Mu En felt relieved and admired the badge happily.

It doesn't really matter whether you are a knight or not.

The important thing is that he is now finally considered a person with a certain status in the church and a member of his family. He no longer needs to be led or watched by someone to go to a certain place in the church like before.


Go back and find out where Liya's room is!

I don’t have any other thoughts, the main thing is to share this happy event with her!

But at that moment when Mu En didn't pay attention, the corners of the Pope's mouth also faintly curled up.

"Okay, the tea is finished."

When the last cup of tea was swallowed with the aroma of tea, Mu En noticed that the stars in the sky seemed to have reached a limit, and the entire space became much darker.

All the noise had disappeared, and in the silence, the Pope looked at him calmly:

"You probably didn't come here specifically to talk to me about some irrelevant gossip."


After a moment of silence, Mu En put down the teacup:

"I do have a question to ask you."



Mu En looked around.

"Don't worry, I have sealed the highest place, no one can hear our conversation."

The Pope speaks out.


Mu En put away the badge and her expression gradually became serious.

"This is a question that began to bother me in Canterville. The root of the problem began with Miss Freya's words. I know the huge impact of that question, so I have thought about it for a long time, but sometimes, just You cannot get the answer by thinking and guessing.

Although there is a suspicion of blasphemy and transgression, for the sake of peace of mind and to be on the safe side, I still want to offend and ask. "

The Pope's face was expressionless, as if he had expected it, waiting for Mu En's next words.


Mu En took a deep breath, stared into the Pope's eyes, and asked seriously:

"Your Majesty the Pope, the church, and the goddess of life Emile, whom countless believers in the mainland believe in, evil god?"

19. Emile

"Emile, the goddess of an evil god?"

Mu En stared at the Pope solemnly and asked questions word by word.

At this moment, in the highest place that has been sealed off, the sky is dim.

The atmosphere was a bit heavy.

Before Mu En's body was completely dry, cold sweat broke out again. Although there was no wind, he still felt the chill.

In this world, it is difficult to define what is good and what is evil.

But this does not apply to gods.

Because unlike those righteous gods who rarely interfere in the world, most of whom are not famous, but only accept the beliefs of believers and occasionally send blessings and gifts, the so-called evil gods themselves are synonymous with destruction, death, and disorder.

They cannot penetrate the world's barriers and truly come to this world, but they still greedily watch all things in the shadow of the world, looking forward to the gluttonous blood feast.

They frequently engage in seemingly fair transactions with humans, but with the will that penetrates those transactions and deception, they can easily pollute the minds of countless people, leading them to distortion and madness.

In the long history, whether it is the King of Blight, the Silent Moon, or even the God of Love, known as the Shame of the Evil God, they have all caused extremely terrible tragedies.

Some scholars have even discovered a prophecy from thousands of years ago that the world will be destroyed at the hands of evil gods.

It can be said that in the eyes of many people, the evil god is the source of all disasters.

That's why Emile, the goddess of life, who now has countless believers on the continent and has performed countless miracles, can be said to have guided the entire human race in that chaotic could she be an evil god?

If Mu En's remarks were publicized, even without the church's intervention, the angry believers would accuse him of blaspheming the goddess and burn him to death on the stake a thousand or eight hundred times.

Therefore, it takes great courage to ask this question.

Originally, he could choose to keep this question silently in his heart for the time being and slowly find the answer by himself, but that's not possible now.

Because Liya has become a saint of the church.

"Oh, asking such a treasonous question in front of me, the Pope... I have to admit that your lust and courage are really admirable."

Although the question was indeed outrageous, there seemed to be nothing unusual about the Pope's expression.

"Can I ask, by the way, why you ask such a question?" the Pope said with a half-smile.

"I just mentioned it because of Freya's words - similar, but opposite." Mu En replied.

"Is that why?"

"No, this is just a primer. What really made me start to doubt was the series of things that happened in Cantwell."

Mu En lowered her gaze.

Below where he was sitting and talking with the Pope, the country that existed thousands of years ago was still floating there quietly, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep.

In the country, the indigenous people no longer exist.

