"Emile, the goddess of life, is a kind, great, and benevolent god. She is not an evil god, and she is not likely to bring any disasters to this world."


Mu En was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses from the eighteen turns of the mountain road.

"Is it really wrong?"

"Otherwise, I will immediately turn into an evil believer and crush you to ashes?"

The Pope glanced at Mu En angrily and sneered:

"You don't really think I'm going to kill you. That old guy can be saved."


"If you don't believe it, you can go back and ask that old guy in your family. She knows a lot more than me!" The Pope said expressionlessly.

"Ha...haha...Your Majesty's words are serious. How could I not believe it?"

Mu En scratched her head awkwardly and said with a smile:

"I also think that the great goddess is definitely not a bad god. In fact, I just ask, ask... I don't have any bad intentions."


Really not wanting to have more conversations with this shameless golden-haired bastard of the same lineage, the Pope who couldn't bear it anymore finally waved his sleeves, and the golden door appeared, swallowing Mu En immediately.

Mu En once again felt like she was in a drum washing machine...no, she was walking in a centrifuge.

The world is spinning.

In the church, Mu En was holding on to the wall and retching for a long time. After finally calming down the turmoil in his stomach, he raised his head and happened to see the statue of the goddess staring at him with a compassionate face.

"Is it true that I guessed wrong?"

Mu En was suddenly excited, clasped her hands together, and murmured towards the statue of the goddess:

"Goddess Emile is above me. I didn't deliberately arrange it for you. It's your fault. You shouldn't care about such a trivial matter, right..."

"No, that doesn't seem sincere enough."

Mu En, who had been talking for a long time, raised his head and thought:

"After all, I'm not a religious person. I'm not good at praying to the goddess for forgiveness."

"Oh, I have no choice. In this case, I can only let someone who is good at it teach me."

So, Mu En, who felt deeply helpless, let out a long sigh, put on a solemn and serious expression, and quickly went to ask for the teachings of the Holy Lady.

After Mu En left, the Pope also walked into a door.

The space moved around, and he came to the very bottom of the highest place, which was also the most taboo area in the entire church.

The first restricted area.

As the most tightly sealed area, unexpectedly there is no cold and serious atmosphere here. Instead, flowers are blooming, birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and it is full of vitality.

"How's everything going?"

the pope asked.

"not so good."

There was a sigh, coming from a tombstone buried in flowers.

"If this continues, we won't be able to hold on for long."

"Not very good, a little bit better than very bad."

With those awkward words, the Pope crossed the tombstone and walked forward.

Ahead, there is a bottomless pit, the size of a lake, with bright vegetation growing on the walls.

Judging from the density, it can be seen that all the vegetation here spreads out from the potholes.

The Pope lowered his eyes and stared into the darkness. After a moment, he took out a crystal gem from his arms.

The gem does not contain holy light, but pure divinity.

Divinity extracted from the remains of the projection of the Mother of Abundance.

He threw these precious divinities into the dark pit without hesitation.

"Crunch, crunch..."

In the pothole, the sound of steel friction and chewing could be heard.

The sound was extremely harsh, but the Pope was not disgusted.

"The evil god...?"

As if remembering Mu En's words before, he suddenly smiled:

"How could something like that happen...are you right, our...goddess Emile?"

The Pope leaned over and prayed devoutly to the goddess he believed in and served:

"Goddess Emile...please...as always, kindly lead mankind...forward..."

"Crunch, crunch..."

The chewing continued, then stopped.

During the Pope's sincere prayer, it turned into a vague sob:

"Ugh...it hurts..."


In the dark forest, the two-person team moved forward silently, one behind the other.

They were covered in mud and looked a little tired and embarrassed. They were observing their surroundings vigilantly, as if they knew they were in a dangerous place, and were extremely cautious in every move they made.

Among them, the soldier who was slightly behind suddenly changed his expression and fell to the ground. While muttering, "Did that bitch pharmacist fake the medicine again?", he took off his boots and shook them hard. .

A finger-long poisonous insect was thrown out of the boot. The soldier, with quick eyesight and quick hands, pulled out his dagger and stabbed it suddenly. The poisonous insect was immediately chopped into two pieces.

The green liquid splashed, and the poisonous insect's broken body twisted in two, and it was still making a sharp squeaking sound.

Even though he was used to it, the soldier still couldn't help showing a look of disgust, shaking his head and sighing:

"Oh, how long will this kind of nonsense continue..."

"Don't complain."

A steady voice came, and a leather boot suddenly lifted up, crushing the dead but not stiff poisonous insect into crumbs.

