train another one."

"Of course, I also think I am more important than the position of the saint."

Mu En grinned proudly.

The veins on the back of the pope's hand jumped for a while, and he resisted the urge to kick this guy out again, and snorted coldly:

"I don't want to care about young people's affairs, but the overall situation is important, I hope you two..."

The pope lowered his voice and made a gesture of silence.

Mu En had a strange expression. His Majesty the Pope was asking him not to come openly, so... sneak into the village, don't shoot?

Mu En touched his chin and felt that it seemed that this was the only way for the time being.

He is not a tough guy. He will not be so lustful as to make a big fuss about something that will put both Leah and the church under great pressure.

It will not be fun to be burned to death on the stake by hundreds of millions of crazy believers.

Moreover, think about it carefully... developing a romantic underground love affair with a noble saint... seems quite exciting.

Her Highness the Saint is admired by countless believers during the day, and at night...


"But, Your Holiness."

After a little imagination, Mu En put away his silly smile and looked at the Pope expectantly:

"Since you have acknowledged the relationship between Leah and me, should I show some appreciation?"

"Show some appreciation?"

"You have to give some gifts when you marry your daughter, you..."


The blue veins jumped again, and the Pope stared at the shameless guy in front of him in shock.

You took away my cabbage, and you still want to ask me for benefits?

Is this how you get the wool?

At this moment, the Pope seemed to see another shameless old loli jumping in front of him, and could only sigh that he was worthy of being that person's disciple?

"Take this."

After sighing, the Pope suddenly threw a golden badge to Mu En.

Mu En quickly took it and found that the badge was engraved with a pattern of a magnificent palace, solemn and lifelike.

"What is this?"

"The badge symbolizing the Honorary Templar Knight."

The Pope said: "Your previous Divine Knight was actually just a nominal position to help the saint in the sanctification ceremony, and the Honorary Templar Knight given to you now is a kind of honorary knight title plug-in to the church, with the right to mobilize church resources to a certain extent."


Mu En's eyes widened.

So good?

The Honorary Templar Knight recognized by the church is a noble title that countless people want but cannot get. The awardees are often well-known strong men or people who have made great contributions, and they will receive great courtesy in various countries.

Not to mention that he could mobilize the resources of the church. Even Mu En, the son of the Duke, felt the badge in his hand was hot for this honor.

"Really give it to me?"

Mu En still couldn't believe it, fearing that there was a trap waiting for him.

"I am the Pope, and I won't fool you."

The Pope had a blank expression: "It can be regarded as a reward for what you did in Canterville. Although I don't want to admit it, those things are indeed hot potatoes that the church can't touch."


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