And the milk flowing in the river, the beef and mutton growing on the trees... these creations that the indigenous people have relied on for thousands of years have naturally been completely eliminated.

But those images are still vivid in my mind.

Not only that, but there were also the prisoners who were later turned into dead objects, the demon dogs that were transformed from dead objects, and later the plains of flesh and blood.

If these seemingly different powers can be summed up in one word, it would be - life.

Abnormal life.

This is the power of the Mother of Abundance.

"If my guess is correct, the authority of the Mother of Fertility is unlimited, unruly, unconstrained, twisted, mutated, and deformed growth and reproduction.

The authority of Emile, the goddess of life, is the beginning and end of life. "

The seed of life blessed by the goddess, which represents the beginning of life.

The putrid power with which the goddess contaminates Canterville represents the end of life.

The powers of the Goddess of Life and the Mother of Fertility are so similar because they are both part of the huge concept of life, but the part of the Mother of Fertility has been completely distorted.

The two are completely opposite, because they themselves represent different extremes of life.

"This kind of similarity and opposite is really unconcious, and it makes people think of other words..."

Mu En raised his head again, looked at the Pope, and revealed the vocabulary he had learned from the black book:

"Same position, same origin, mutual support and mutual restraint, each other's natural enemy, each other... eager to devour each other."

"It's like, the King of Blight...and the Silent Moon!"


There was another brief silence.

Mu En's heart became more and more anxious.

If his guess is true, then this is undoubtedly the church's biggest secret.

He could not imagine how the Pope would react when his biggest secret was revealed...

Maybe he would directly raise his hand to suppress him. Coupled with the new and old grudges, it is not impossible to be cruel.

I can only hope that Teacher Meira can work harder and get him back...

...However, what surprised Mu En was that after listening to his guess, the Pope's expression still did not change at all.

Mu En could not feel any anger in him. Instead, it was as if he was hearing a random story compiled by a drunk bard, and a smile flashed across his face.

"What would you do if I guessed it?"


Why is this kind of weird problem happening again?

Mu En looked at the Pope suspiciously:

"I will take Liya and leave quickly."

"Oh why?"

"Because it's dangerous."

Mu En said:

"I can't fight against the church now, and I will only be regarded as a madman if I spread this news randomly, but I must at least take Liya away so that the people I care about will not be involved in this whirlpool!"


The Pope raised his eyebrows and said curiously:

"But aren't you using the power of the evil god yourself? Aren't others allowed to use it?"

"That's different."

Mu En took a deep breath.

Teacher Mela said that power itself is innocent, and the danger is the person who uses the power.

But the reason why he was able to use the power of the King of Wither was because with the help of the Black Book, he received the "favor" of the King of Wither.

But no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for an evil god to be generous enough to care for so many believers. He is not a philanthropic female Bodhisattva. Her favorite thing to do is to go around giving alms physically. She must have some agenda.

An evil god believed by countless people could spread his pollution to the entire world at any time through those devout believers. Mu En shuddered and couldn't imagine it.

"Of course, if you tell me that the church has mastered some method of isolating the consciousness pollution of the evil god and squeezing the evil god's wool while the evil god is still alive, I will also be happy to hear it."

Mu En said seriously.

Since Teacher Mela is colluding with the old guy in front of her, it doesn't look like the church is guilty of any serious crimes.

And even in the original book, the church is a relatively upright character... Although there are a lot of dark sides in conventional religions, the church is indeed the main force for mankind to fight against evil gods.

So after thinking about it, this possibility is the most reasonable.

"Haha. The method of isolating the contamination of the evil god's consciousness while the evil god is still alive sounds really wonderful. It's so wonderful that it might make me laugh even when I sleep."

The Pope suddenly chuckled:

"...Unfortunately, that method does not exist, otherwise the world would not be in such a precarious situation today."


"What you said just now...are considered excellent guesses. That old guy really told you a lot."

the pope marveled.

Mu En's pupils shrank, and her body tensed almost instinctively.


The next moment, the Pope continued:

"That's wrong."



The Pope said piously:

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