"The mission is the most important thing."


The soldier saw the captain's serious face, as if someone owed him thousands of Emiles. Thinking that he really owed him thousands of Emiles, he shrank his neck, put on his boots again, and stood up from the ground. .

The thick water vapor made the inside of the boots soaked, and coupled with the airtight wallet, the whole figure seemed to be enveloped in a steamer. After the temperature dropped at night, a chill came over. The soldier felt that his body temperature was rapidly disappearing, and his hands and feet were already cold.

You can only rely on constant exercise to maintain your body temperature.

But the physical energy consumed by exercising in this ghost place is really amazing.

This is a dense and gloomy jungle. Except for the poisonous insects all over the ground and the croaking crows flying among the branches and leaves of the huge trees, there are basically no living creatures.

If we die here, I'm afraid not even the whole body will be left.

The soldier imagined his body being devoured by poisonous insects and crows, and he couldn't help but sigh.

He was a new recruit who had only joined the army for a few months. He originally wanted to earn military pay and beat up the distasteful kingdom barbarians in the north, so he chose the border guards under the extremely famous Earl of Ayler.

But I didn't expect that even the barbarians from the kingdom would be assigned to carry out such a fucking task without even seeing a single one of them.

Find someone.

Still looking for someone in such a huge forest.

This kind of thing is as outrageous as trying to pick up a needle in the sea. Based on the soldiers' past experience, ordinary people can stay in such a ghost place for only a few days before they become food in the crow's belly. .

But the person they are looking for is said to have been missing for almost a month, so why is there any need to look for him?

"Captain, shouldn't it be easier for those magicians to do this kind of thing?"

The soldier still couldn't help but complain:

"I heard that those magicians are omnipotent in heaven and on earth. They just want to find someone. It's a very simple matter. Just like this, using magic a few times, I saw those magicians from a distance before. It’s so majestic when you use magic.”

The soldiers were making some extremely exaggerated movements, as if they had already taken part in it.

"I'm not too sure either."

The captain took out a dry cigarette and smoked it. The long knife in his hand drove skillfully:

"I just heard that a very terrifying existence has awakened in this forest. The more powerful a person is, the easier it is to attract the attention of that existence."

The soldier's expression changed: "Then let's..."

"Do not worry."

The captain glanced at him: "You don't have any flesh on your body, how can people take notice of you?"

"That's right, hehe."

The soldier scratched his head.

"But I still find it strange. The order we received at first was just to guard outside the forest. Why did it suddenly change in the past two days? When it comes to finding someone, aren't the first few days the most important? It’s been a month since we started searching, but all the bones and debris are probably gone.”

"I'm not very sure. I just heard that the initial order was given by Earl Ayler, but it came again two days ago. I don't know which master above said anything to Earl Ayler, and then we were called in. Find someone’s order.”

The captain paused for a moment before speaking, and suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"Rumors, I heard that the one we are looking for is the eldest lady of a noble family!"

"……I see."

The soldier showed an expression of sudden realization and sighed:

"Lord Earl Ayler is a good gentleman."

"Yes, of course Lord Earl is a good man. This is the consensus of our frontier army, but..."

The captain sighed: "Not all noble lords are so good."


The soldier pursed his lips: "It's because the lord over there is so abominable. Not only does he pay high taxes, but he also steals other people's wives. That's why..."

The captain's expression became solemn: "Shut up! Don't say such nonsense!"

"I know, I will only talk to you, captain, in the deep mountains and forests..."

The soldier took out the kettle and wanted to drink water. He shook it and found that it was empty. He couldn't help mumbling a few more words and continued to ask:

"However, I feel that something is still wrong. If we really want to look for it carefully, it shouldn't be like this."

The soldier pointed at himself and then at the captain.

Work in groups of two.

This is a very stupid behavior for entering a forest to search for someone, because just two people cannot take care of each other, and there is no way to spread out and search.

From the perspective of the soldiers, this method... just makes the limited manpower look more powerful.

Well, hundreds of teams composed of hundreds of people report search news day and night, which sounds really scary.

"Who knows, how dare we speculate randomly about what the gentlemen above are thinking."

The captain knocked his cigarette butt on the tree trunk nearby, ending this dangerous topic.

He glanced at the soldier's still childish face, and his expression softened a little:

"Let's stay here tonight. Camp and rest on the spot. I'll light the fire while you go to the lake to get some water."

The captain pointed to a small lake not far away.


As soon as he heard that he could rest, the exhausted soldier suddenly surged with infinite strength, picked up the captain's water bottle, and walked quickly towards the lake.

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